List of wars involving the Ottoman Empire

This is a Ottoman Empire ordered chronologically, including civil wars within the empire.

The earliest form of the Ottoman military was a nomadic steppe cavalry force. This was centralized by Osman I from Turkoman tribesmen inhabiting western Anatolia in the late 13th century. Orhan I organized a standing army paid by salary rather than looting or fiefs. The Ottomans began using guns in the late 14th century.

The Ottoman Empire was the first of the three Islamic Gunpowder Empires, followed by Safavid Persia and Mughal India. By the 14th century, the Ottomans had adopted gunpowder artillery. By the time of Sultan Mehmed II, they had been drilled with firearms and became "perhaps the first standing infantry force equipped with firearms in the world." The Janissaries are thus considered the first modern standing army.

The Ottoman Classical Army was the military structure established by Mehmed II. The classical Ottoman army was the most disciplined and feared military force of its time, mainly due to its high level of organization, logistical capabilities and its elite troops. Following a century long reform efforts, this army was forced to disbandment by Sultan Mahmud II on 15 June 1826 by what is known as Auspicious Incident. By the reign of Mahmud the Second, the elite Janissaries had become corrupt and an obstacle in the way of modernization efforts, meaning they were more of a liability than an asset.

Rise (1299–1453)

  Ottoman victory
  Ottoman defeat
  Another result
Date Conflict Ottomans (and allies) Opposition Result
1285 Siege of Kulaca Hisar Kayı tribe Byzantine Empire Victory
  • Osman Gazi conquers the Byzantine castle of Kulaca Hisar.
1302 Battle of Bapheus and Battle of Dimbos Kayı tribe

Ottoman Empire

Byzantine Empire Victory
  • Kayi tribe transitions into Ottoman Empire.
  • Byzantium loses control over Bithynia and allows gradual Ottoman expansion into Byzantine controlled Asia Minor
1317/1320–1326 Siege of Bursa Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire Victory
  • Ottomans become the major power in Asia Minor
1328–1331 Siege of Nicaea Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire Victory
  • Ottomans conquer Bithynia from Byzantium
1337 Siege of Nicomedia Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire Victory
  • The fall of Nicomedia enabled Orhan to overrun Bithynia and extend Ottoman rule to the eastern shore of the Bosporus. Apart from Constantinople and some territory in Greece, mainly the Peloponnese, the Byzantines were left with an empire in name only.
1345–47 Byzantine civil war of 1341–1347 Ottoman Empire (1345–1347)
John VI Kantakouzenos
Serbia (1342–1343)
Beylik of Aydin (1342/3–1345)
Beylik of Saruhan
John V Palaiologos
Anna of Savoy
John XIV Kalekas
Alexios Apokaukos
Zealots of Thessalonica
Serbia (1343–1347)
Second Bulgarian Empire
Principality of Karvuna
1352–57 Byzantine civil war of 1352–1357 Ottoman Empire (1345–1347)
John VI Kantakouzenos
Serbia (1342–1343)
Beylik of Aydin (1342/3–1345)
Beylik of Saruhan
John V Palaiologos
Anna of Savoy
John XIV Kalekas
Alexios Apokaukos
Zealots of Thessalonica
Serbia (1343–1347)
Second Bulgarian Empire
Principality of Karvuna
Partial Defeat
1354 Fall of Gallipoli Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire Victory
1355 Battle of Ihtiman Ottoman Empire Second Bulgarian Empire Partial Defeat
  • Heavy losses stall Ottoman advance on Bulgarian capital of Sofia, however Ottomans are able to inflict a crushing blow on Bulgarian.
1362 or 1369 Ottoman conquest of Adrianople Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire Victory
  • Adrianople becomes the New Capital of the Ottoman Empire
1364 Battle of Sırpsındığı Ottoman Empire Serbian Empire
Second Bulgarian Empire
Banate of Bosnia
Kingdom of Hungary
  • Ottomans conquer Adrianople and make it new capital
1366–1526 Ottoman-Hungarian wars Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary

European allies:

1371 Battle of Samokov Ottoman Empire Second Bulgarian Empire
Moravian Serbia
1371 Battle of Maritsa Ottoman Empire Serbian Empire Victory
1371 Byzantine civil war of 1373–79 John V Palaiologos
Ottoman Empire
Republic of Venice
Andronikos IV Palaiologos
Savci Bey
Republic of Genoa
  • Byzantine Empire cedes Gallipoli to Ottomans and essentially become Ottoman vassals
1381-1384 Albanian-Epirote War (1381–84) Despotate of Epirus in Ioannina
Ottoman Empire
Despotate of Arta Defeat
  • Preljubović, leader of Epirus, appealed for help from the Ottomans and Frank's who provide the Epirotes with an auxiliary force.
  • Thomas Preljubović uses his new auxiliary to good use by capturing many fortresses in the Despotate of Arta, but Albanians under Gjon Shpata, together with the Mazarakii tribe held their defensive positions and ultimately defeated Thomas once again.
1382-1385 Zetan-Albania War Princedom of Albania
Ottoman Empire
Lordship of Zeta Victory
  • Zetan forces under Balša II capture the Princedom's capital, Durrës.
  • In 1385 Zetan Forces are defeated by Thopia with help of Ottoman forces in the Battle of Savra.
  • Thopia recaptures capital of Durrës and reestablished the Princedom of Albania.
1382–1393 Ottoman Conquest of Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Bulgarian Empire Victory
1385 First Zenebishi Uprising against the Ottomans Ottoman Empire Albanian Zenebishi Family Defeat
1385 Battle of Savra Ottoman Empire
Albanian Thopia family
Principality of Zeta Victory
  • Since the Ottomans were victorious, most of the local Serbian and Albanian lords became vassals. Immediately after this battle Thopia recaptured Durrës, probably under the Ottoman suzerainty. The Ottomans captured Krujë, Berat, and Ulcinj and soon retreated from them keeping only Kastoria under their permanent control.
1388 Battle of Bileća Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Bosnia Defeat
1389 Battle of Kosovo (1389) Ottoman Empire Moravian Serbia
District of Branković
Kingdom of Bosnia
Knights Hospitaller

Albanian principalities

Unknown Result
Some sources claim Tactically Inconclusive whereas some claim Victory
  • Heavy losses on both sides devastate less numerous Serbs, while Ottomans are able to bring troops from the east.
  • Ottoman Sultan Murad I and Serbian Prince Lazar are killed and Bayezid I becomes new sultan.
  • Serbian lords eventually became vassals of the Ottomans.
1389-1390 Albanian-Epirote War of 1389–90 Despotate of Epirus (all four battles)
Thessaly (second battle)
Ottoman Empire (third and fourth battles)
Despotate of Arta (all four battles)
Malakasi Tribe (second battle)
  • Albanian and Aromanian forces are defeated in four battles against Epirote, Thessalian and Ottoman forces around Jannina.
  • Albanian forces withdraw into the surrounding mountains
1390 Fall of Philadelphia Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire Victory
  • In 1390, Sultan Bayezid summoned the co-emperors of Byzantium, John VII and Manuel II and ordered them to accompany the besieging Turkish force to Philadelphia. The co-emperors submitted to the degradation, and Philadelphia surrendered when it saw the imperial banner hoisted among the horse-tails of the Turkish pashas above the camp of the besiegers. The humiliation of the empire could go no further than when the heir of Justinian and Basil Bulgaroktonos took the field at the behest of a Turkish Emir, in order to extinguish the last relics of freedom in his own country.
1391 Siege of Constantinople (1391) Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire
Kingdom of Hungary
1394–1395 Bayezid's Campaign against Wallachia Ottoman Empire Wallachia Tactical Defeat
1394–1395 Siege of Constantinople (1394–1402) Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire
Crusade of Nicopolis
Kingdom of FranceRepublic of Venice
Siege pulled
1396 Crusade of Nicopolis Ottoman Empire Holy Roman Empire

