List of LGBT writers

This list of LGBT writers includes writers who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender or otherwise non-heterosexual who have written about LGBT themes, elements or about LGBT issues (such as Jonny Frank). Works of these authors are part of LGBT literature.

As this list includes writers from antiquity until the present, it is clearly understood that the term "LGBT" may not ideally describe the identity of all authors, particularly for those who wrote before the nineteenth century. In some cases, it is more useful to consider such authors as persons who expressed attractions for persons of the same sex (for example, Sappho or Plato), and avoid the anachronistic use of contemporary labels. Inclusion in this list follows general scholarly and academic norms, specified in references, that attempt to establish a genealogy or history of LGBT literature written by LGBT people. There are many additional non-LGBT authors who have written works on LGBT topics. All new additions to this list should include a reference.


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Caio Fernando Abreu 1948–1996 Brazilian short stories, plays Morangos Mofados, dragões não conhecem o paraíso
Barry D. Adam b. 1952 Canadian scholar The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement, The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics
Evan Adams b. 1966 Canadian playwright Dreams of Sheep, Snapshots, Dirty Dog River and Janice's Christmas
Nathan Niigan Noodin Adler b. ? Canadian horror Wrist, Ghost Lake
Etel Adnan 1925–2021 Lebanese-American poet Sea and Fog
Will Aitken b. ? American-Canadian novelist, film critic Terre Haute, Realia
Magaly Alabau b. 1945 Cuban American poetry Electra y Clitemnestra. Poema
Francisco X. Alarcón 1954–2016 Chicano poetry From the Belly Button of the Moon: And Other Summer Poems, Poems to Dream Together = Poemas para soñar juntos
Edward Albee 1928–2016 American playwright Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Becky Albertalli 1982 American writer of fiction Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, What If It's Us
Jonathan Alexander b. 1967 American creative nonfiction Dear Queer Self [2]
Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali b. 1985 Canadian memoirist Angry Queer Somali Boy
Sandra Alland b. 1973 Canadian poetry, fiction The Mathematics of Love
Kimball Allen b. 1982 American playwright, performer, gay activist Secrets of a Gay Mormon Felon
Be Happy Be Mormon
Paula Gunn Allen 1939–2008 Native American poet, literary critic As Long as the Rivers Flow: The Stories of Nine Native Americans
Dorothy Allison b. 1949 American novelist Bastard Out of Carolina
Kye Allums b. 1989 American poet Who Am I? [3]
Anne-Marie Alonzo 1951–2005 Canadian poetry, fiction, drama Bleus de mine
Lisa Alther b. 1944 American novelist Stormy Weather & Other Stories; Blood Feud: The Hatfields and the McCoys: The Epic Story of Murder and Vengeance; Washed in the Blood; Kinflicks: A Novel
Rebecca Alpert b. 1950 American professor of Jewish American religious history Lesbian Rabbis: The First Generation
Hilton Als b. 1960 American writer, theatre critic White Girls
Noel Alumit b. 1968 Filipino-American playwright, novelist Mr. and Mrs. La Questa Go Dancing, Letters to Montgomery Clift
Hans Christian Andersen 1805–1875 Danish fantasy, novelist, poet, playwright The Emperor's New Clothes, The Little Mermaid, The Snow Queen
Gordon Stewart Anderson 1958–1991 Canadian novelist The Toronto You Are Leaving
Debra Anderson b. ? Canadian novelist, playwright Code White
Patrick Anderson 1915–1979 English/Canadian poet Return to Canada
Albalucía Angel b. 1939 Colombian folksinger and novelist Girasoles en Invierno
Núria Añó b. 1973 Spanish novelist Lowering Clouds
Trey Anthony b. 1983 Canadian playwright Da Kink in My Hair
Salvatore Antonio b. 1976 Canadian playwright In Gabriel's Kitchen
Gloria Anzaldúa 1942–2004 Chicana scholar of Chicana cultural theory Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza
Bert Archer b. 1968 Canadian journalist, critic The End of Gay (and the death of heterosexuality)
Reinaldo Arenas 1943–1990 Cuban poet, novelist and playwright Before Night Falls
Rafael Arévalo Martínez 1884–1975 Guatemalan novelist, short-story writer, poet Las rosas de Engaddi
Lawrence Aronovitch b. 1974 Canadian playwright The Lavender Railroad, Galatea
Rane Arroyo 1954–2010 Puerto Rican poetry Pale Ramón
Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro b. 1970 Puerto Rican novel, short story, essay TRANScaribeñx, Las Negras
John Ashbery 1927–2017 American poetry Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror
Rob Astbury 1948-2017 Australian sports
Damien Atkins b. 1975 Canadian playwright Real Live Girl, Lucy, The Gay Heritage Project
W. H. Auden 1907–1973 English poetry "Funeral Blues" (poem)
Ellis Avery 1972–2019 American novelist The Teahouse Fire, The Last Nude
Manuel Azaña 1880–1940 Spanish intellectual and politician La velada en Benicarló


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Cheryl B 1972–2011 American poet, autobiographer My Awesome Place: The Autobiography of Cheryl B
Mette Bach b. ? Canadian author, teacher, screenwriter, and director Off the Highway
Sir Francis Bacon 1561–1626 English essayist, novelist The Advancement and Proficience of Learning Divine and Human (1605)
Oliver Baez Bendorf b. 1987 American poet, writer Advantages of Being Evergreen [4]
Bruce Bagemihl b. ? Canadian scientist Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity
Bilal Baig b. 1995 Canadian playwright, actor Acha Bacha
James Robert Baker 1946–1997 American novelist Boy Wonder, Tim and Pete
John Roman Baker b. 1944 English poet, playwright, novelist Crying Celibate Tears
James Baldwin 1924–1987 American poet, playwright, novelist Giovanni's Room
Honoré de Balzac 1799–1850 French novelist La Comédie humaine
Victor J. Banis 1937–2019 American novelist The Man from C.A.M.P.
Keith Banner b. ? American novelist, short stories The Life I Lead, Next to Nothing
Kaushalya Bannerji b. ? Canadian poet A New Remembrance: Poems
Ann Bannon b. 1932 American novelist Beebo Brinker
Porfirio Barba Jacob 1883–1942 Columbian poet "Canción de la vida profunda" (poem)
Djuna Barnes 1892–1982 American novelist Ladies Almanack, Nightwood
Allen Barnett 1955–1991 American short story writer The Body and Its Dangers
Natalie Clifford Barney 1876–1972 American poet, memoirist Quelques Portraits-Sonnets de Femmes
Richard Barnfield 1574–1627 English poet The Passionate Pilgrim
Damian Barr b. 1976 British writer, columnist, playwright Maggie & Me
Joelle Barron Canadian poet Ritual Lights
Roland Barthes 1915–1980 French semiotician What Is Literature?
John Barton b. 1957 Canadian poet West of Darkness: Emily Carr, self-portrait (2nd ed.)
Jean Basile 1932–1992 Canadian novelist, essayist La Jument des mongols, Le Grand Khan, Les Voyages d'Irkoutsk
Jaime Bayly b. 1965 Peruvian journalist, novelist No se lo Digas a Nadie
Neil Bartlett b. 1958 English playwright More Bigger Snacks Now, A Vision of Love Revealed in Sleep, Sarrasine, A Judgement in Stone and Now That It's Morning
M.J. Bassett b. 1953 English writer, director, producer Strike Back (TV series)
Sylvia Beach 1887–1962 American editor, memoirist Founder of Shakespeare and Company
Thomas Beatie b. 1976 American Author Authored Labor of Love: The Story of One Man's Extraordinary Pregnancy
William Beckford 1760–1844 English novelist, travel writer Vathek
Aphra Behn c. 1640–1689 English dramatist, poet and novelist Oroonoko
Billy-Ray Belcourt b. ? Canadian poet This Wound Is a World
Ouissem Belgacem b. 1988 French football player, writer Adieu ma honte
Gwen Benaway b. 1987 Canadian poet Ceremonies for the Dead, Passage
Bruce Benderson b. 1946 American novelist, essayist Autobiographie érotique
E. F. Benson 1867–1940 English novelist Dodo
Jeremy Bentham 1748–1832 English philosopher An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
S. Bear Bergman b. 1974 American-Canadian author, poet, playwright, and theater artist Butch Is A Noun
Leonard Bernstein 1918–1990 American composer, conductor, author, music lecturer, and pianist West Side Story
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore b. ? American novelist The End of San Francisco
Drew Barrymore b. 1975 American Autobiographer Little Girl Lost
Sandra Barneda b. 1975 Spanish journalist, writer, actress Antena 3 Noticias
Tess Berry-Hart b. 1974 British playwright, novelist and activist Sochi 2014
José Bianco 1909–1986 Argentine essayist, novelist and editor Various works published in the magazine Sur
Anthony Bidulka b. 1962 Canadian novelist Flight of Aquavit
Aristide von Bienefeldt 1959–2016 Dutch novelist Bekentenissen van een Stamhouder ("Confessions of a Son and Heir")
Imogen Binnie b. ? American novelist Nevada
Elizabeth Bishop 1911–1979 American poet, short story writer North and South, Questions of Travel
Bill Bissett b. 1939 Canadian poet Awake in the Red Dessert (spoken word album)
Persimmon Blackbridge b. 1951 Canadian novelist, non-fiction writer Sunnybrook, Prozac Highway
Marie-Claire Blais 1939–2021 Canadian novelist, playwright A Season in the Life of Emmanuel, Mad Shadows, Augustino and the Choir of Destruction
Cassandra Blanchard b. ? Canadian poet Fresh Pack of Smokes
Robin Blaser 1925–2009 Canadian poet The Collected Books of Jack Spicer (editor)
Ali Blythe b. ? Canadian poet Twoism
Charlie Bondhus b. 1981 American poet All the Heat We Could Carry
Yolanda Bonnell b. ? Canadian playwright Bug
Gregory Bonsignore b. 1983 American playwright, librettist, lyricist, TV writer Atomic, Squad 85
Walter Borden b. 1942 Canadian playwright Tightrope Time: Ain't Nuthin' More Than Some Itty Bitty Madness Between Twilight and Dawn
Barrie Jean Borich b. ? American memoirist My Lesbian Husband, Body Geographic
Michel Marc Bouchard b. 1958 Canadian playwright Lilies, The Orphan Muses
Eddy Boudel Tan b. ? Canadian novelist After Elias, The Rebellious Tide
Elizabeth Bowen 1899–1973 Irish novelist Eva Trout
Jane Bowles 1917–1973 American novelist, playwright Two Serious Ladies
Paul Bowles 1910–1999 American novelist, poet, translator The Sheltering Sky
John Boyne b. 1971 Irish novelist The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite 1963–2008 Canadian novelist Wigger
Christopher Bram b. 1952 American novelist Father of Frankenstein
Gilberto Braga 1945–2021 Brazilian screenwriter Dancin' Days, Celebridade
Dionne Brand b. 1953 Canadian novelist, poet Land to Light On, What We All Long For, Sans Souci
Ken Brand b. ? Canadian playwright Benchmarks, The Bathhouse Suite, Burying Michael
Beth Brant 1941–2015 Canadian poet A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Women
Perry Brass b. 1947 American non-fiction, novels, poetry, plays ″How to Survive Your Own Gay Life″ ″King of Angels, A Novel About the Genesis of Identity and Belief″
André Brassard b. 1946 Canadian stage director, filmmaker and actor Once Upon a Time in the East, Le soleil se lève en retard (both films)
Bertolt Brecht 1898–1956 German playwright The Threepenny Opera
Phoebe Bridgers b. 1994 American singer, songwriter, producer Punisher, Stranger in the Alps
Dave Brindle b. ? Canadian journalist
Poppy Z. Brite b. 1967 American novelist Liquor, Prime, and Soul Kitchen
Lynn Breedlove b. 1958 American novelist Godspeed
Michael Bronski b. 1949 American historian A Queer History of the United States
Carellin Brooks b. ? Canadian novelist, non-fiction One Hundred Days of Rain, Wreck Beach
Brigid Brophy 1929–1995 English novelist Hackenfeller's Ape
Nicole Brossard b. 1943 French Canadian poet, novelist L'Echo bouge beau
Olga Broumas b. 1949 Greek-American poet Beginning with O
Rebecca Brown b. 1956 American novelist The Gifts of the Body
Rita Mae Brown b. 1944 American novelist Rubyfruit Jungle
Ryan Buell b. 1982 American memoirist Paranormal State: My Journey into the Unknown
Michael C. Burgess b. 1956 British poet Blue Rhapsody, The Victims
Nathan Burgoine b. ? Canadian novelist, short stories Light
Ronnie Burkett b. 1957 Canadian playwright Tinka's New Dress
John Horne Burns 1916–1953 American novelist The Gallery
William S. Burroughs 1914–1997 American novelist Naked Lunch, Queer
Aldo Busi b. 1948 Italian novelist Seminar on Youth
Alec Butler b. 1959 Canadian playwright Black Friday
Lady Eleanor Butler 1739–1829 Anglo-Irish diarist Ladies of Llangollen : letters and journals of Lady Eleanor Butler (1739–1829) and Sarah Ponsonby (1755–1831)
Judith Butler b. 1956 American philosophy, ethics, queer theory Gender Trouble (1990)
Samuel Butler 1835–1902 English novelist Erewhon, The Way of All Flesh
Lord Byron 1788–1824 English poet Don Juan (poem)


