Hafsid dynasty

Hafsid Kingdom
Sultanate of Tunis
Flag of Hafsid
Left: Reconstructed Flag of the Hafsid dynasty of the 15th century
Right: Flag of Hafsid Tunisia according to Jacobo Russo, 1550
Realm of the Hafsid dynasty in 1400 (orange)
Realm of the Hafsid dynasty in 1400 (orange)
Capital Tunis
Common languages Arabic, Berber
Islam (Sunni, Ibadi), Christianity (Roman Catholic), Judaism
Government Monarchy
• 1229–1249
Abu Zakariya
• 1574
Muhammad VI
• Established
• Disestablished
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Almohad Caliphate
Ottoman Tunisia
Regency of Algiers
Spanish Tripoli
Kingdom of Kuku
Ottoman Tripolitania
Today part of

The Hafsids (Arabic: الحفصيون al-Ḥafṣiyūn) were a Sunni Muslim dynasty of Berber descent who ruled Ifriqiya (modern day Tunisia, western Libya, and eastern Algeria) from 1229 to 1574.


Almohad Ifriqiya

The Hafsids were of Berber descent, although to further legitimize their rule, they claimed Arab ancestry from the second Rashidun Caliph Omar. The ancestor of the dynasty and from whom their name is derived was Abu Hafs Umar ibn Yahya al-Hintati, a Berber from the Hintata tribal confederation, which belonged to the greater Masmuda confederation of Morocco. He was a member of the council of ten and a close companion of Ibn Tumart. His original Berber name was "Faskat u-Mzal Inti", which later was changed to "Abu Hafs Umar ibn Yahya al-Hintati" (also known as "Umar Inti") since it was a tradition of Ibn Tumart to rename his close companions once they had adhered to his religious teachings. His son Abu Muhammad Abd al-Wahid ibn Abi Hafs, was appointed by the Almohad caliph Muhammad an-Nasir as governor of Ifriqiya, where he ruled from 1207 to 1221.

Hafsid Kingdom and Caliphate

In 1229 Ifriqiyas governor, Abu Zakariya returned to Tunis after conquering Constantine and Béjaïa the same year and declared independence. After the split of the Hafsids from the Almohads under Abu Zakariya (1228–1249), Abu Zakariya organised the administration in Ifriqiya (the Roman province of Africa in modern Maghreb; today's Tunisia, eastern Algeria and western Libya) and built the city of Tunis up as the economic and cultural centre of the empire. At the same time, many Muslims from Al-Andalus fleeing the Christian Reconquista of Iberia were absorbed. He subsequently annexed Tripoli in 1234, Algiers in 1235, Chelif River 1236, and subdued important tribal confederations of the Berbers from 1235 to 1238.

He also conquered the Kingdom of Tlemcen in July 1242 forcing the Sultan of Tlemcen to become his vassal and pay tribute.

In December of that year, caliph Abd al-Wahid II, died, leaving Abu Zakariya as the most powerful ruler of Maghreb. At this time the Hafsids also occupied the Berber emirate of Siyilmasa which they retained for 30 years. By the end of his reign, the Marinid Dynasty of Morocco and several Muslim princes in Al-Andalus paid him tribute and acknowledged his nominal authority.

Coin of the Hafsids with ornamental Kufic, Bougie, Algeria, 1249–1276.

His successor Muhammad I al-Mustansir (1249–1277) proclaimed himself Caliph in 1256 and continued the policies of his father and extended the boundaries of his State by subjugating the central Maghreb, going so far as to impose his overlordship over the Kingdom of Tlemcen, northern Morocco and the Nasrids of Granada Spain. The Hafsids become completely independent in 1264. It was during his reign that the failed Eighth Crusade took place, led by St. Louis. After landing at Carthage, the King died of dysentery in the middle of his army decimated by disease in 1270.

Hafsid decline (14th century)

In the 14th century the empire underwent a temporary decline. Although the Hafsids succeeded for a time in subjugating the empire of the Abdalwadids of Tlemcen, between 1347 and 1357 they were twice conquered by the Marinids of Morocco. The Abdalwadids however could not defeat the Bedouin; ultimately, the Hafsids were able to regain their empire. During the same period plague epidemics brought to Ifriqiya from Sicily caused a considerable fall in population, further weakening the empire. To stop raids from southern tribes during plague epidemics, the Hafsids turned to the Banu Hilal to protect their rural population.

Peak (15th century)

Double page from the Qur'an manuscript endowed to the Kasbah Mosque by sultan Abu Faris Abd al-Aziz II in March 1405. Bibliothèque nationale de France.