Kingdom of France

Kingdom of Hungary

Principality of Wallachia
Knights Hospitaller
Republic of Venice
Republic of Genoa
Second Bulgarian Empire
Kingdom of Poland
Crown of Castile
Crown of Aragon
Kingdom of Portugal
Kingdom of Navarre
Teutonic Knights
Byzantine Empire

  • Ottomans defeat Crusades and no new Anti-Ottoman alliance is formed till the 1440s
  • Ottomans maintain pressure on Constantinople, tightened control over the Balkans, and became a greater threat to central Europe
  • Collapse of Second Bulgarian Empire
1399–1402 Ottoman-Timurid War Ottoman Empire

Black Tatars

Albanian principalities

Moravian Serbia

District of Branković



Mamluk Sultanate

Kingdom of Georgia

Knights Hospitaller

Timurid Empire

Aq Qoyunlu


  • Anatolian Beyliks got independence.
  • Bayezid I is captured by Timur and dies in captivity, leaving the Ottoman Empire without a sultan
  • Ottoman Interregnum begins
  • Ottoman Empire on the brink of collapse
  • Timurid conquests and invasions ends.
1402–1413 Ottoman Interregnum Mehmed Çelebi
Serbian Despotate
İsa Çelebi

Süleyman Çelebi
Byzantine Empire

Musa Çelebi

Mehmed Victory
  • Mehmed Çelebi becomes Mehmed I
  • Ottoman Empire is re-united
1402 Battle of Tripolje Ottoman Empire
District of Branković
Serbian Despotate Defeat
  • The two sides clashed on 21 November 1402, at Tripolje, near the Gračanica Monastery. The date of the battle coincided with the Presentation of Mary. Lazarević divided his army into two groups. Constantine of Kostenets, Lazarević's biographer (ca. 1431), wrote that the army was divided between the two brothers, in case one fell the other would be saved and stay a "good shepherd of the flock". Lazarević assigned the larger group to his brother Vuk, while he took the smaller group. It is unknown whether the army that Balšić contributed as security was present at the battle. Branković enjoyed significant Ottoman support.
1404 Uprising of Konstantin and Fruzhin Suleyman Çelebi Prince Fruzhin
Tsar Konstantin II
  • Ottomans crush the Bulgarian revolt
1411 Siege of Constantinople (1411) Musa Çelebi Byzantine Empire
Mehmed Çelebi
  • Mehmet Celebi lifts the siege
1414 Ottoman-Gjirokastër War Ottoman Empire Albanian Zenebishi Family Victory
  • Ottomans conquer the territory of the Principality.
  • Ruler of the Principality, Gjon Zenebishi, goes into exile in Corfu.
1416 Battle of Gallipoli (1416) Ottoman Empire Republic of Venice Defeat
  • Pietro Loredan crushes the Ottoman fleet to ensure Venetian superiority in the Aegean for the next few decades
1416–1420 Revolt of Sheikh Bedreddin Ottoman Empire Sheikh Bedreddin Victory
  • Sheikh Bedreddin's revolt is suppressed and he and his followers are executed
1418 Second Ottoman-Gjirokastër War Ottoman Empire Albanian Zenebishi Family Victory
  • Ottomans successfully besiege Gjirokastër and reconquer the territory of the Principality.
  • Ruler of the Principality, Depë Zenebishi, goes into exile in Corfu.
1422 Siege of Constantinople (1422) Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire Defeat
1422–1430 Siege of Thessalonica Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire

Republic of Venice

  • Ottomans capture Thessalonica
1421–1522 2nd Conquest of Anatolia Ottoman Empire Beylik of Karaman
Beylik of Isfendiyar
Beylik of Aydin
Empire of Trebizond
Sultanate of Eretna
Beylik of Teke
Byzantine Empire
Beyliks of Canik
Beylik of Germiyan
Beylik of Menteşe
Beylik of Karasi
Beylik of Saruhan
  • Ottomans conquer Anatolia
1426–1428 Ottoman-Hungarian War of 1426–1428 Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary Serbian Despotate Wallachia

Kingdom of Bosnia
Grand Duchy of Lithuania

  • The Kingdom of Hungary recognized the Ottoman annexation of Alacahisar and Güvercinlik and their rule over the Serbian Despotate and the Wallachian Voivodeship
1428 Siege of Golubac Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
  • Serbia becomes vassal state of the Ottoman Empire
  • Ottomans invade Bosnia
1432–1436 Albanian Revolt of 1432–1436 Ottoman Empire Various Albanian rebels Victory
  • Suppression of Revolt. Restoration of Ottoman Rule in Albania
1432–1479 Albanian–Ottoman Wars (1432–1479) Ottoman Empire 1443–44:
Kastrioti Family
Arianiti Family

League of Lezhë

League of Lezhë
Angevin Kingdom of Naples

Albanians under Skanderbeg
Muzaka Lordship

Angevin Kingdom of Naples

Angevin Kingdom of Naples

Angevin Kingdom of Naples

Muzaka Lordship

Angevin Kingdom of Naples

Republic of Venice

Angevin Kingdom of Naples

Angevin Kingdom of Naples

Republic of Venice

Lordship of Zeta (Siege of Shkodra only)


Initial Albanian victory

  • The Ottomans are defeated in numerous battles by the Albanians, mostly under Skanderbeg
  • Albanian resistance weakens following the death of Skanderbeg in 1468

Eventual Ottoman victory

1440 Siege of Belgrade (1440) Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary
Serbian Despotate
1440–1441 Siege of Novo Brdo Ottoman Empire Serbian Despotate Victory
  • During the siege of Novo Brdo its population suffered heavy casualties. On 27 June 1441 Novo Brdo surrendered to the Ottoman forces, who then robbed and burned the captured town.
1443–1444 Crusade of Varna Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Poland
Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Serbian Despotate
Crown of Bohemia
Principality of Wallachia
Bulgarian rebels
Kingdom of Bosnia
Papal States
Teutonic Knights
Duchy of Burgundy
Republic of Venice
Republic of Ragusa
  • Ottomans halt European attempt to check their rapid expansion
1447–1448 Albanian–Venetian War Ottoman Empire

Republic of Venice

League of Lezhë Defeat
  • The League of Lezhë gains all lands on the Albanian side of the Drin River
1448 Battle of Kosovo (1448) Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Poland
Principality of Wallachia
Principality of Moldavia
  • Defeat of the European Crusaders
  • Balkans slowly fall to the Ottomans
  • Mehmed II free to siege Constantinople
1453 Fall of Constantinople Ottoman Empire Byzantine Empire
Genoese volunteers
Venetian volunteers
Sicilian volunteers
Papal States
Ottoman defectors

Classical Age (1453–1566)