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Patrick Califia b. 1954 American non-fiction Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex
Anne Cameron b. 1938 Canadian novelist, poet, screenwriter Dreamspeaker (screenplay)
Elspeth Cameron b. 1943 Canadian biographies and memoirs, poetry No Previous Experience
Rafael Campo b. 1964 American poet "Silence= Death"
Truman Capote 1924–1984 American novelist, non-fiction Breakfast at Tiffany's, In Cold Blood
Pat Capponi 1949–2020 Canadian mystery novelist, non-fiction Bound by Duty: Walking the Beat with Canada's Cops
Tom Cardamone b. ? American speculative fiction Green Thumb
Nancy Cárdenas 1934–1994 Mexican actor, activist, filmmaker México de mis amores (documentary)
Dale Carpenter b. 1966 American non-fiction Flagrant Conduct: The Story of Lawrence v. Texas
Edward Carpenter 1844–1929 English poet, academic Civilisation, Its Cause and Cure
Michael Carroll b. ? American short stories Little Reef
Julián del Casal 1863–1893 Cuban poet Mi museo ideal (poetry collection)
Sue-Ellen Case b. 1942 American playwright, critic Butch/Femme: Inside Lesbian Genders
Joseph Cassara b. 1989 American novelist The House of Impossible Beauties
Stacie Cassarino b. 1975 American poet Zero at the Bone
Cyrus Cassells b.1957 American poet, professor More Than Peace and Cypresses
Clint Catalyst b. 1971 American writer, actor Cottonmouth Kisses
Willa Cather 1873–1947 American novelist, writer of stort stories and essays My Ántonia
Catullus ca 85–ca 55 B.C. Roman poet Catullus et in eum commentarius
Constantine P. Cavafy 1863–1933 Greek poet "Ithaca" (poem)
Kate Cayley b. ? Canadian poet, dramatist, short stories How You Were Born, The Hangman in the Mirror, After Akhmatova
Luis Cernuda 1902–1963 Spanish poet La realidad y el deseo
Robert Chafe b. 1971 Canadian playwright Afterimage, Butler's Marsh, Tempting Providence (plays)
Paul Chamberland b. 1939 Canadian poet, essayist L'Afficheur hurle, En nouvelle barbarie
Jane Chambers 1937–1983 American playwright Tales of the Revolution and Other American Fables
Jessie Chandler b. 1968 American writer of mysteries and humorous caper fiction Shay O'Hanlon Caper Series
Mathieu Chantelois b. 1973 Canadian television personality Lorenzo (1963)
Graham Chapman 1941–1989 British Screenwriter A liar's Autobiography
George Chauncey b. 1953 American historian Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World, 1890–1940
Normand Chaurette 1954–2022 Canadian playwright Fragments d'une lettre d'adieu lus par les géologues, Je vous écris du Caire
Alexander Chee b. 1967 American novelist, poet, journalist Edinburgh, The Queen of Night
John Cheever 1912–1982 American novelist, short stories The Enormous Radio, The Five-Forty-Eight, The Wapshot Chronicle, The Swimmer
Gabriel Cholette b. ? Canadian memorist Scenes from the Underground
Lisa Cholodenko b. 1964 American screenwriter High Art, Laurel Canyon, The Kids Are All Right
Wayson Choy 1939–2019 Canadian novelist, memoirist The Jade Peony, Paper Shadows, All That Matters
Jillian Christmas b. ? Canadian poet The Gospel of Breaking
Nino Cipri b. 1985 American writer Defekt
Hélène Cixous b. 1937 French philosopher, writer "The Laugh of the Medusa" (essay)
Eli Claire b. 1963 American writer Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation, Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure
C. L. Clark b. ? American novelist The Unbroken
John Cleland 1710–1789 English novelist Fanny Hill
Kate Clinton b. 1947 American comedian Don't Get Me Started, What the L, and I Told You So
Jean Cocteau 1889–1963 French poet, novelist, dramatist La Voix humaine
Christopher Coe 1953–1994 American novelist I Look Divine, Such Times
Henri Cole b. 1956 American poet Touch (poetry collection)
Susan G. Cole b. 1952 Canadian writer Pornography and the sex crisis
Colette 1873–1954 French novelist Claudine series
Joey Comeau b. 1980 Canadian writer A Softer World, Overqualified, Lockpick Pornography
Ivy Compton-Burnett 1884–1969 English writer Manservant and Maidservant
Carmen Conde Abellán 1907–1996 Spanish academic, poet, writer Poesía ante el tiempo y la inmortalidad
Timothy Conigrave 1959–1994 Australian actor, writer Holding the Man
Garrard Conley b. 1984/1985 American memoirist Boy Erased: A Memoir
Bernard Cooper b. 1951 American writer The Bill From My Father: A Memoir
Dennis Cooper b. 1953 American writer George Miles Cycle
Copi (pseudonym of Raúl Damonte) 1941–1987 Argentine/French writer, actor, director, cartoonist La Femme assise
Rick Copp b. 1964 American mystery writer The Actor's Guide to Murder, The Actor's Guide to Adultery, The Actor's Guide to Greed, Where the Bears Are
Steven Corbin 1953–1995 American novelist Fragments That Remain
Amanda Cordner b. ? Canadian playwright Body So Fluorescent, Wring the Roses
Jeanne Cordova 1948–2016 American activist, journalist When We Were Outlaws: a Memoir of Love and Revolution
Marie Corelli 1855–1924 Scottish writer A Romance of Two Worlds
Carl Corley 1919–2016 American writer A Chosen World
Brenda Cossman b. 1960 Canadian academic Sexual Citizens: The Legal and Cultural Regulation of Sex and Belonging
Douglas Coupland b. 1961 Canadian novelist, short story writer, playwright Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, Microserfs, JPod
Laerte Coutinho b. 1951 Brazilian cartoonist, screenwriter Chiclete com Banana, Piratas do Tietê
Dani Couture b. 1978 Canadian writer Sweet (poetry collection)
Noël Coward 1899–1973 English playwright Private Lives
Daniel Allen Cox b. 1976 Canadian writer Shuck, Krakow Melt
Ivan Coyote b. 1969 Canadian spoken word performer, writer Tomboy Survival Guide
Caleb Crain b. 1967 American novelist, critic Necessary Errors, American Sympathy
Hart Crane 1899–1933 American poet The Bridge
Mark Crawford Canadian playwright The Birds and the Bees, Bed and Breakfast
Quentin Crisp 1908–1999 British books, stage, screen, TV "The Naked Civil Servant"
Eva Crocker b. ? Canadian short stories Barrelling Forward
Mart Crowley 1935–2020 American playwright The Boys in the Band
Countee Cullen 1903–1946 American writer Color (poetry collection)
Nancy Jo Cullen b. ? Canadian poet, short stories Science Fiction Saint, Pearl, Untitled Child, and Canary (a short story collection)
Tom Culligan b. 1945 Canadian businessman Teacups & Sticky Buns
Michael Cunningham b. 1952 American novelist The Hours
Peter Cureton 1965–1994 Canadian playwright Passages
Max Currie b. ? New Zealand screenwriter, film director Everything We Loved, Rūrangi
Jameson Currier b. 1955 American novelist, short stories Dancing on the Moon, Where the Rainbow Ends, The Wolf at the Door
Jen Currin b. ? American/Canadian poet The Inquisition Yours


