List of ex-Muslim organisations

The Central Council of Ex-Muslims, founded in Germany in January 2007, was the first of its kind.

This is a list of organisations that aim to support individuals that have renounced Islam sorted by date of founding.

Name Founded Region served Notes
Central Council of Ex-Muslims (ZdE) 2007 Germany First ex-Muslim organisation.
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) 2007 United Kingdom
Central Committee for Ex-Muslims 2007 Netherlands Dissolved in 2008.
Former Muslims United 2009 United States
Ex-Muslims Initiative 2010 Austria Founded as Council of Ex-Muslims of Austria
Movement of Ex-Muslims of Belgium 2011 Belgium
Association of Ex-Muslims of Switzerland 2012 Switzerland Founded by Kacem El Ghazzali.
Atheist Republic 2012 World Founded by Armin Navabi in Iran as "Iranian Atheists" on Orkut.
Atheist & Agnostic Alliance Pakistan 2012 Pakistan
Ex-Muslims North Meetup Group 2012 Northern England Based in Bradford.
Council of Ex-Muslims of Singapore 2012 Singapore
Muslimish 2012 United States welcomes both ex-Muslims and Muslims
Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA) 2013 Canada
United States
Council of Ex-Muslims of France (CEMF) 2013 France
Council of Ex-Muslims of Morocco (CEMM) 2013 Morocco
Ex-Muslims of Scotland 2014 Scotland
Association of Atheism 2014 Turkey First legal atheist organisation in Turkey.
Faith to Faithless 2015 United Kingdom Founded by Aliyah Saleem and Imtiaz Shams.
Platform New Freethinkers 2015 Netherlands Supported by the Humanistisch Verbond.
Ex-Muslims of Norway 2016 Norway
Atheist Alliance of the Middle East and North Africa 2016 MENA
Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka 2016 Sri Lanka
Iranian Humanist Atheists & Agnostics 2016 Iran
Ex-Muslims of South Africa 2016 South Africa
Ex-musulmani d'Italia 2016 Italy Supported by the Unione degli Atei e degli Agnostici Razionalisti.
Council of Ex-Muslims of Jordan 2018 Jordan
Alliance of Former Muslims 2017 Ireland
Faithless Hijabi 2018 Australia
Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands 2019 Netherlands
Iranian Atheists & Agnostics Unknown Iran
Council of Ex-Muslims of New Zealand. Unknown New Zealand
Central Committee for Ex-Muslims of Scandinavia Unknown Scandinavia
Ex-Muslims of Kerala 2019 India Observes January 9 as ex-Muslim day
Ex Muslim Sahil 2022 India
Young Apostates 2021 United States Voice Of Ex-Muslims

See also