Date Conflict Ottomans (and allies) Opposition Result
1454 Battle of Leskovac Ottoman Empire Serbian Despotate Defeat
  • Skobaljić on November 16, 1454, defeating his army at Tripolje (near Novo Brdo), where Voivode Nikola and his men fought to the last man, inflicting disproportionately large casualties on the Ottoman force.
1454 Battle of Kruševac Ottoman Empire Serbian Despotate Defeat
  • Nikola Skobaljić continued his forays against the Ottomans, operating between Leskovac and Priština, and won several major victories against the armies of the sultan.
1455 Siege of Trepča Ottoman Empire Serbian Despotate Victory
1455 Siege of Novo Brdo (1455) Ottoman Empire Serbian Despotate Victory
  • The notables of the city were executed; 320 young men were recruited into the Janissaries and 700 Serbian women were enlisted into the army. The roof of St. Nicholas Church, popularly known as the Saxon church, was removed along with its bells. In 1467, the rest of the people were taken to Istanbul. The Ottoman colony established in the conquered city could not prevent its cultural and economic decline. Novo Brdo, which became noteworthy as the eventual site of an Ottoman mint, maintained its importance until the reign of Murad IV
1455 Siege of Berat (1455) Ottoman Empire Coa Kastrioti Family League of Lezhë Victory
  • Berat falls to the Ottomans
1456 Siege of Belgrade (1456) Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary
Serbian Despotate
Crusader peasant and local gentry recruits
1459 Siege of Smederevo (1459) Ottoman Empire Serbian Despotate Victory
  • The fall of Smederevo led to the surrender of all the small forts in northern Serbia. By the end of 1459, all of Serbia was under Mehmed's control, with some 200,000 Serbian captives, thus beginning more than 400 years of Ottoman rule.
1460 Siege of Amasra Ottoman Empire Republic of Genoa Victory
1461 Siege of Trebizond (1461) Ottoman Empire Empire of Trebizond Victory
  • Ottomans conquer Empire of Trebizond
1462 Night attack at Târgoviște Ottoman Empire Wallachia Inconclusive
  • Failure of Wallachian attempt to assassinate Mehmed II
  • Vlad III impales over 20,000 Turks
1462 Ottoman conquest of Lesbos Ottoman Empire Gattilusio lordship of Lesbos
Knights Hospitaller
  • Ottomans conquer the island of Lesbos
1463–1479 First Ottoman-Venetian war Ottoman Empire Republic of Venice
Papal States
League of Lezhë
Principality of Zeta
Kingdom of Hungary
Knights Hospitaller
Crown of Aragon
Kingdom of Naples
Aq Qoyunlu
Duchy of Burgundy
Holy Roman Empire
Principality of Moldavia
Kingdom of Croatia
Duchy of Saint Sava
Kingdom of France
Republic of Ragusa
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Crown of Castile
Greek rebels
  • Ottomans conquer the Morea, Negroponte and Albania from Venetians
1463 Siege of Jajce Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary
Republic of Venice
Kingdom of Bosnia
Republic of Ragusa (logistics, goods)
Bohemian (Hussite) mercenaries
1473 Battle of Otlukbeli Ottoman Empire Aq Qoyunlu Victory
  • Aq Qoyunlu power nearly wiped out in the East, paving way for Shah Ismail I of the Safavids to take over Persia
1473–79 Moldavian War of Mehmed II Ottoman Empire
1475 Conquest of Crimea Ottoman Empire Republic of Genoa Victory
  • The process that started with the conquest of the Anatolian coast of the Black Sea continued with Crimea on the opposite shore, and during the reign of Mehmed the Conqueror, the Black Sea became a Turkish lake.
1479 Battle of Breadfield Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary
Serbian Despotate
1480 First Ottoman siege of Rhodes Ottoman Empire Knights Hospitaller Defeat
  • Ottomans fail to conquer Rhodes
1480–1481 Invasion of Otranto Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Naples
Crown of Aragon
Kingdom of Sicily
Kingdom of Hungary
Papal States
Kingdom of Portugal
  • Ottomans conquer Otranto and gain foothold in Southern Italy
  • Ottoman garrison surrender the city after 13 months
1481–1484 Albanian Uprisings of 1481–1484 Ottoman Empire Albanian rebels
Kastrioti family
Dukagjini Family
Muzaka family
  • Albanian forces under Nicholas Pal Dukagjini and Lekë Dukagjini land on the north Albanian coastline in early Summer 1481, sparking rebellion in former Dukagjini territories. Lezhë and Shkodër are attacked, forcing Ottomans to send reinforcements.
  • Meanwhile, Gjon Kastrioti II lands in Durrës, gathering support from 7,000 Albanian infantrymen, and his cousin Konstandin Muzaka lands in the coastal region around Himara. Rebellion breaks out in Central and Southern Albania.
  • Forces under Gjon Kastrioti defeat a force of 2,000 to 3,000 Ottomans in August 1481 and capture Himara and Borsh Castle.
  • Rebellion in Northern, Central and Southern Albania prevents Ottomans from sending reinforcements to Italy, resulting in Otranto being recaptured by Christian forces in September 1481.
  • The rebellions are eventually crushed, and Gjon Kastrioti retreats to Italy in 1484.
1484–1486 Moldavian War of Bayezid II Ottoman Empire
1484–1486 Mamluk War of Bayezid II Ottoman Empire Mamluk Sultanate Stalemate
  • Ottoman incursions into Cilicia halted
1485–1503 Polish–Ottoman War (1485–1503) Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Kingdom of Poland
Duchy of Masovia
Teutonic Knights
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
1490–1494 War of the Hungarian Succession Ottoman Empire John Corvinus


John Albert

Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor

  • Near elimination of Croatian Nobility at Krbava Field
  • Eventual Ottoman expansion into Croatia
1493–1593 Hundred Years' Croatian–Ottoman War Ottoman Empire Until 1526:
Kingdom of Croatia
Kingdom of Hungary

From 1527:
Habsburg Monarchy

1499–1503 Second Ottoman-Venetian War Ottoman Empire Republic of Venice
Spanish Empire
1505–17 Mamluk–Portuguese conflicts Mamluk Sultanate

Indian states:

Supported by:

Republic of Venice

Ottoman Empire

Portuguese Empire

Supported by:
Safavid Empire

1505 Campaign of Trabzon (1505) Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • After the battle of 1505, Shah Ismail sent an envoy to Bayezid II complaining about Selim's over-aggressive raids and demanding the return of his captured soldiers' weapons. Bayezid did not return the weapons but he did send the envoy back with gifts and promises of friendship. Selim fought against the Safavids again in 1507 and in 1510, both times defeating the Safavid forces.
1507 Battle of Erzincan (1507) Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • Bayezid II did not retaliate to this raid, however Selim I, then the governor of Trabzon, led an attack against Erzincan and defeated a Safavid army that was sent against him by Shah Ismail.
1507–42 Ajuran-Portuguese wars Ajuran Sultanate

Ottoman Empire

Portuguese Empire Defeat
1508 Georgian campaign (1508) Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Imereti Victory
1508–1573 Gujarati–Portuguese conflicts Gujarat Sultanate

Supported by:

Portuguese Empire Defeat
1509–1513 Ottoman Civil War (1509–13) Şehzade Selim Şehzade Ahmet