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Stormy Daniels b. 1979 American autobiographer Full Disclosure
Jean-Paul Daoust b. 1946 Canadian poet, novelist, short stories Les Cendres bleues, Black Diva
Jim David b. 1954 American comedian, actor, playwright South Pathetic
Christopher Davis b. 1953 American novelist, short stories Valley of the Shadow, Philadelphia
Jeff Davis b. 1975 American screenwriter Teen Wolf
Tanya Davis b. ? Canadian poet Make a List
Amber Dawn b. ? Canadian novelist Sub Rosa
Nicholas Dawson b. 1982 Chilean-Canadian novelist, poet, non-fiction Désormais, ma demeure
Samuel R. Delany b. 1942 American novelist, literary critic Hogg, Dhalgren, The Motion of Light in Water, Dark Reflections
A. M. Dellamonica b. 1968 Canadian novelist Indigo Springs
David Demchuk b. ? Canadian novelist, playwright The Bone Mother, Touch, If Betty Should Rise
Nicole Dennis-Benn b. 1982 Jamaican novelist Here Comes the Sun, Patsy
Joel Derfner b. 1973 American memoirist, author, essayist, humorist Gay Haiku, Swish, Lawfully Wedded Husband
Augusto d'Halmar 1882–1950 Chilean novelist Palabras para canciones
Andy Dick b. 1965 American comedian, actor, musician, and television and film producer The Ben Stiller Show, NewsRadio, The Andy Dick Show
Emily Dickinson 1830–1886 American poet The Poems of Emily Dickinson
David Di Giovanni b. ? Canadian playwright Body So Fluorescent, Wring the Roses
Joe DiPietro b. 1961 American playwright Memphis, Fucking Men
Thomas Disch 1940–2008 American novelist, poet On Wings of Song
Dorothy Dittrich b. ? Canadian playwright When We Were Singing, The Dissociates, The Piano Teacher
Farzana Doctor b. ? Canadian novelist Six Metres of Pavement
Dodie b. 1995 English novelist, short stories Secrets for the Mad: Obsessions, Confessions and Life Lessons, Untitled Short Story Collection
John Donne 1572–1631 English poet Notable for his erotic poetry and elegies
Nisa Donnelly 1950–2021 American novelist The Bar Stories: A Novel After All, The Love Songs of Phoenix Bay
Emma Donoghue b. 1969 Irish/Canadian novelist, short story writer Room
José Donoso 1925–1996 Chilean novelist Hell Has No Limits
John Donovan 1928–1992 American young adult novelist, dramatist I'll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip
H.D., born Hilda Doolittle 1886–1961 American poet Helen in Egypt
Fernand Dorais 1928–2003 Canadian academic literature, erotica Entre Montréal Sudbury, Témoins d'errances en Ontario français, Hermaphrodismes
Layla Dorine 1976- American Romance, genre fiction Guitars and Cages, Halfway to Someday, Desolation Angel, Tattered Angel, Guitars and Choices, Bleeding Dawn, ...And All Shall Fade to Black, Tripping Over The Edge of Night
Mark Doty b. 1953 American poet and memoirist Heaven's Coast, Fire to Fire
Lord Alfred Douglas 1870–1945 English poet Oscar Wilde and Myself
Norman Douglas 1868–1952 Scottish-Austrian novelist Old Calabria
Michael Downing 1958–2021 American novelist, non-fiction Perfect Agreement, Breakfast with Scot
Brian Drader b. 1960 Canadian playwright Prok, The Fruit Machine, The Norbals
Neal Drinnan b. 1964 Australian novelist Izzy and Eve
Daphne du Maurier 1907–1989 English author, playwright Rebecca
Peter Dubé b. ? Canadian novelist, short story writer Editor of several anthologies of gay male literature
René-Daniel Dubois b. 1955 Canadian playwright Being at Home with Claude
Carol Ann Duffy b. 1955 Scottish poet, playwright Standing Female Nude
Maureen Duffy b. 1933 English novelist, poet, playwright That's How It Was
Stella Duffy b. 1963 English/New Zealand novelist State of Happiness
Robert Duncan 1919–1988 American poet The Opening of the Field, Roots and Branches, and Bending the Bow
Warren Dunford b. 1963 Canadian mystery Soon to Be a Major Motion Picture, Making a Killing, The Scene Stealer
Paul Dunn Canadian playwright The Gay Heritage Project, Outside
Kristyn Dunnion b. 1969 Canadian novelist, short story writer The Dirt Chronicles
Larry Duplechan b. 1956 American novelist Blackbird, Got 'til It's Gone
Elana Dykewomon 1949–2022 American novelist, poet Beyond the Pale


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Jim Egan 1921–2000 Canadian activist, journalist Challenging the Conspiracy of Silence
Bret Easton Ellis b. 1964 American novelist American Psycho, Glamorama
Guy Édoin b. ? Canadian screenwriter Wetlands (Marécages)
Chike Frankie Edozien b. 1970 Nigerian-American journalist, memoirist Lives of Great Men: Living and Loving as an African Gay Man
Jorge Eduardo Eielson 1924–2006 Peruvian poetry Habitación en Roma, El cuerpo de Giulia-No and Primera muerte de María (novels)
Lars Eighner 1948–2021 American non-fiction, erotica Travels with Lizbeth
Francesca Ekwuyasi b. ? Nigerian-Canadian novelist Butter Honey Pig Bread
Deborah Ellis b. 1960 Canadian non-fiction, young adult literature The Breadwinner, The Heaven Shop
Jason Elis b. 1971 Australian radio host The Jason Elis Show
Sarah Ellis b. 1952 Canadian children's Odd Man Out, Pick Up Sticks
Gloria Escomel b. 1941 Uruguayan-Canadian novelist, dramatist, journalist Pièges, Fruit de la passion
Michael Estok 1939–1989 Canadian poet A Plague Year Journal


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Evan Fallenberg b. 1961 American-Israeli novelist Light Fell, When We Danced on Water
Sara Farizan b. ? American young adult literature If You Could Be Mine
Logan February b. 1999 Nigerian Poetry In the Nude, Mannequin in the Nude
David B. Feinberg 1956–1994 American journalist Queer and Loathing
Leslie Feinberg 1949–2014 American novelist, non-fiction Stone Butch Blues
Joshua M. Ferguson b. ? Canadian memoirist Me, Myself, They
Anderson Ferrell b. ? American novelist Where She Was, Home for the Day, Have You Heard
Robert Ferro 1941–1988 American novelist The Family of Max Desir
Hubert Fichte 1935–1986 German writer Die Geschichte der Empfindlichkeit
Edward Field b. 1924 American poetry Counting Myself Lucky, Selected Poems 1963-1992
Harvey Fierstein b. 1954 American playwright Torch Song Trilogy
Connie Fife 1961–2017 Canadian poetry Beneath the Naked Sun, Poems for a New World
Timothy Findley 1930–2002 Canadian novelist, playwright The Wars, Headhunter, Elizabeth Rex
Lois Fine b. ? Canadian dramatist Freda and Jem's Best of the Week
Larry Fineberg b. 1945 Canadian playwright Eve, Human Remains, Failure of Nerve
Ronald Firbank 1886–1926 English novelist Valmouth, Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli
Diane Flacks b. 1955 Canadian playwright Myth Me, By a Thread
Janet Flanner 1892–1978 American journalist Foreign correspondent in Paris, France
Lisa Foad b. ? Canadian short stories The Night Is a Mouth
Waawaate Fobister b. ? Canadian playwright Agokwe
Michael Thomas Ford b. 1968 American novelist, non-fiction Alec Baldwin Doesn't Love Me, That's Mr. Faggot to You
E. M. Forster 1879–1970 English novelist Maurice, A Passage to India, A Room With A View, Howards End
Guy Mark Foster b. ? American short stories The Rest of Us
Marion Foster 1924–1997 Canadian mysteries The Monarchs Are Flying, Legal Tender
Michel Foucault 1926–1984 French philosopher The History of Sexuality
Brian Francis b. 1971 Canadian novelist Fruit
Judith Frank b. ? American novelist, short stories Crybaby Butch, All I Love and Know
Brad Fraser b. 1959 Canadian playwright Unidentified Human Remains and the True Nature of Love, Poor Super Man
Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman 1852–1930 American novelist, short story writer, poet A New England Nun
Alice French 1850–1934 American writer Expiation
Ladislav Fuks 1923–1994 Czech novelist The Cremator
Janine Fuller b. 1958 Canadian non-fiction Restricted Entry: Censorship on Trial, Forbidden Passages: Writings Banned in Canada
Wes Funk 1969–2015 Canadian novelist Dead Rock Stars, Cherry Blossoms