During Abd al-Aziz's (1394–1434) reign the country experienced an era of prosperity as he proceeded to further consolidate the kingdom.

The beginning of his reign was not easy since the cities of the south revolted against him. However, the new sultan quickly regained their control: he reoccupied Tozeur (1404), Gafsa (1401), and Biskra (1402), and tribal power of the regions of Constantine and Bugia (1397–1402), and appointed governors of these regions to be elected, generally libertarian officers. He also intervened against his western and eastern neighbors by annexing Tripoli (1401), Algiers (1410–1411) and by defeating the Zayyanid dynasty in 1424 and replacing it with a pro-Hafsid ruler which would later revolt against him in 1428 and 1431.

In 1429, the Hafsids attacked the island of Malta, and took 3000 slaves although they did not conquer the island. Kaid Ridavan was the military leader during the attack. The profits were used for a great building programme and to support art and culture. However, piracy also provoked retaliation from the Christians, which several times launched attacks and crusades against Hafsid coastal cities such as the Barbary crusade (1390), the Bona crusade (1399) and the capture of Djerba in 1423.

In 1432 Abd al-Aziz launched another expedition against Tlemcen and died during the campaign.

Under Uthman (1435–1488) the Hafsids reached their zenith, as the caravan trade through the Sahara and with Egypt was developed, as well as sea trade with Venice and Aragon. The Bedouins and the cities of the empire became largely independent, leaving the Hafsids in control of only Tunis and Constantine.

Uthman conquered Tripolitania in 1458 and appointed a governor in Ouargla in 1463. He led two expeditions in Tlemcen in 1462 and 1466 and made the Zayyanids his vassals, the Wattasid state in Morocco also became a vassal of Uthman and therefore the entire Maghreb was briefly under the rule of the Hafsids.

Fall of the Hafsids

In the 16th century the Hafsids became increasingly caught up in the power struggle between Spain and the Ottoman Empire-supported Corsairs. The Ottomans conquered Tunis in 1534 and held it for one year, driving out the Hafsid ruler Moulay Hassan. A year later the King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V seized Tunis, drove the Ottomans out and restored Muley Hassan as a Habsburg tributary. Due to the Ottoman threat, the Hafsids were vassals of Spain after 1535. The Ottomans again conquered Tunis in 1569 and held it for four years. Don Juan of Austria recaptured it in 1573. The Ottomans reconquered Tunis in 1574, and Muhammad VI, the last Caliph of the Hafsids, was brought to Constantinople and was subsequently executed due to his collaboration with Spain and the desire of the Ottoman Sultan to take the title of Caliph as he now controlled Mecca and Medina.


The Hafsids, with their location in Ifriqiya, was rich in agriculture and trade. Instead of placing the capital at inland cities such as Kairouan, Tunis was chosen as the capital due to its position on the coast as a port linking the Western and Eastern Mediterranean. Christian merchants from Europe were given their own enclaves in various cities on the Mediterranean coast, promoting trans-Mediterranean trade. Under the Hafsids, commerce and diplomatic relations with Christian Europe grew significantly, however piracy against Christian shipping grew as well, particularly during the rule of Abd al-Aziz II (1394–1434). By the mid-14th century, the population of Tunis had grown to 100,000. The Hafsids also had a large stake in trans-Saharan trade through the caravan routes from Tunis to Timbuktu and from Tripoli to sub-Saharan Africa. The Tunisian population was also becoming more literate - Kairouan, Tunis and Bijaya had become homes to famous university mosques, with Kairouan becoming the center of the Maliki school of religious doctrine.


Tunis became the capital of Ifriqiya under Almohad and Hafsid rule. This shift from Kairouan to Tunis improved the position of Al-Zaytuna Mosque and helped the Ez-Zitouna University to flourish and to become one of the major centres of Islamic learning. During that period, scientists contributed to advancing knowledge in different fields.

Ibn Khaldun was one of the most prominent philosopher on the Hafsid times. He received classical Islamic education in Ez-Zitouna University. With the help of the philosopher Al-Abili, Ibn Khaldun was introduced to mathematics, logic and philosophy.