Victory for Selim
1510 Campaign of Trabzon (1510) Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • In 1510 Shah Ismail sent a military contingent against the same place that Selim had successfully defended in 1505 Shah Ismail's brother advanced through Ottoman territory and marched against Trabzon but he was defeated by Selim.
1514 Battle of Chaldiran Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Ottoman Military Victory
however some sources claim Political Stalemate
  • Ottomans annex Eastern Anatolia and northern Iraq from the Safavids
  • Ottomans briefly occupy and plunder the Safavid capital, Tabriz
  • Kurdish chiefs assert their authority and switch their allegiance from the Safavids to the Ottomans.
  • Safavids adopt tactics similar to Ottomans
1514 Capture of Bayburt (1514) Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • Sultan Selim assigned Bıyıklı Mehmed Pasha with the task of conquering Bayburt. Bıyıkli Mehmed Pasha conquered Bayburt which was defended by a Qizilbash Safavid chief, Kara Maksud. The attitude of Mehmet Pasha cause some of the guards around Kiği to be afraid, this area was also captured.
1515 Siege of Kemah Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • The siege ended with a decisive victory for the Ottoman Empire over the Safavid Empire. The fortress was captured by Selim I on 19 May in 1515. With this victory, Ottomans created their safe border against the Safavids.
1515 Battle of Tekiryaylağı Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • After this battle Tunceli and it's around conquered by the Ottomans. After these occupation, Ottoman army led by the Bıyıklı Mehmed Pasha, prepared for the next battles against Safavids Battle of Koçhisar
1515–1577 Spanish-Ottoman Wars of 1515–1577 Ottoman Empire
France (until 1538)
Holy Roman Empire In North Africa Ottoman victory In Mediterranean inconclusive.
1515 Battle of Turnadağ Ottoman Empire Beylik of Dulkadir Victory
  • After the battle, Beylik of Dulkadir ceased to exist. It was converted to an Ottoman sanjak, (Ottoman administrative unit). The first governor of the sanjak became Ali Bey of the Dulkadir. Hadim Sinan Pasha was promoted to be the grand vizier. The next year, Selim I waged a war against Egypt, and Egypt as well as Syria and Palestine came under the Ottoman rule.
1516–1517 Second Ottoman-Mamluk War Ottoman Empire Mamluk Sultanate Victory
  • Ottomans take over the entire Mamluk Sultanate, including Cairo, Mecca, Aleppo and Damascus
  • Ottoman Sultans become Caliphs of the Islamic world and the most powerful Muslim leader
1516 Siege of Harput (1516) Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • In March 1516 under the command of Deli Husrev Pasha the Ottomans laid siege to Harput. The siege lasted for three days until Harput was conquered on 26 March.
1516 Battle of Koçhisar Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • Ottoman armies annex Southeastern Anatolia, Northeastern Syria and North Iraq
1517 Capture of Mosul (1517) Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • Ottomans capture Mosul
1517 Siege of Jeddah Ottoman Empire
Mamluk Sultanate
Portuguese Empire Victory
  • End of Portuguese blockade in Red Sea
  • Jeddah, the remaining stronghold of the Mamluk sultanate, is captured by Selim I
1518 Fall of Tlemcen Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Tlemcen Victory
1519–1610 Celali rebellions Ottoman Empire Celali Victory
  • The rebellions were suppressed bloodily
1519–1639 Acehnese–Portuguese conflicts Aceh Sultanate Supported by: Portuguese Empire

Supported by:

1521 3rd Ottoman Siege of Belgrade Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary Victory
  • Suleiman I conquers the Hungarian stronghold of Belgrade, exposing the weakness of the Hungarian Nobility, something he would exploit at Mohács
1521 Siege of Šabac (1521) Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary Victory
  • In 1520 Suleiman the Magnificent ascended to the throne. The Ottomans under the leadership of Ahmed Pasha conquered the fortress of Šabac on 7 July in 1521. In the conquest. All of its defenders were killed. After its conquest Suleiman said that it was one of the cities he had conquered and that it must be improved. He ordered towers to be built around the fortress and a moat around it filled with water from Sava. Suleiman spent 10 full days on the Sava at Šabac overseeing the construction of the pontoon bridge.
1522 2nd Ottoman Siege of Rhodes Ottoman Empire Knights Hospitaller
Republic of Venice
  • Ottoman Empire annexes Rhodes
  • Knights move initially to Sicily, but then to Malta, Gozo, and Tripoli
  • Ottoman supremacy over trade in the Eastern Mediterranean is secured
1523 Expedition to Kamaran Ottoman Empire Portuguese Empire Victory
  • In 1523 under the orders of Kanuni, Captain Selman Reis went on an expedition in the Red Sea. During this expedition Selman Reis discovered that the Kamaran Island was occupied by the Portuguese,The Portuguese used their base to raid the coast of Arabia, Salman Reis and Husayn al Rumi had an Ottoman force composed of 4,000 men. After their arrival in Yemen, the Ottomans attacked the Portuguese which resulted in the complete destruction and expulsion of Portuguese forces and the occupation of the island by the Ottomans.
1526 Battle of Mohács Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Hungary

Kingdom of Croatia
Kingdom of Bohemia Crown of Bohemia
Holy Roman Empire
Duchy of Bavaria
Papal States

1526–1791 Ottoman-Habsburg wars

In Hungary and Balkans

In Mediterranean

Ottoman Empire


Habsburg Dynasty:

Holy Roman Empire

Kingdom of Hungary

Spanish Empire
Non-Habsburg allies:
Tsardom of Russia
Cossack Hetmanate (Muscovite and Polish vassals)
Holy League Allies:
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Duchy of Mantua
Republic of Venice
Order of Saint John


End of Ottoman expansion

  • Decline of both the Ottoman and Habsburg empires
  • Prolonged military conflict contributed to decline of both Ottomans and Habsburgs which caused significant shift in the balance of power from both of these empires to the emerging France, Britain and Russia
1527–28 Hungarian Campaign of Ferdinand I Ottoman Empire
Eastern Hungarian Kingdom
Habsburg Austria
Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of Bohemia
Kingdom of Croatia
Royal Hungary
1529 Hungarian Campaign of Suleiman I Ottoman Empire
Eastern Hungarian Kingdom
Habsburg Austria
Holy Roman Empire
Kingdom of Bohemia
Kingdom of Croatia
Royal Hungary
1529–43 Ethiopian–Adal War Adal Sultanate

Ottoman Empire

Ethiopian Empire

Portuguese Empire (1541–43)

Stalemate and Status quo ante bellum
1529 1st Ottoman siege of Vienna Ottoman Empire Holy Roman Empire

Spanish Empire
Kabyle soldiers

  • Suleiman fails to conquer Vienna
  • Ferdinand unable to counter-attack after Suleiman lays waste to Styria and Habsburg Hungary
1530–52 Little War in Hungary Ottoman Empire

Eastern Hungarian Kingdom
Supported by:

Holy Roman Empire

Royal Hungary
Kingdom of Croatia
Papal States

  • Hungary divided into larger Ottoman and smaller Habsburg spheres of influence, as well as a semi-independent Ottoman vassal state of Transylvania
1531 Battle of al-Shihr (1531) Ottoman Empire
Kathiri Sultanate
Portuguese Empire Victory
  • Khoja Zufar prevented the Portuguese from entering al-Shihr, he defeated and drove out the Portuguese forces.
1532–55 2nd Ottoman–Safavid War Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
1533 Expedition of Irakeyn Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
  • Although the Ottoman army reached Sultaniye under difficult conditions, they could not find any trace of the Shah. From here, the Ottoman army headed towards Baghdad, struggling with the difficult terrain and climatic conditions. Baghdad was easily captured by the Ottoman forces on November 28, 1534, after the Safavid forces under the command of Tekelü Mehmed Khan, who were defending Baghdad, fled the city.
1534 Ottoman conquest of Tunis Ottoman Empire Hafsid dynasty Victory
1535 Habsburgian conquest of Tunis Ottoman Empire
Kingdom of France
Holy Roman Empire