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Patrick Gale b. 1962 British novelist Rough Music
Federico García Lorca 1898–1936 Spanish poet and playwright Poeta en Nueva York
Magali García Ramis b. 1946 Puerto Rican novelist, essayist Happy Days, Uncle Sergio
Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazabal b. 1945 Colombian novelist, columnist Dabeiba
Nancy Garden 1938–2014 American novelist Annie on My Mind
Ken Garnhum b. ? Canadian playwright Pants on Fire
C. E. Gatchalian b. 1974 Canadian playwright Motifs & Repetitions
Daniel Gawthrop b. 1963 Canadian journalist, biographer Affirmation: The AIDS Odyssey of Dr. Peter, The Rice Queen Diaries, The Trial of Pope Benedict
Roxane Gay b. 1974 American novelist, essayist Bad Feminist
Jean Genet 1910–1986 French novelist, playwright, poet Our Lady of the Flowers
Stefan George 1868–1933 German poet Main person of the literary and academic group known as the George-Kreis
Hyeong-do Gi 1960–1989 Korean poet Black Leaf in My Mouth
André Gide 1869–1951 French novelist The Immoralist
Sky Gilbert b. 1952 Canadian playwright Co-founder and artistic director of Buddies in Bad Times
John Gilgun 1935–2021 American novelist, poet, short stories Music I Never Dreamed Of
Allen Ginsberg 1926–1997 American poet Howl
M-E Girard b. ? Canadian young adult literature Girl Mans Up
John Glassco 1909–1981 Canadian poet Memoirs of Montparnasse
Connie Glynn b. 1994 British young adult literature The Rosewood Chronicles
Nikolai Gogol 1809–1852 Ukrainian novelist, playwright Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka
Michael Golding b. 1958 American novelist, screenwriter A Poet of the Invisible World, Silk
Andrea Goldsmith b. 1950 Australian novelist The Prosperous Thief
Agustín Gómez-Arcos 1933–1998 Spanish novelist, playwright L'Agneau carnivore, Ana non
Ibis Gómez-Vega b. 1952 Cuban novelist, playwright Send My Roots Rain
Krzysztof Gonciarz b. 1985 Polish nonfiction writer
Rigoberto González b. 1970 American, Chicano poet, memoirist, critic Butterfly Boy: Memories of a Chicano Mariposa, Antonio's Card, Unpeopled Eden, What Drowns the Flowers in Your Mouth
Brad Gooch b. 1952 American poet, essayist, biographer Jailbait and Other Stories
Paul Goodman 1911–1972 American poet Growing Up Absurd, The Community of Scholars
Juan Goytisolo 1931–2017 Spanish poet, essayist, novelist Count Julian
Judy Grahn b. 1940 American poet Love Belongs to Those Who Do the Feeling (poetry collection)
Camarin Grae b. 1941 American science fiction The Secret in the Bird, Slick, Stranded
R. W. Gray b. ? Canadian short stories, novelist, poet Crisp, Entropic
Thomas Gray 1716–1771 English poet Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Nick Green b. ? Canadian playwright Body Politic
Harlan Greene b. 1953 American novelist, historian What the Dead Remember, The German Officer's Boy
Garth Greenwell b. 1978 American novelist What Belongs to You
Robert Joseph Greene b. 1973 Canadian short story writer The Gay Icon Classics of the World, This High School Has Closets
Sasha Grey b. 1988 American author, songwriter Entourage, The Juliette Society
Matthew Griffin b. ? American novelist Hide
Doris Grumbach 1918–2022 American novelist, biographer, essayist Chamber Music
Hervé Guibert 1955–1991 French novelist L'homme blessé (screenplay that he co-wrote)
Alain Guiraudie b. 1964 French screenwriter, novelist Stranger by the Lake, Now the Night Begins
Thom Gunn 1929–2004 English poet The Man with Night Sweats


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Samra Habib Canadian memoirist We Have Always Been Here
Saleem Haddad b. 1983 Kuwaiti-British novelist Guapa
Radclyffe Hall 1880–1943 English novelist The Well of Loneliness
Richard Hall 1926–1992 American novelist, short stories, drama, criticism Couplings
Aaron Hamburger b. 1973 American novelist, short story writer The View from Stalin's Head (short story collection), Faith for Beginners
Jane Eaton Hamilton b. 1954 Canadian poet, short story writer, memoirist, novelist Love Will Burst into a Thousand Shapes, Hunger, Body Rain, No More Hurt, Weekend
Dena Hankins b. 1975 American novelist, short story writer Blue Water Dreams
Bretten Hannam b. ? Canadian screenwriter North Mountain, Wildhood
Joseph Hansen 1923–2004 American novelist, poet Series of novels featuring private eye Dave Brandstetter
Robin Hardy 1952–1995 Canadian novelist, journalist, founding member of Publishing Triangle Freelance contributor to The Advocate, Village Voice and Penthouse
Bertha Harris 1937–2005 American novelist Lover
Michael Harris b. 1980 Canadian non-fiction, young adult literature The End of Absence: Reclaiming What We've Lost in a World of Constant Connection
Adam Haslett b. 1970 American novelist, short story writer You Are Not A Stranger Here, Imagine Me Gone
Trebor Healey b. 1962 American novelist, poet Through It Came Bright Colors
Sydney Hegele b. ? Canadian short stories The Pump
Scott Heim b. 1966 American novelist Mysterious Skin
Essex Hemphill 1957–1995 American poet, activist Co-founder of Nethula Journal of Contemporary Literature
Philip Hensher b. 1965 English novelist, critic, journalist The Mulberry Empire
John Herbert 1926–2001 Canadian playwright Fortune and Men's Eyes
Catherine Hernandez b. ? Canadian playwright, novelist Scarborough
Greg Herren b. 1961 American novelist Murder in the Rue Chartres
Patricia Highsmith 1921–1995 American novelist The Talented Mr. Ripley
Scott Hightower b. 1952 American poet Part of the Bargain
Tomson Highway b. 1951 Canadian novelist, playwright The Rez Sisters, Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing, Kiss of the Fur Queen
Thorn Kief Hillsbery b. ? American novelist What We Do Is Secret
Daryl Hine 1936–2012 Canadian poet The Carnal and the Crane
Hippothales 4th Century B.C. Athenian poet numerous love poems to Lysis
Guy Hocquenghem 1946–1988 French theorist Homosexual Desire, L'Amour en relief
Susan Holbrook b. 1967 Canadian poet Misled, Joy Is So Exhausting, Throaty Wipes
Andrew Holleran (pseudonym of Eric Garber) b. 1943 American novelist, essayist Dancer from the Dance
Alan Hollinghurst b. 1954 English novelist The Swimming Pool Library, The Folding Star, The Spell, The Line of Beauty
Ike Holter b. 1985 American playwright Hit the Wall, Exit Strategy, The Wolf at the End of the Block
Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844–1889 English poet The Habit of Perfection
Horace 65-8 B.C. Roman poet Odes
Leah Horlick b. ? Canadian poet Riot Lung, For Your Own Good
Silas House b. 1971 American novelist, journalist
Stephen Hough b. 1961 British pianist, composer, writer The Final Retreat
A. E. Housman 1859–1936 English poet A Shropshire Lad
Richard Howard 1929–2022 American poet Alone With America
James Howe b. 1946 American children's writer The Misfits series
Tanya Huff b. 1957 Canadian novelist Blood Books series
Langston Hughes 1902–1967 American poet The Big Sea
Jay Hulme b. 1997 British poet I Bet I Can Make You Laugh
Bo Huston 1959–1993 American novelist, short stories Dream Life, The Listener
Joris-Karl Huysmans 1848–1907 French novelist Against the Grain (À rebours, 1884)
Maureen Hynes b. ? Canadian poet Rough Skin


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
John Ibbitson b. 1955 Canadian journalist, playwright, children's writer 1812: Jeremy's War, The Landing, The Big Shift: The Seismic Change in Canadian Politics, Business, and Culture and What It Means for Our Future
Nnanna Ikpo b. ? Nigerian novelist Fimí Sílẹ̀ Forever
George K. Ilsley b. 1958 Canadian short stories, novelist Random Acts of Hatred, ManBug
William Inge 1913–1973 American playwright Come Back, Little Sheba, Picnic
Malcolm Ingram b. 1968 Canadian screenwriter Tail Lights Fade, Small Town Gay Bar, Continental
Juana Inés de la Cruz 1648–1695 Mexican poet, playwright The Dream
Christopher Isherwood 1904–1986 English novelist, autobiographer I Am a Camera, Down There on a Visit, A Single Man, Christopher and His Kind
Arturo Islas 1938–1991 American writer The Rain God
Harish Iyer b. 1979 Indian journalist Social media writer (blogs, Facebook and Twitter)