The minaret of the Kasbah Mosque of Tunis, built at the beginning of the Hafsid period in the early 1230s

The Hafsids were significant builders, particularly under the reigns of successful leaders like Abu Zakariya (r. 1229–1249) and Abu Faris (r. 1394–1434), though not many of their monuments have survived intact to the present-day. While Kairouan remained an important religious center, Tunis was the capital and progressively replaced it as the main city of the region and the main center of architectural patronage. Unlike the architecture further west, Hafsid architecture was built primarily in stone (rather than brick or mudbrick) and appears to have featured much less decoration. In reviewing the history of architecture in the western Islamic world, scholar Jonathan Bloom remarks that Hafsid architecture seems to have "largely charted a course independent of the developments elsewhere in the Maghrib [North Africa]".

The Kasbah Mosque of Tunis was one of the first works of this period, built by Abu Zakariya (the first independent Hafsid ruler) at the beginning of his reign. Its floor plan had noticeable differences from previous Almohad-period mosques but the minaret, completed in 1233, bears very strong resemblance the minaret of the earlier Almohad Kasbah Mosque in Marrakesh. Other foundations from the Hafsid period in Tunis include the Haliq Mosque (13th century) and the al-Hawa Mosque (1375). The Bardo Palace (today a national museum) was also begun by the Hafsids in the 15th century, and is mentioned in historical records for the first time during the reign of Abu Faris. The Hafsids also made significant renovations to the much older Great Mosque of Kairouan – renovating its ceiling, reinforcing its walls, and building or rebuilding two of its entrance gates in 1293 – as well as to the Great Mosque of al-Zaytuna in Tunis.

The Hafsids also introduced the first madrasas to the region, beginning with the Madrasa al-Shamma῾iyya built in Tunis in 1238 (or in 1249 according to some sources). This was followed by many others (almost all of them in Tunis) such as the Madrasa al-Hawa founded in the 1250s, the Madrasa al-Ma'ridiya (1282), and the Madrasa al-Unqiya (1341). Many of these early madrasas, however, have been poorly preserved or have been considerably modified in the centuries since their foundation. The Madrasa al-Muntasiriya, completed in 1437, is among the best preserved madrasas of the Hafsid period.


Hafsid rulers

S. n. Name Birth date Death date Reign Notes
Abu Muhammad Abd al-Wahid ibn Abi Hafs unknown 1222 1207–1222 Not yet a sultan, just a local minor leader.
Abu Muhammad Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Wahid unknown 1229 1222–1229 Not yet a sultan, just a local minor leader.
1st Abu Zakariya Yahya 1203 5 October 1249 1229–1249
2nd Muhammad I al-Mustansir 1228 1277 1249–1277
3rd Yahya II al-Wathiq unknown 1279 1277–1279
4th Ibrahim I unknown 1283 1279–1283
5th Abd al-Aziz I unknown 1283 1283
6th Ibn Abi Umara unknown 1284 1283–1284
7th Abu Hafs Umar bin Yahya unknown 1295 1284–1295
8th Abu Asida Muhammad II 1279 September 1309 1295–1309
9th Abu Yahya Abu Bakr ash-Shahid unknown September 1309 1309
10th Abu-l-Baqa Khalid An-Nasr unknown 1311 1309–1311
11th Abd al-Wahid Zakariya ibn al-Lihyani 1253 1326 1311–1317
12th Abu Darba Muhammad Al-Mustansir unknown 1323 1317–1318
13th Abu Yahya Abu Bakr II unknown 19 October 1346 1318–1346
14th Abu-l Abbas Ahmad unknown 1346 1346
15th Abu Hafs Umar II unknown 1347 1346–1347
16th Abu al-Abbas Ahmad al-Fadl al-Mutawakkil unknown 1350 1347–1350
17th Abu Ishaq Ibrahim II October or November 1336 19 February 1369 1350–1369
18th Abu-l-Baqa Khalid II unknown November 1370 1369–1370
19th Ahmad II 1329 3 June 1394 1370–1394
20th Abd al-Aziz II 1361 July 1434 1394–1434
21st Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad al-Muntasir unknown 16 September 1435 1434–1435
22nd Abu 'Amr 'Uthman February 1419 September 1488 1435–1488
23rd Abu Zakariya Yahya II unknown 1489 1488–1489
24th Abd al-Mu'min (Hafsid) unknown 1490 1489–1490
25th Yahya Zakariya unknown 1494 1490–1494
26th Abu Abdallah Muhammad IV al-Mutawakkil unknown 1526 1494–1526
27th Muhammad V (“Moulay Hasan”) unknown 1543 1526–1543
28th Ahmad III c. 1500 August 1575 1543–1569
Ottoman conquest (1569–1573)
29th Muhammad VI unknown 1594 1573–1574

See also