Habsburg Spain

Hafsid dynasty
Kingdom of Portugal
Papal States
Knights of Malta

1536–38 Italian War of 1536–1538 Ottoman Empire

Regency of Algiers
Kingdom of France

Holy Roman Empire
  • Franco-Ottoman alliance strengthened and Charles V forced to negotiate peace to avoid two-front war
  • Spain strengthens control over Italy
  • Holy Roman Emperor Charles V loses to Ottomans at Preveza
1536–37 Siege of Klis Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Croatia
Holy Roman Empire
Papal States
  • Ottomans take Klis
1537–40 Third Ottoman-Venetian war Ottoman Empire
Regency of Algiers


Holy League:
Republic of Venice
Spanish Empire

Republic of Genoa
Papal States
Knights of Malta

  • Venice loses most foreign possessions and can no longer take on the Ottoman navy
1538–1560 Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1538–1557) Ottoman Empire

Gujarat Sultanate

Adal Sultanate

Portuguese Empire

Ethiopian Empire

  • Portugal maintains control of the Persian Gulf
  • Ottomans expand their influence in the Red Sea, annexing Yemen and the west bank of the Red Sea (coastal strip of Sudan and Eritrea)
1542–46 Italian War of 1542–1546 Ottoman Empire

Regency of Algiers

Holy Roman Empire

Kingdom of England

  • No territorial changes for Ottomans
  • Barbarossa increases Ottoman control over the Mediterranean with the Sack of Nice
1543 Battle of Karagak Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Imereti Defeat
1545 Battle of Sokhoista Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Imereti
Kingdom of Kartli
Principality of Guria
  • The victory at Sokhoista gave to the Ottomans the upper hand in southwestern Caucasus and allowed them to overrun Samtskhe, where they installed their protégé, atabek Kaikhosro III. Tortum, İspir, and Pasin were detached from Samtskhe and annexed to the Ottoman Empire.
1547 Ottoman invasion of Guria Ottoman Empire Principality of Guria Victory
1551–1559 Spanish-Ottoman War (1550–1560) Ottoman Empire Spain
Knights of Malta

Saadi Sultanate

  • Béjaïa under Ottoman rule.
  • Ottomans capture Tripoli.
  • Mahdia was abandoned by Spain.
  • Ottomans temporarily occupy parts of the Balearics.
  • Ottoman supremacy on Mediterranean sea seizured until Battle of Lepanto.
1551 Ottoman conquest of Tripolitania Ottoman Empire Order of Saint John Victory
1551 Invasion of Gozo Ottoman Empire Order of Saint John
Maltese civilians
  • Gozo population decimated and majority of islanders forced into slavery
1551–59 Italian War of 1551–1559 Ottoman Empire

Kingdom of France
Swiss mercenaries
Republic of Siena
Papal States

Holy Roman Empire

Kingdom of England

  • Spanish-Imperial victory
  • Ottoman victory in the Mediterranean
  • Dragut's numerous victories against Genoese and Habsburgian fleets gives it near dominance in the Mediterranean
  • France occupies Calais from English
  • France cedes Corsica to Genoa after Dragut conquered it for the Franco-Ottoman alliance
1552 Hungarian Campaign of 1552 Ottoman Empire

Holy Roman Empire

1554/1557–1589 Ottoman conquest of Habesh Ottoman Empire

Medri Bahri

Adal Sultanate

Ethiopian Empire Victory
1554–1576 Ottoman expeditions to Morocco Ottoman Empire

Kingdom of Kuku

Principality of Debdou

Wattasid Sultanate (1554)

Abd al-Malik Forces (1576)

Saadi Sultanate Victory
1557 Campaign of Tlemcen (1557) Ottoman Empire

Kingdom of Beni Abbas

Saadi Sultanate Victory
  • Moroccan failure to conquer Algeria.
1558–66 Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1558–1566) Ottoman Empire

Ajuran Sultanate

Portuguese Empire Inconclusive due to Suleiman the Magnificent death
  • Portuguese tactical victory
1558 Battle of Djerba Ottoman Empire Republic of Genoa

Spanish Empire
Papal States
Duchy of Savoy
Order of Saint John

  • Dragut ensures Ottoman naval superiority
1565–1898 Spanish conquest of the Philippines Sultanate of Sulu
Sultanate of Maguindanao
Confederation of sultanates in Lanao

Supported by:

Spanish Empire Inconclusive
1565 Great Siege of Malta Ottoman Empire
Flag of Kingdom of ait abbas Kingdom of Beni Abbas
  • Christian Victory
  • Dragut dies in action leading to conflict between remaining Ottoman generals
  • Myth of Ottoman Invincibility in Europe destroyed
1566 Siege of Szigetvár Ottoman Empire Habsburg Empire Victory
  • Suleiman the Magnificent dies in his tent before the final assault.
  • The whole Hungarian-Croatian army (2300–3000) is killed, Miklós IV Zrínyi is killed in the final battle.
  • Miklós IV Zrínyi ordered a fuse be lit to the powder magazine. After cutting down the last of the defenders the Ottoman Army entered the remains of Szigetvár and fell into the trap. 3,000 Turks perished in the explosion.
  • 20,000–30,000 Ottomans were killed.
  • Ottomans captured Szigetvár fortress and it became part of Budin Eyalet

Transformation (1566–1703)

Date Conflict Ottomans (and allies) Opposition Result
1567–1872 Philippine revolts against Spain Filipino rebel groups Spain Defeat
  • Most revolts failed
1568–1570 Astrakhan Expedition Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Tsardom of Russia Defeat
  • Ottomans capture Chyhyryn
  • Treaty of Constantinople 1570
1570–1572 Russo-Crimean Wars Crimean Khanate
Ottoman Empire
Tsardom of Russia Defeat
1570–1573 Fourth Ottoman–Venetian War
Ottoman Empire Holy League:
Republic of Venice
Papal States
Kingdom of Naples
Republic of Genoa
Kingdom of Sicily
Grand Duchy of Tuscany
Duchy of Urbino
Duchy of Savoy
Knights of Malta
  • Cyprus under Ottoman rule
1571 Battle of Lepanto Ottoman Empire Holy League: Defeat
1574 Conquest of Tunis Ottoman Empire Spanish Empire Victory
  • Ottomans capture Tunis
1576 Capture of Fez Ottoman Empire Saadi Sultanate Victory
  • Ottoman force conquers Fez and then Marrakesh
  • Abd al-Malek assumes rule over Morocco as an Ottoman vassal
1578 Castilian War Brunei
Sulu Sultanate
Supported by:
Ottoman Empire
Spanish Empire Inconclusive
1578 Battle of Alcácer Quibir Saadi Sultanate
Ottoman Empire
Portuguese Empire Victory
1578–1590 Ottoman–Safavid War of 1578 Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Safavid Empire
Kingdom of Kartli
1581 Capture of Muscat (1581) Ottoman Empire Portuguese Empire Victory
1585 Ottoman expedition against the Druze Ottoman Empire Druze Victory
1585–1589 Ottoman–Portuguese conflicts (1585–1589) in Swahili coast Ottoman Empire

Adal Sultanate

supported by:

Portuguese Empire

supported by:

  • Portuguese control in the South East African coast restored and Mir Ali Bey captured
1593–1606 Long Turkish War Ottoman Empire Holy Roman Empire