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Narelda Jacobs b. 2000 Australian television journalist 10 News First Perth
Tove Jansson 1914–2001 Finnish novelist, painter, illustrator, comic strip author Moomins series
Derek Jarman 1942–1994 English author and filmmaker At Your Own Risk
Alfred Jarry 1873–1907 French writer Ubu Roi
Sarah Orne Jewett 1849–1909 American novelist, short story writer and poet The Country of the Pointed Firs
Geraldine Jewsbury 1812–1880 British novelist, London literary social figure Zoe: the History of Two Lives
Craig Johnson b. ? American screenwriter, film director True Adolescents, The Skeleton Twins
Punkie Johnson b. 1985 American comedian Saturday Night Live, The Comedy Store
June Jordan 1936–2002 American poet Directed by Desire: Collected Poems
Amanda Junquera Butler 1898–1986 Spanish chronicler, translator, storyteller Personajes de la Inquisición [Characters of the Inquisition, by William Thomas Walsh], Un hueco en la luz
Claude Jutra 1930–1986 Canadian screenwriter Mon oncle Antoine, Kamouraska


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Karin Kallmaker b. 1960 American romance, erotica, science fiction Maybe Next Time
Patricia Karvelas b. 1981 Australian radio presenter, journalist RN Breakfast
Christopher Kelly b. ? American novelist, journalist A Push and a Shove
Fran Kelly b. 1988 Australian radio presenter, journalist Breakfast
Jonathan Kemp b. 1967 English novelist London Triptych
Randall Kenan 1963–2020 American writer Let the Dead Bury Their Dead, A Visitation of Spirits
Nina Kennedy b. 1960 American writer, pianist, screenwriter Practicing for Love: A Memoir
Maurice Kenny 1929–2016 American poet The Mama Poems
Jack Kerouac 1922–1969 American novelist On the Road, The Subterraneans
Kevin Killian 1952–2019 American poet, novelist, playwright Bedrooms Have Windows, Impossible Princess, Stone Marmalade
Willyce Kim b. 1946 American poet, novelist Eating Artichokes, Dead Heat
Gary Kinsman b. 1955 Canadian sociologist The Regulation of Desire: Homo and Hetero Sexualities
Heinrich von Kleist 1777–1811 Prussian poet, dramatist, short story writer, and novelist The Broken Jug, The Marquise of O, Michael Kohlhaas, Penthesilea, The Prince of Homburg
Todd Klinck b. 1974 Canadian novelist, journalist, screenwriter Tacones, Sugar
Tamai Kobayashi b. 1966 Canadian novelist, short story writer Prairie Ostrich
Wayne Koestenbaum b. 1958 American poet and cultural critic The Queen's Throat
Bernard-Marie Koltès 1948–1989 French playwright La Nuit juste avant les forêts, Dans la solitude des champs de coton
Bill Konigsberg b. 1970 American sportswriter, young adult literature Out of the Pocket, Openly Straight
Greg Kramer 1961–2013 British/Canadian novelist, playwright The Pursemonger of fugu, Hogtown Bonbons
Larry Kramer 1935–2020 American novelist, journalist, playwright Faggots, The Normal Heart
Ellen Kushner b. 1955 American writer Thomas the Rhymer
Tony Kushner b. 1956 American playwright Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes
Mikhail Kuzmin 1872–1936 Russian writer The Trout Breaks the Ice
Lydia Kwa b. 1959 Singaporean-Canadian novelist This Place Called Absence, The Walking Boy


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes b. 1968 Puerto Rican poet, playwright, scholar Uñas pintadas de azul/Blue Fingernails
Kama La Mackerel b. ? Mauritian-Canadian poet ZOM-FAM
Richard Labonté 1949–2022 Canadian literary critic, anthologist Editor for works like Best Gay Erotica 2005
Edward A. Lacey 1938–1995 Canadian poet The Delight of Hearts, or What You Will Not Find in Any Book
Ben Ladouceur b. 1987 Canadian poet Otter
Jean-Luc Lagarce 1957–1995 French playwright Juste la fin du monde
Selma Lagerlöf 1859–1940 Swedish novelist, playwright Gösta Berling's Saga
Lori L. Lake b. 1960 American novelist The Gun Series police quadrology
Kevin Lambert b. 1992 Canadian novelist Tu aimeras ce que tu as tué, Querelle de Roberval
Michael Lannan b. ? American screenwriter Looking
Benjamin Law b. 1982 Australian journalist The Family Law, Gaysia
D. H. Lawrence 1885–1930 English novelist, playwright The Rainbow, Lady Chatterley's Lover
David Leavitt b. 1961 American novelist The Lost Language of Cranes
Fran Lebowitz b. 1950 American comedic essayist Metropolitan Life, Social Studies
Violette Leduc 1907–1972 French novelist La Batarde, Therese and Isabelle
John Alan Lee 1933–2013 Canadian sociologist The Colours of Love, Getting Sex
Vernon Lee 1856–1935 French essayist Satan the Waster
Yoon Ha Lee b. 1979 American novelist Machineries of Empire
R. B. Lemberg b. 1976 Ukrainian-American author The Four Profound Weaves
Vange Leonel 1963-2014 Brazilian singer-songwriter Nau, The Sexual Life of the Savages (compilation)
Konstantin Leontiev 1831–1891 Russian literary critic, philosopher The East, Russia, and Slavdom (essay collections)
Robert Lepage b. 1957 Canadian playwright, screenwriter The Confessional, Polygraph, Far Side of the Moon
Douglas LePan 1914–1998 Canadian poet The Wounded Prince, Bright Glass of Memory, Macalister
Alex Leslie b. ? Canadian poet, short story writer People Who Disappear, The Things I Heard About You
David Levithan b. 1972 American novelist Boy Meets Boy
Matthew G. Lewis 1775–1818 English novelist The Monk
José Lezama Lima 1910–1976 Cuban novelist Paradiso
Ali Liebegott b. 1971 American poet Writer on Transparent
Earl Lind 1874–? American autobiographer Autobiography of an Androgyne
Eddie Linden b. 1935 British poet and editor Hampstead by Night
Peter Lloyd b. 1966 Australian journalist Lateline
Lynette Loeppky b. ? Canadian memoirist Cease
Audre Lorde 1934–1992 American poet, essayist Zami: A New Spelling of My Name, Sister Outsider
Adam Lowe b. 1985 British poet Troglodyte Rose
Michael Lowenthal b. 1969 American novelist Avoidance
Ed Luce b. ? American graphic novelist Wuvable Oaf
Michael Lynch 1944–1991 Canadian poet, journalist, academic These Waves of Dying Friends
Elizabeth A. Lynn b. 1946 American novelist Chronicles of Tornor