Principality of Transylvania





Zaporozhian Cossacks

Serbian hajduks

Papal States

1596–1597 Serb uprising of 1596–1597 Ottoman Empire Serb rebels Victory
  • Rebellion suppressed by the Ottoman Empire
1598 First Tarnovo Uprising Ottoman Empire Bulgarian Rebels Victory
  • Rebellion Suppressed
1599 Battle of Nakhiduri Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Kartli Victory
  • King Simon, was taken captive.
1602–1613 Ottoman–Safavid War Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire
Kingdom of Kartli
Kingdom of Kakheti
1603–1618 Ottoman–Safavid War Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Defeat
  • Treaty of Serav (1618)
  • The terms of the treaty was similar to those of treaty of Nasuh Pasha with several minor rectifications of the border line Also, the annual tribute of the Persian side was reduced from 200 loads to 100 loads.
1609 Battle of Tashiskari Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Kartli Defeat
  • The Georgians, led by Giorgi Saakadze won a victory over the Ottoman Turks.
1620–1621 Polish–Ottoman War Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Principality of Wallachia
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Principality of Moldavia
  • Beneficial treaty in favor of the Ottoman Empire, Poland withdraws behind the Dniester, the Ottomans renew their suzerainty over the Danubian principalities
  • Treaty of Khotyn
1623 Battle of Anjar Ottoman Empire Mount Lebanon Emirate
Grand Duchy of Tuscany
  • Fakhreddine captures Mustafa Pasha
  • Beylerbey confirms the Ma'ns' governorships
1623–1639 Ottoman–Safavid War Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Victory
1624–1632 Abaza Revolts Ottoman Empire Abaza Mehmed Pasha forces Victory
  • Revolts suppressed
1627 Turkish Abductions Ottoman Empire Iceland Victory
  • Abduction of 400-800 Icelanders
1633–1634 Polish–Ottoman War Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Principality of Wallachia
Principality of Moldavia
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Defeat
1645–1669 War of Candia Ottoman Empire Republic of Venice
Order of Saint John
Papal States
1658–1667 Druze power struggle Ottoman Empire Ma'ani Druze rebels Victory
  • Maʿnīs lost control of Safad
1663–1664 Austro-Turkish War (1663–1664) Ottoman Empire League of the Rhine:

 Kingdom of France
 Holy Roman Empire

Savoy Piedmont-Savoy
 Kingdom of Hungary
Croatia Kingdom of Croatia
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth

1666–1671 Polish–Cossack–Tatar War Crimean Khanate
Cossack Hetmanate
Ottoman Empire
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Inconclusive
1672–1676 Polish–Ottoman War Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Principality of Moldavia
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Principality of Wallachia (1673)
1676–1681 Russo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Tsardom of Russia Inconclusive
1683–1699 Great Turkish War Ottoman Empire

Vassal states:

Holy Roman Empire

Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Tsardom of Russia

Republic of Venice
Spanish Empire
Albanian rebels
Serbian rebels
Greek rebels
Bulgarian rebels
Romanian rebels
Croatian rebels

1686 Second Tarnovo Uprising Ottoman Empire Bulgarian Rebels Victory
  • Rebellion Suppressed
1688 Chiprovtsi Uprising Ottoman Empire Rebels Victory
  • Rebellion Suppressed
1689 Karposh's Rebellion Ottoman Empire Rebels Victory
  • Rebellion Suppressed
  • Ottomans suppressed rebellions in Kratovo, Kriva Palanka, Kumanovo and Skopje
1700–1721 Great Northern War Swedish Empire
Ottoman Empire
Crimean Khanate
Tsardom of Russia
Cossack Hetmanate
Moldavia (1711)
Inconclusive for Ottomans

Old Regime (1703–1789)

Date Conflict Ottomans (and allies) Opposition Result
1710–1711 Russo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Tsardom of Russia Victory
  • Russians would not interfere in Polish's internal affairs.
  • Russians will not have a permanent ambassador in Istanbul.
  • They would allow Swedish King return to his country freely.
  • Azov returns to Ottoman territory. Taganrog and other Russian fortresses are destroyed.
  • Treaty of Pruth
1713 Skirmish at Bender Ottoman Empire Swedish Empire Victory
  • The Swedish King and the soldiers were captured by the Turks and taken prisoner.
1714–1718 Ottoman–Venetian War Ottoman Empire Republic of Venice
Austria (from 1716)
Order of Malta
Papal States
Kingdom of Spain
  • Morea ceded back to Ottoman Empire
1716–1718 Austro-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Habsburg Monarchy
Serbian Militia
  • The Banat, Serbia, Oltenia and portions of northern Bosnia were ceded to the Habsburgs
  • Treaty of Passarowitz
1722–1730 Syunik rebellion Ottoman Empire Armenian Rebels Defeat
1726–1727 Ottoman–Hotaki War Ottoman Empire Hotaki dynasty Both sides make gains
1730–1735 Ottoman–Safavid War Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Defeat
  • Persian (Nader) reconquest of the entire Caucasus.
  • Ottoman Empire recognized Nader as the new shah of Persia
  • Ottoman Empire conceded Caucasus to Persia
  • The Ottomans also agreed to allow the Iranian hajis (pilgrims) to Mecca (then under Ottoman control)
  • Treaty of Constantinople
1730 Patrona Halil Ottoman Empire Patrona Halil Tulip Period is ended
1732 Spanish reconquest of Oran Regency of Algiers
Ottoman Empire
Kingdom of Spain Defeat
1735–1739 Russo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Russian Empire
Cossack Hetmanate
  • Azov Castle was destroyed, its territory became the border between the Ottoman Empire and Russia.
  • Russians will withdraw from Crimea.
  • Ottoman Empire cedes Azov to Russia.
  • Treaty of Niš
1737–1739 Austro-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Habsburg monarchy Victory
  • Habsburg monarchy cedes Kingdom of Serbia, Oltenia, southern Banat to Ottoman Empire
  • Treaty of Belgrade
1743–1746 Ottoman–Afsharid War Ottoman Empire Afsharid dynasty Inconclusive
1757 Battle of Khresili Ottoman Empire Kingdom of Imereti Defeat
  • After the battle of Khresili, in 1758–1766, the Ottomans attacked Imereti many times, but they could not subjugate Solomon I. Ottomans were eventually forced to sign a treaty with the kingdom of Imereti
1768–1774 Russo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire
1769–1772 Danish–Algerian War Deylik of Algiers
Ottoman Empire
Denmark–Norway Victory
1770 Orlov Revolt Ottoman Empire Greeks
Supported by:
1770 Invasion of Mani (1770) Ottoman Empire Mani Defeat
  • Ottoman retreat
1775–1776 Ottoman–Zand War Ottoman Empire Zand Iran Defeat
  • Basra captured by the Zands
  • Change of territories for the benefit of the Safavids for 4 years and restoration of the previous borders after the peace.
1787–1791 Austro-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Habsburg monarchy Inconclusive
1787–1792 Russo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Russia Defeat

Decline and modernization (1789–1908)

Date Conflict Ottomans (and allies) Opposition Result
1798–1801 French campaign in Egypt and Syria Ottoman Empire

Great Britain (1798–1800)
United Kingdom (1801)
Regency of Algiers

France Victory
1798 Mediterranean campaign of 1798 Great Britain
Ottoman Empire
France Victory
1806–1812 Russo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Russia Defeat
  • As the threat from France increased, the war ended and Russia withdrew from Wallachia and Moldavia.
  • Treaty of Bucharest
1807–1809 Anglo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire United Kingdom Victory
  • Commercial and legal concessions to British interests within the Ottoman Empire
  • Promise to protect the empire against French encroachment
  • Treaty of the Dardanelles
1804–1813 First Serbian Uprising Ottoman Empire
Bosnia Eyalet
Pashalik of Scutari
Pashalik of Yanina

Supported by:


Supported by:
Russia (1807–12)

1811–1818 Ottoman-Saudi War Ottoman Empire Diriyah Victory
1815–1817 Second Serbian Uprising Ottoman Empire Serbian rebels Defeat
1820-1824 Turco-Egyptian conquest of Sudan Ottoman Empire Sennar Sultanate
Shayqih Kingdom
Sultanate of Darfur
Ottoman-Egyptian military victory
1821 Wallachian Revolution of 1821 Ottoman Empire

Austrian Empire

  • Moldavian insurgents
Wallachia (revolutionary)
  • Wallachian Divan (conservative)
  • Arnauts
Ottoman military victory, Wallachian political victory
1821–1832 Greek War of Independence Ottoman Empire Filiki Eteria
Greek revolutionaries
After 1822:
Hellenic Republic
Supported by:
Romanian Revolutionaries (1821)
United Kingdom (after 1826)
Russian Empire (after 1826)
Kingdom of France (after 1826)
Serb and Montenegrin volunteers
  • First Hellenic Republic established and recognized
1821–1823 Ottoman–Persian War of 1821 Ottoman Empire Qajar Iran Defeat
1828–1829 Russo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Russia Defeat
  • In recognition of the Treaty of London, the independence of Greece, or autonomy under Ottoman suzerainty, was accepted.
  • The Ottoman Empire had nominal suzerainty over the Danube states of Moldavia and Wallachia; for all practical purposes, they
  • were independent.
  • Russia took control of the towns of Anape and Poti in Caucasus.
  • The Russian traders in Turkey were placed under the legal jurisdiction of the Russian ambassador.
  • Treaty of Adrianople
1830–1903 French conquest of Algeria Ottoman Empire

Emirate of Abdelkader
Beni Abbas Kingdom2 Kingdom of Ait Abbas
Kel Ahaggar
Sultanate of Morocco

France Defeat
1831–1832 Bosnian Uprising of 1831–1832 Ottoman Empire Bosnian Landlords Victory
1831–1833 Egyptian–Ottoman War Ottoman Empire Egypt Eyalet Defeat
1832-1848 Ottoman–Ethiopian border conflicts Ottoman Empire Ethiopian Empire Inconclusive
  • Ethiopia retains territorial integrity and independence
  • Ottoman-Egyptians expand south into the Great Lakes region
1833 Albanian Revolt of 1833 in Kolonjë Ottoman Empire Tosk Rebels Defeat
  • Revolts begin in protest to new Ottoman reforms in Albania
  • Following this, many revolts follow in the coming decades
1833 Albanian Revolt of 1833 in Shkodër Ottoman Empire Shkodran Rebels
Malsor Rebels
  • Shkodër is captured by the Rebels.
  • Ottomans unsuccessfully besiege Shkodër for three months.
  • The Ottomans give in to Albanian demands.
  • Violations of agreements by the Ottomans in 1835 starts another revolt
1833 Albanian Revolt of 1833 in Southern Albania Ottoman Empire Tosk Rebels
Lab Rebels
  • Large areas of Southern Albania are captured by the Rebels, including the Castle of Berat
  • The Ottomans give in to Albanian demands
1834 Albanian Revolt of 1834 Ottoman Empire Tosk Rebels
Lab Rebels
  • Berat is captured by the Rebels after two months of siege
  • The Ottomans give in to Albanian demands in January 1835 following the fall of Berat
  • Agreements of peace are violated by the Ottomans later in 1835, starting another revolt
1835 Albanian Revolt of 1835 in South Albania Ottoman Empire Tosk Rebels
Lab Rebels
Çam Rebels
  • Rebels march against Ioannina
  • Ottoman reinforcements force the Rebels to retreat
1835 Albanian Revolt of 1835 in North Albania Ottoman Empire Shkodran Rebels
Kosovar Rebels Volunteers:
Malsor Volunteers
Gheg Volunteers
Mirdita Tribesmen
Mati Tribesmen
Dibran Volunteers
  • Large areas of North Albania rise up in revolt, with Shkodër besieged and the rebels defeat the Ottomans in battle
  • Albanian reinforcements to the Shkodrans are sent from Postribe, Kosovo, Malësia, Ulqin (now Ulcinj), Podgorica, Mirditë, Mat and Dibra
  • Ottoman forces are defeated in battle by the insurgents in July
  • Ottomans trick many rebels into withdrawing through a false ceasefire, and successfully capture Lezhë in order to relieve Shkodër
  • Ottomans carry out Albanian demands in order to calm the situation
1836 Albanian Revolt of 1836 in South Albania Ottoman Empire Tosk Rebels
Lab Rebels
  • Albanian rebellion in Vlora is suppressed
1836 Expedition to Najd (1836) Ottoman Empire Emirate of Najd Victory
  • Khalid bin Saud Al Saud appointed as ruler of Najd on behalf of the Ottoman Empire
  • Mehmet Ali occupies Najd, al-Hasa and Qatif and gains the submission of Bahrain, Qatar and Trucial Oman
1837 Albanian Revolt of 1837 in Mat Ottoman Empire Mati Tribesmen Inconclusive
  • Rebellion in Mat is suppressed
1837 Albanian Revolt of 1837 in Myzeqe Ottoman Empire Myzeq Rebels
Tosk Rebels
  • Rebel victory at the Battle of Berat.
  • Rebel defeat at the Battle of Frakulla.
  • Local leaders captured and rebellion in Myzeqe is suppressed
1837 Albanian Revolt of 1837 in North Albania Ottoman Empire Kosovar Rebels
Gheg Rebels
1837 Albanian Revolt of 1837 in Dibër Ottoman Empire Dibran Rebels Defeat
  • Upper and Lower Dibër are captured by the rebels
  • Ottomans meet rebel demands
1839 Albanian Revolt of 1839 in South Albania Ottoman Empire Tosk Rebels
Lab Rebels
1839 Albanian Revolt of 1839 in Prizren Ottoman Empire Kosovar Rebels Defeat
  • Prizren is captured by rebels in protest of new reforms
  • Ottomans drop reforms and the revolt ends
1839–1841 Egyptian–Ottoman War Ottoman Empire
British Empire
Austrian Empire
Egypt Eyalet
1843–1844 Uprising of Dervish Cara Ottoman Empire Dibran Rebels Victory
  • Albanians under Dervish Cara capture large areas in northern Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.
  • Ottomans promise Albanian autonomy but then launch an invasion, retaking areas and suppressing the rebellion, aided by Catholic Mirdita tribesmen under Bibë Dodë
1847 Albanian Revolt of 1847 Ottoman Empire Tosk Rebels
Lab Rebels
Çam Rebels
  • Rebels defeat the Ottomans in four separate battles and besiege the castles of Berat and Gjirokastër. Large areas of Southern Albania are captured.
  • Ottomans organise a false amnesty, in which many of the rebel leaders are captured.
  • Ottomans lift the sieges and areas are retaken
1848 Wallachian Revolution of 1848 Wallachia
Ottoman Empire
Russian Empire
Revolutionaries Counterrevolutionary victory
1852–1853 Montenegrin–Ottoman War (1852–53) Ottoman Empire Montenegro Defeat
  • Without significant territorial changes
1852–1862 Herzegovina Uprising (1852–1862) Ottoman Empire Rebels Victory
1853–1856 Crimean War Ottoman Empire
France Britain
Supported by:
Austrian Empire
Caucasus Imamate
Russian Empire Kurdish rebels
1854 Macedonian Revolution of 1854 Ottoman Empire