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Ann-Marie MacDonald b. 1958 Canadian playwright, novelist Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), Fall on Your Knees, The Way the Crow Flies
Bryden MacDonald b. 1960 Canadian playwright Whale Riding Weather|
Hamish Macdonald b. 1981 Australian broadcast journalist ABC's Q+A
Lee MacDougall b. ? Canadian playwright High Life, The Gingko Tree
Daniel MacIvor b. 1962 Canadian playwright, screenwriter House, Marion Bridge, Weirdos
John Henry Mackay 1864–1933 Scottish-German novelist, philosopher Die Anarchisten (The Anarchists)
Bennett Madison b. 1981 American novelist Lulu Dark (young adult series)
Gregory Maguire b. 1954 American novelist Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
Anand Mahadevan b. 1979 Indian-Canadian novelist The Strike
Louise Maheux-Forcier 1929–2015 Canadian novelist Amadou, Une Forêt pour Zoé
Klaus Mann 1906–1949 German novelist, short story writer Mephisto (novel)
Thomas Mann 1875–1955 German novelist, short story writer, essayist Death in Venice
David Charles Manners b. 1965 English novelist, poet In the Shadow of Crows
Jaime Manrique b. 1949 Colombian-American poet, journalist Latin Moon in Manhattan, Eminent Maricones
Blaine Marchand b. 1949 Canadian poet Regular columnist for Ottawa's LGBT newspaper Capital Xtra!
Jovette Marchessault 1938–2012 Canadian novelist, playwright La Terre est trop courte, Violette Leduc, Le Voyage magnifique d'Emily Carr
Daphne Marlatt b. 1942 Canadian poet, novelist Ana Historic, The Given, This Tremor Love Is
Douglas A. Martin b. 1973 American novelist, poet Outline of My Lover
Paula Martinac b. 1954 American novelist, non-fiction Out of Time, Home Movies
Jacques Martineau b. 1963 French film director, screenwriter Jeanne et le Garçon formidable
Richard Mason b. 1978 South African/British novelist The Drowning People
Blair Mastbaum b. 1979 American novelist Clay's Way, Us Ones in Between
Nemir Matos-Cintrón b. 1949 Puerto Rican poet Las mujeres no hablan asi, A través del aire y del fuego pero no del cristal' "El arte de morir y La pequeña muerte,"Aliens in NYC."
F. O. Matthiessen 1902–1950 American literary critic American Renaissance
W. Somerset Maugham 1874–1965 English playwright, novelist Of Human Bondage
Armistead Maupin b. 1944 American novelist Tales of the City
Tawiah M'carthy b. ? Canadian playwright Obaaberima
Richard McCann 1949–2021 American short story writer, poet Ghost Letters (poetry collection)
Barry McCrea b. 1974 Irish novelist, academic The First Verse
Carson McCullers 1917–1967 American novelist Reflections in a Golden Eye
Val McDermid b. 1955 British novelist The Mermaids Singing
Keith McDermott b. 1953 American novelist, playwright Acqua Calda
R.W.R McDonald ? Crime Fiction novelist The Nancys, Nancy Business
Michael McDowell 1950–1999 American novelist, screenwriter Beetlejuice screenplay and story
Peter McGehee 1955–1991 American/Canadian novelist Boys Like Us, Sweetheart
Fiona McGregor b. 1965 Australian novelist, essayist, critic Indelible Ink, Strange Museums
Vestal McIntyre b. ? American short story writer Lake Overturn
Terrence McNally 1938–2020 American playwright The Ritz, Love! Valour! Compassion!
Casey McQuiston b. 1991 American novelist Red, White, & Royal Blue
Lída Merlínová 1906–1988 Czech novelist Vyhnanci lásky (Exiles of Love)
Mark Merlis 1950–2017 American novelist An Arrow's Flight, American Studies
James Merrill 1926–1995 American poet The Changing Light at Sandover, A Different Person
Charlotte Mew 1869–1928 English poet The Farmer's Bride (poetry collection)
Shayne Michael b. ? Canadian poet Fif et sauvage
Grant Michaels 1947–2009 American mysteries A Body to Dye For, Dead as a Doornail
Michelangelo 1475–1564 Italian artist, poet Poetry and artistic work such as "David"
Stevie Mikayne b. ? Canadian mystery, children's UnCatholic Conduct, Illicit Artifacts
Edna St. Vincent Millay 1892–1950 American poet "Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare", "Renascence", and "The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver" (poems)
Isabel Miller (pseudonym of Alma Routsong) 1924–1996 American novelist A Place for Us
Roswell George Mills 1896–1966 Canadian journalist, poet Les Mouches Fantastiques
David Miranda b. 1985 Brazilian journalist, politician Detailing mass surveillance by the NSA
John Milton 1608–1674 English poet Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained
Yukio Mishima 1925–1970 Japanese poet, playwright, novelist Confessions of a Mask
Sylvia Molloy 1938–2022 Argentine essayist and academic
Paul Monette 1945–1995 American poet, essayist Borrowed Time
Carlos Monsiváis 1938–2010 Mexican journalist, biographer Días de guardar
Shani Mootoo b. 1957 Canadian novelist Cereus Blooms at Night, Moving Forward Sideways Like a Crab
Cherríe Moraga b. 1952 Chicana poet, essayist, playwright Loving in the War Years
Ethan Mordden b. 1947 American novelist, essayist "Buddies" cycle of novels
César Moro 1903–1956 Peruvian poet La tortuga ecuestre
Erwin Mortier b. 1965 Belgian novelist, poet, essayist, translator While the Gods Were Sleeping
Erín Moure b. 1955 Canadian poet Furious, O Cidadan, Little Theatres
Cherry Muhanji b. 1939 American novelist, poet Her
Tamsyn Muir b. 1985 New Zealand novelist Gideon the Ninth
Manuel Mujica Láinez 1910–1984 Argentine novelist, essayist Glosas castellanas
Mirjam Müntefering b. 1969 German novelist Welche Farbe auch immer oder das Blaue Gefühl
Eileen Myles b. 1949 American poet and essayist Chelsea Girls


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Hasan Namir b. 1987 Canadian novelist God in Pink
Nathanaël (Nathalie Stephens) b. 1970 Canadian poet The Middle Notebooks, Touch to Affliction
Yves Navarre 1940–1994 French writer Le Jardin d'acclimatation
Michael Nava b. 1954 American mystery novels How Town, The Hidden Law, The Death of Friends, The Burning Plain, and Rag and Bone
Abdi Nazemian b. 1976 Iranian/American novelist, screenwriter The Walk-In Closet, The Quiet
Frances Negrón-Muntaner b. 1966 Puerto Rican filmmaker Brincando el charco: Portrait of a Puerto Rican
Luis Negrón b. 1970 Puerto Rican short stories Mundo Cruel
Patrick Ness b. 1971 American novelist Chaos Walking, Monsters of Men, A Monster Calls
Chris New b. 1981 British screenwriter
Anaïs Nin 1903–1977 French diarist Delta of Venus, Little Birds
Salvador Novo 1904–1974 Mexican poet Romance de Angelillo y Adela
Katia Noyes b. ? American writer Crashing America


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Achy Obejas b. 1956 Cuban/American writer and translator Memory Mambo
Frank O'Hara 1926–1966 American poetry Lunch Poems
Joe Okonkwo b. ? American novelist Jazz Moon
Tasmin Omond b. 1984 British author and journalist Rush – The Making of a Climate Activist
Jamie O'Neill b. 1962 Irish novelist At Swim, Two Boys
Joe Orton 1933–1967 English playwright Loot
Lawrence O'Toole b. ? Canadian film critic, memoirist Heart's Longing: Newfoundland, New York and the Distance Home
Wilfred Owen 1893–1918 English poet "Anthem for Doomed Youth" (poem)


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
John Palmer 1943–2020 Canadian playwright, screenwriter A Touch of God in the Golden Age, Sugar
Morris Panych b. 1952 Canadian playwright Girl in the Goldfish Bowl, The Ends of the Earth
Michelle Paradise b. ? American writer The Originals, Star Trek: Discovery
Arleen Paré b. 1946 Canadian poet, novelist Paper Trails, Leaving Now, Lake of Two Mountains
Sophia Parnok 1885–1933 Russian poet Алмаст (Almast, (libretto)
Pier Paolo Pasolini 1922–1975 Italian novelist, playwright Ragazzi di vita, Una vita violenta
Benito Pastoriza Iyodo b. 1954 Puerto Rican poet, narrator, essayist Cartas a la sombra de tu piel
Walter Pater 1839–1894 British novelist, essayist, literary critic The Renaissance (1873), Marius the Epicurean (1885)
Fiona Patton b. 1962 Canadian novelist The Branion Realm (book series)
Robert Patrick b. 1937 American playwright Kennedy's Children, Camera Obscura
Karleen Pendleton Jiménez b. 1971 American/Canadian memoirist How to Get a Girl Pregnant
Sandro Penna 1906–1977 Italian poet This Strange Joy
Cristina Peri Rossi 1830–1894 Uruguayan poet La nave de los locos
Néstor Perlongher 1949–1992 Argentine poet Prosa plebeya
Fernando Pessoa 1888–1935 Portuguese poet, literary critic Mensagem, The Book of Disquiet
Petronius c. 27–66 Roman novelist The Satyricon
Edward O. Phillips 1931–2020 Canadian novelist Sunday's Child, Buried on Sunday
Katherine Philips 1632–1664 English poet Translator of Pierre Corneille's Pompée and Horace
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha b. 1975 Canadian poet Love Cake (poetry collection)
János Pilinszky 1921–1981 Hungarian poet Nagyvárosi ikonok
Sarah Pinder b. ? Canadian poet Cutting Room, Common Place
Virgilio Piñera 1912–1979 Cuban poet, novelist, playwright Rene's Flesh
Jean-Paul Pinsonneault 1923–1978 Canadian novelist, dramatist Les terres sèches
Alejandra Pizarnik 1936–1972 Argentine poet Los trabajos y las noches, Extracción de la piedra de la locura and El infierno musical
David Plante b. 1940 American novelist Francoeur Trilogy--The Family, The Country and The Woods
August von Platen 1796–1835 Bavarian poet Gedichte
Plato 427–327 B.C. Greek philosopher Symposium
Casey Plett b. 1987 Canadian short stories A Safe Girl to Love
William Plomer 1903–1973 South African novelist, poet Literary editor for Faber and Faber
Plutarch c. 46–c. 119 Greek historian, biographer, essayist Parallel Lives
Craig Poile b. ? Canadian poet True Concessions
Sydney Pokorny 1965–2008 American journalist So You Want to be a Lesbian?
Sarah Ponsonby 1755–1831 Anglo-Irish writer Known as one of the "Ladies of Llangollen"
Paul David Power b. ? Canadian playwright Crippled
Ljuba Prenner 1906–1977 Slovenian novelist, dramatist Neznani storilec (The Unknown Perpetrator, first crime novel of Slovenia); Bruc: roman neznanega slovenskega študenta (Freshman: The Novel of an Unknown Slovene Student, an autobiographical novel which explores the fluidity of sexual identity in the interwar period)
John Preston 1945–1994 American novelist, editor I Once Had a Master
Edward Irenaeus Prime-Stevenson 1858–1942 American novelist, journalist Imre: a Memorandum, The Intersexes, Left to Themselves: Being the Ordeal of Philip and Gerald, White Cockades
Marcel Proust 1871–1922 French novelist, essayist A la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time)
Manuel Puig 1932–1990 Argentine novelist Kiss of the Spider Woman


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Yair Qedar b. 1969 Israeli journalist, screenwriter Gay Days
Andy Quan b. 1969 Canadian poetry, short fiction, non-fiction Calendar Boy, Six Positions
Carol Queen b. 1957 American non-fiction, erotica Real Live Nude Girl: Chronicles of Sex-Positive Culture
Sina Queyras b. 1963 Canadian poetry Autobiography of Childhood, Lemon Hound, Expressway
D. Michael Quinn 1944–2021 American historian Same-Sex Dynamics Among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon Example