Supported By:
Greek Revolutionaries

Supported By:
1858 Battle of Grahovac Ottoman Empire Montenegro Defeat
1861–1862 Montenegrin–Ottoman War (1861–62) Ottoman Empire Montenegro Victory
1862 First Zeitun Resistance Ottoman Empire Armenian fedayees Defeat
  • Ottoman troops pillage Alabaş
  • Ottoman troops withdraw from the region
1866–1869 Cretan Revolt Ottoman Empire


Greek Revolutionaries
Supported by:
Kingdom of Greece
  • Suppression of the revolt
1874–1876 Egyptian–Ethiopian War Ottoman Empire


Ethiopian Empire Defeat
1875 Herzegovina uprising (1875–1877) Ottoman Empire Serb rebels Victory
  • Revolt suppressed
1876 April Uprising Ottoman Empire Bulgarian revolutionaries Victory
1876–1878 Montenegrin–Ottoman War (1876–78) Ottoman Empire Montenegro Defeat
1876–1877 First Serbian–Ottoman War Ottoman Empire Serbia Defeat
  • British public opinion turns against the Ottomans
  • Russian-mediated truce
1877–1878 Russo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Russia

граница Bulgarian volunteers

1877–1878 Second Serbian–Ottoman War Ottoman Empire Serbia
  • De jure independence of Serbia
  • Tens of thousands of Turkish, Jewish and Albanian civilians expelled
1878 Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ottoman Empire Austria-Hungary Defeat
  • Incorporation of Bosnia and Herzegovina into Austria-Hungary
1879-1882 Urabi revolt Ottoman Empire

Supported By:

Ahmed Urabi Egyptian rebel forces Defeat
1880 Battle of Ulcinj (1880) Ottoman Empire Albanian irregulars Victory
  • The Albanians clashed with the Ottomans at the Kodra e Kuqe, near the village of Kllezna. The Albanians defeated the first wave of Ottoman forces but when reinforcements arrived the Albanians were temporarily defeated and returned. The commander Isuf Sokoli was wounded and died later that day. In 1880, on 23 November, the Ottomans continued to march in the city and surrendered the city to the Montenegrin army. The city had officially been handed over to Montenegro and after a 30-month-long negotiation process, with European powers involved, the battle ended.
1881 French conquest of Tunisia Ottoman Empire France Defeat
1882 Anglo-Egyptian War Ottoman Empire


Britain Defeat
1893–1908 Macedonian Struggle Ottoman Empire
Greek Kingdom
Serbian Kingdom
Romanian Kingdom
Bulgarian Principality Inconclusive
  • Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Romania and the Ottoman Empire fight a four way war
  • War end inconclusively after Young Turk Revolution
  • Bulgaria gains full independence in 1908
1893 Ottoman–Qatari War Ottoman Empire Qatar Defeat
1895–1896 Zeitun Rebellion (1895–96) Ottoman Empire Hunchak Party Defeat
1897 Greco-Turkish War of 1897 Ottoman Empire Greece Victory
  • Small parts of Thessaly ceded to the Ottoman Empire
1897–1898 Cretan Revolt (1897–1898) Ottoman Empire Cretan revolutionaries
Kingdom of Greece
British Empire
Russian Empire
Austria-Hungary (until April 12, 1898)
German Empire (until March 16, 1898)
  • Establishment of the Cretan State
  • Withdraw of Ottoman forces from Crete
1903 Ilinden–Preobrazhenie Uprising Ottoman Empire IMARO
Kruševo Republic
Strandzha Commune
  • Suppression of the uprising
  • Direct involvement of Russian and the Austro-Hungarian Empires to resolve the Macedonian issue and implementation of the Mürzsteg reforms
  • Ottoman reprisals against Christian civilians
  • 30,000 refugees flee to Tsardom of Bulgaria.
1904 Sasun Uprising Ottoman Empire Armenian fedayi Victory
1905 Shoubak revolt Ottoman Empire Inhabitants of Shoubak Victory
  • Rebellion brutally suppressed

Dissolution (1908–1922)

Date Conflict Ottomans (and allies) Opposition Result
1908 Young Turk Revolution Ottoman Imperial Government Young Turks

Ottoman Army

Young Turks victory
1910 Albanian Revolt of 1910 Ottoman Empire Kosovar Rebels
Shkodran Rebels
Dibran Rebels
Malsor Tribesman
Kingdom of Serbia
  • Areas of the Kosovo Vilayet captured by the Rebels are partially retaken by the Ottomans
  • Ottomans invade Shkodër and Dibran territories, including Debre
  • Rebellion suppressed
  • Rebels limited to the highlands
1911 Albanian Revolt of 1911 Ottoman Empire Malsor Tribesman
Shkodran Tribesmen
  • The Ottomans peacefully pacify the rebels
1911–1912 Italo-Turkish War Ottoman Empire Italy Defeat
1912 Albanian Revolt of 1912 Ottoman Empire Kosovar Rebels
Gheg Rebels
Shkodran Rebels
Malsor Rebels
Dibran Rebels
Central Albanian Muslims
Tosk Rebels
Mati Tribesmen
Mirdita Tribesmen
Ottoman Albanian Deserters
Armaments Support:
Kingdom of Montenegro
Vocal Support:
Kingdom of Bulgaria
British Empire
1912–1913 First Balkan War Ottoman Empire
Circassian volunteers
Albanian volunteers and irregulars
Balkan League: Defeat
  • The western border of the Ottoman Empire will be the Midye-Enez line.
  • Thessaloniki, Southern Macedonia will be given to Greece.
  • The Ottoman Empire renounced all its rights on the island of Crete in favor of the allied forces.
  • Central and Northern Macedonia will be left to Serbia.
  • Determining the future of the Aegean Islands will be left to the great powers. (The Ottoman Empire officially lost the Aegean Islands.)
  • Treaty of London
1913 Second Balkan War Serbia
Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria Victory
1914–1918 World War I Central Powers

Ottoman Empire

Allied Powers

British Empire

Russian Empire
United States

1917–1923 Russian Civil War White movement

German Empire (1917–1918)
Ottoman Empire (1917–1918)
Azerbaijan (1918)
Finland (1918–1919)
Austria-Hungary (1917–1918)
Ukrainian State (1918)

Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Finnish Socialist Workers' Republic
Commune of Estonia
Lithuanian SSR
Latvian SSR

1918–1920 Armenian–Azerbaijani War Azerbaijan (until April 1920)
Ottoman Empire (1918)

Republic of Aras (1918–1919)

Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (since April 1920)


United Kingdom
Centrocaspian Dictatorship

1918-1923 Occupation of Constantinople Ottoman Empire United Kingdom
United States
Temporary occupation
1919–1923 Turkish War of Independence Greece
Armenia (in 1920)
United Kingdom
Ottoman Empire (until 1922)

Georgia (in 1921)

Turkish National Movement

Supported by:
Russian SFSR
Azerbaijan SSR
Georgian SSR
Bukharan PSR
All-India Muslim League Italy


Treaty of Lausanne

See also