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Cheryl Rainfield b. 1972 Canadian novels, short stories Scars
David Rakoff 1964-2012 Canadian humorist Fraud, Don't Get Too Comfortable
Ahmad Danny Ramadan b. 1984 Syrian-Canadian novelist, short stories Death and Other Fools, Aria, The Clothesline Swing
Manuel Ramos Otero 1948–1990 Puerto Rican poet, writer The Story of the Woman of the Sea
James Randi 1928–2020 Canadian scientific skeptic An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural
Lev Raphael b. 1954 American novelist, short stories, memoir, mysteries Dancing on Tisha B'Av, Winter Eyes
Ian Iqbal Rashid b. 1968 Tanzanian/Canadian screenwriter, poet Touch of Pink
David Rayside b. 1947 Canadian political scientist On the Fringe: Gays and Lesbians in Politics
John Rechy b. 1931 American fiction City of Night
Riley Redgate b. ? American young adult fiction Seven Ways We Lie, Note Worthy, Final Draft
Paul Reed 1956-2002 American fiction, memoir, erotica Facing It, Longing
Raziel Reid b. 1990 Canadian young adult fiction When Everything Feels Like the Movies
Steven Reigns b. 1975 American poet Inheritance, The Gay Rub, In The Room, and 3-Pack Jack (poetical works)
Mary Renault 1905–1983 English fiction The Charioteer, The Last of the Wine
Glen Retief b. ? South African/American memoirist The Jack Bank
Josine Reuling 1899–1961 Dutch writer Terug naar het eiland
Gerard Reve 1923–2006 Dutch writer Op weg naar het einde, Nader tot U
Nina Revoyr b. 1969 American novelist Southland
Shane Rhodes b. ? Canadian poetry Holding Pattern, The Bindery
Christopher Rice b. 1978 American author The Heavens Rise, The Vines
Adrienne Rich 1929–2012 American poetry The Dream of a Common Language, Diving into the Wreck
Christopher Richards b. 1961 Canadian playwright Molly Wood
Bill Richardson b. 1955 Canadian humorist Bachelor Brothers' Bed and Breakfast
Nancy Richler 1957–2018 Canadian novelist Your Mouth Is Lovely, The Impostor Bride
Arthur Rimbaud 1854–1891 French poetry A Season in Hell
Keith Ridgway b. 1965 Irish novelist The Long Falling
Mireya Robles b. 1934 Cuban writer Tiempo artesano. Barcelona: Campos
Sophie Robinson b. 1985 English poet a
Robert Rodi b. 1956 American writer Codename: Knockout, Kept Boy
Nelson Rodrigues 1912–1980 Brazilian writer, playwright Vestido de Noiva
Paul Rogers 1936–1984 American novelist Saul's Book
Ned Rorem 1923–2022 American composer The Paris Diary of Ned Rorem
Mark Brennan Rosenberg b. ? American comedy Blackouts and Breakdowns
Sinclair Ross 1908-1996 Canadian novelist As For Me and My House
Jeffrey Round b. ? Canadian mystery A Cage of Bones
Andrea Routley b. ? Canadian short stories Jane and the Whales
Michael Rowe b. 1962 Canadian journalist Writing Below the Belt: Conversations with Erotic Authors, Other Men's Sons
André Roy b. 1944 Canadian poet Action writing, Monsieur désir
Shawn Stewart Ruff b. 1959 American novelist, editor Finlater, GJS II, Go the Way Your Blood Beats
Muriel Rukeyser 1913–1980 American poetry The Book of the Dead
Jane Rule 1931–2007 American/Canadian novels, non-fiction Desert of the Heart
Joanna Russ 1937–2011 American science fiction The Female Man
Meredith Russo b. c. 1986/1987 American novelist If I Was Your Girl
Paul Russell b. 1956 American novels The Coming Storm, The Unreal Life of Sergey Nabokov
Elizabeth Ruth b. 1968 Canadian novelist Ten Good Seconds of Silence, Smoke, Matadora
Patrick Ryan b. 1965 American short story writer, novelist The Dream Life of Astronauts, Send Me
Geoff Ryman b. 1951 Canadian/British science fiction/fantasy Lust, The Unconquered Country


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Rami Saari b. 1963 Israeli poet Behold, I've Found My Home, Men at the Crossroad, Introduction to Sexual Linguistics
Umberto Saba 1883–1957 Italian poet, novelist Songbook
Vita Sackville-West 1892–1962 British novelist The Land
Marquis de Sade 1740–1814 French novelist, philosopher, playwright The 120 Days of Sodom, Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, Juliette
Benjamin Alire Sáenz b. 1954 American novelist Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club
Assotto Saint 1957–1994 American poet, essayist, playwright Wishing for Wings, Spells of a Voodoo Doll
Trish Salah b. ? Canadian poet Wanting in Arabic
George Santayana 1863–1952 Spanish-American novelist, poet, philosopher The Realms of Being
Mayra Santos-Febres b. 1966 Puerto Rican novelist, poet, literary critic Sirena Selena
Sappho c. 630–c. 570 B.C. Greek poet Ode to Aphrodite
Severo Sarduy 1937–1993 Cuban poet, playwright Cobra
Frank Sargeson 1903–1982 New Zealander short story writer A Man and his Wife
May Sarton 1912–1995 Belgian-American poet, novelist, memoirist Plant Dreaming Deep, Journal of a Solitude, The House by the Sea, Recovering and At Seventy
Dan Savage b. 1964 American journalist, editor Advice column Savage Love, Skipping Towards Gomorrah: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Pursuit of Happiness in America
Gail Scott b. 1945 Canadian novelist, essayist My Paris, The Obituary, Biting the Error
Sarah Schulman b. 1958 American novelist, historian, playwright Stagestruck: Theater, AIDS, and the Marketing of Gay America
V. E. Schwab b. 1987 American novelist Villians series, Shades of Magic series, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
Gregory Scofield b. 1966 Canadian poet The Gathering: Stones for the Medicine Wheel, Native Canadiana: Songs from the Urban Rez, Thunder Through My Veins
Manda Scott b. 1962 Scottish novelist Hen's Teeth
Sarah Scott 1723–1795 English novelist A Description of Millenium Hall and the Country Adjacent
David Sedaris b. 1956 American essayist, short story writer Naked (essay collection)
Shyam Selvadurai b. 1965 Sri Lankan-Canadian novelist Funny Boy
Maurice Sendak 1928–2012 American children's writer Where the Wild Things Are
Vikram Seth b. 1952 Indian writer A Suitable Boy, The Golden Gate (Seth novel)
Anna Seward 1742–1809 English poet Louisa
Ken Shakin b. 1959 American short story writer Love Sucks
Merry Shannon b. 1979 American novelist Sword of the Guardian, Branded Ann
Bradford Shellhammer b. 1976 American blogger and editor Founding editor of Queerty
Lorimer Shenher b. ? Canadian non-fiction That Lonely Section of Hell, This One Looks Like a Boy
Reginald Shepherd 1963–2008 American poet Some Are Drowning
Randy Shilts 1951–1994 American journalist The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk, And the Band Played on: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic
Vivek Shraya b. 1981 Canadian short story writer God Loves Hair, She of the Mountains
Richard Siken b. 1967 American poet Crush (Richard Siken)
jaye simpson b. ? Canadian poet it was never going to be okay
Andy Sinclair b. ? Canadian novelist, short stories Breathing Lessons
Edith Sitwell 1887–1964 English poet "Still Falls the Rain" (poem)
Michael Sledge b. 1962 American novelist, memoirist The More I Owe You
Ali Smith b. 1962 Scottish novelist Free Love and Other Stories
Michael V. Smith b. ? Canadian novelist, poet Cumberland
K. M. Soehnlein b. 1965 American novelist The World of Normal Boys, You Can Say You Knew Me When
Kamal Al-Solaylee b. 1964 Yemeni-Canadian journalist, memoirist Intolerable: A Memoir of Extremes
Pablo Soler Frost b. 1965 Mexican novelist, essayist Malebolge
Susan Sontag 1933–2004 American novelist, essayist AIDS and Its Metaphors
Tom Spanbauer b. 1946 American novelist The Man Who Fell in Love with the Moon
Sir Stephen Spender 1909–1995 English novelist, poet, essayist Poems
Jack Spicer 1925–1965 American poet My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer
Rae Spoon b. ? Canadian short story writer First Grass Spring Fire, superioryouareinferior, My Prairie Home
Gertrude Stein 1874–1946 American novelist The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
Andreas Steinhöfel b. 1962 German novelist, author for children and teenagers The Center of the World
Ian Stephens 1955–1996 Canadian poet Diary of a Trademark
Kent Stetson b. 1948 Canadian playwright Warm Wind in China, As I Am
Susan Stinson b. ? American novelist Venus of Chalk
John Elizabeth Stintzi b. ? Canadian novelist, poet Vanishing Monuments, Junebat
Charles Warren Stoddard 1843–1909 American poet, journalist Travel books about Polynesian life
Aryeh Lev Stollman b. 1954 Canadian-American novelist, short story writer The Far Euphrates
Lytton Strachey 1880–1932 English biographer Queen Victoria (biography)
Allan Stratton b. 1951 Canadian playwright Rexy
Susan Stryker b. 1961 American historian Transgender History (2008)
Douglas Stuart b. 1976 Scottish-American novelist Shuggie Bain
Howard Sturgis 1855–1920 Anglo-American novelist Tim: A Story of School Life, All That Was Possible
Rebecca Sugar b. 1987 American screenwriter Adventure Time
Algernon Swinburne 1837–1909 English poet Poems and Ballads
John Addington Symonds 1840–1893 British poet, literary critic Renaissance in Italy
Scott Symons 1933–2009 Canadian novelist Place d'Armes, Civic Square, Helmet of Flesh
Shawn Syms b. 1970 Canadian journalist, short stories Nothing Looks Familiar
  • Saleem (Saleem Azzouqa), gay Muslim playwright, actor, DJ, and dancer


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Proma Tagore b. ? Indian/Canadian poetry language is not the only thing that breaks
Mutsuo Takahashi b. 1937 Japanese poetry Rose Tree, Fake Lovers
Mariko Tamaki b. 1975 Canadian graphic novelist Skim
Jordan Tannahill b. 1988 Canadian playwright Get Yourself Home Skyler James, Peter Fechter: 59 Minutes, rihannaboi95
Joelle Taylor b. 1967 British poet and playwright The Woman Who Was Not There, Songs My Enemy Taught Me
Valerie Taylor 1913–1997 American novelist and poet The Lusty Land, Whisper Their Love, The Girls in 3-B, Stranger on Lesbos, A World Without Men, Return to Lesbos
Michelle Tea b. 1971 American author, poet, and literary arts organizer The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America
Sara Teasdale 1884–1933 American writer, poet Flame and Shadow, Love Song
Richard Teleky b. 1946 American-Canadian novelist, poet, short stories, essays The Paris Years of Rosie Kamin, Pack Up the Moon
Kai Cheng Thom b. ? Canadian poet, novelist A Place Called No Homeland, Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars
Colin Thomas b. ? Canadian playwright One Thousand Cranes, Two Weeks Twice a Year, Flesh and Blood, Sex Is My Religion
Lee Thomas b. ? American horror author The Dust of Wonderland, The German
Sara Tilley b. 1978 Canadian novelist, playwright Skin Room, Duke
James Tiptree Jr. (pseudonym of Alice Sheldon) 1917–1987 American science fiction writer Houston, Houston, Do You Read?, Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
Colm Tóibín b. 1955 Irish novelist and short story writer The Heather Blazing
Sandi Toksvig b. 1958 Danish comedian, writer, presenter Peas & Queues: The Minefield of Modern Manners, Great Journeys of the World
Luisita Lopez Torregrosa b. ? Puerto Rican journalist, memoirist Before the Rain: A Memoir of Love and Revolution
Peterson Toscano b. 1965 American playwright Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House
Paul Toupin 1918–1993 Canadian playwright, memoirist, essayist Brutus, Souvenirs pour demain
Matthew J. Trafford b. ? Canadian short stories The Divinity Gene
Michel Tremblay b. 1942 Canadian playwright, novelist Hosanna, Les Belles-sœurs, The Heart Laid Bare, Albertine in Five Times
Roland Michel Tremblay b. 1972 Canadian novelist Waiting for Paris
Mary L. Trump b. 1965 American author Too Much and Never Enough
Christos Tsiolkas b. 1965 Australian novelist The Slap
Marina Tsvetaeva 1892–1941 Russian poet Remeslo, Posle Rossii
Aren X. Tulchinsky b. 1968 Canadian novelist, screenwriter The Five Books of Moses Lapinsky, Love Ruins Everything
Arielle Twist b. ? Canadian poet Disintegrate / Dissociate


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Karl Heinrich Ulrichs 1825–1895 German non-fiction Research on the Riddle of Man-Manly Love
Luz María Umpierre b. 1947 Puerto Rican poetry The Margarita Poems


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Fernando Vallejo b. 1942 Colombian novelist Our Lady of the Assassins
Ruth Vanita b. 1955 Indian academic Sappho and the Virgin Mary...Imagination, Queering India...and the West
Marlene van Niekerk b. 1954 South African author Triomf
Anuja Varghese b. ? Canadian short stories Chrysalis
R. M. Vaughan 1965–2020 Canadian poet, novelist, playwright A Quilted Heart
Sándor Vay 1859–1918 Hungarian journalist, chronicler Gróf Vay Sándor munkái
Carl Van Vechten 1880–1964 American novelist, photographer Nigger Heaven
Valeria Vegas b. 1985 Spanish novelist, essayist ¡Digo! Ni puta ni santa. Las memorias de La Veneno (2015)
Paul Verlaine 1844–1896 French poet Libretti for Vaucochard et Fils 1er and Fisch-Ton-Kan
Théophile de Viau 1590–1626 French poet Fragment d'une histoire comique
Gore Vidal 1925–2012 American novelist The City and the Pillar, Myra Breckinridge
Xavier Villaurrutia 1903–1950 Mexican playwright, poet Autos profanos
David Viñas 1927–2011 Argentine novelist, dramatist Un Dios Cotidiano
Virgil 70–19 B.C. Roman poet Aeneid
Renée Vivien 1877–1909 Anglo-French poet Cendres et Poussières
Bruno Vogel 1898–1983 German novelist, short stories Alf
Paula Vogel b. 1951 American playwright How I Learned to Drive
Ocean Vuong b. 1988 Vietnamese - American poet, novelist Night Sky with Exit Wounds, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Rinaldo Walcott b. 1965 Canadian academic, cultural studies Black Like Who?: Writing Black Canada
Alice Walker b. 1944 American fiction The Color Purple
Rebecca Walker b. 1969 American non-fiction To be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism
Betsy Warland b. 1946 American-Canadian poetry, non-fiction Breathing the Page: Reading the Act of Writing
Sylvia Townsend Warner 1893–1978 English novelist, poet, activist A Moral Ending and Other Stories
Patricia Nell Warren 1936–2019 American fiction The Front Runner
Bryan Washington b. 1993 American fiction Lot, Memorial
Sarah Waters b. 1966 British fiction Tipping the Velvet, Affinity, The Night Watch
David Watmough 1926–2017 British-Canadian fiction, plays Collected Shorter Fiction of David Watmough: 1972–82
Evelyn Waugh 1903–1966 English fiction Brideshead Revisited
Thomas Waugh b. 1948 Canadian academic, art and film critic Out/Lines: Underground Gay Graphics From Before Stonewall, Lust Unearthed: Vintage Gay Graphics from the DuBek Collection
Jessica L. Webb b. ? Canadian mysteries Pathogen, Repercussions
Barry Webster b. 1961 Canadian fiction The Lava in My Bones
Matthew James Weigel b. ? Canadian poet Whitemud Walking
John Weir b. 1959 American novelist, journalist The Irreversible Decline of Eddie Socket, What I Did Wrong
Denton Welch 1915–1948 English writer, painter Maiden Voyage
Robert Westfield b. 1972 American novelist Suspension
Edmund White b. 1940 American fiction A Boy's Own Story, The Beautiful Room Is Empty
Patrick White 1912–1990 Australian fiction Flaws in the Glass
Joshua Whitehead b. 1989 Canadian poet, novelist Full-Metal Indigiqueer, Johnny Appleseed
William Whitehead 1931–2018 Canadian television/radio documentaries, memoirist Words to Live By
Walt Whitman 1819–1892 American poet Leaves of Grass
Zoe Whittall b. 1976 Canadian fiction Bottle Rocket Hearts, Holding Still for As Long As Possible
Oscar Wilde 1854–1900 English-Irish fiction, plays The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Importance of Being Earnest
Thornton Wilder 1897–1975 American fiction, plays Our Town
Ally Wilkes b. ? English fiction All the White Spaces
Michael Willhoite b. 1946 American children's literature Daddy's Roommate
Jonathan Williams 1929–2008 American poet Jubilant Thicket: New and Selected Poems
Tennessee Williams 1911–1983 American playwright A Streetcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Tucky Williams b. 1991 American filmmaker, actress, screenwriter Girl/Girl Scene, Dead Moon Rising
Jean Wyllys b. 1974 Brazilian journalist, politician Aflitos
Angus Wilson 1913–1991 English author Hemlock and After
Douglas Wilson 1950–1992 Canadian journalist, novelist Labour of Love
Jacqueline Wilson b. 1945 English novelist The Story of Tracy Beaker, Double Act, Hetty Feather
Jonathan Wilson b. 1957 Canadian actor and playwright My Own Private Oshawa
Martin Wilson b. 1973 American fiction What They Always Tell Us
Jia Qing Wilson-Yang b. ? Canadian novelist Small Beauty
Johann Joachim Winckelmann 1717–1768 German historian, archaeologist Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums (The History of Art in Antiquity
Donald Windham 1920–2010 American novelist and memoirist The Dog Star
Christa Winsloe 1888–1944 German fiction Yesterday and Today
Jeanette Winterson b. 1959 English fiction Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Monique Wittig 1935–2003 French philosopher Le Corps Lesbien
Rita Wong b. 1968 Canadian poet monkeypuzzle
Alan Woo b. ? Canadian poet, short stories, children's literature Maggie's Chopsticks
Jaime Woo b. ? Canadian non-fiction Meet Grindr
Marnie Woodrow b. 1969 Canadian novelist Spelling Mississippi
Virginia Woolf 1882–1941 English novelist Orlando: A Biography


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Neon Yang b. 1982/1983 Singaporean author The Genesis of Misery, The Black Tides of Heaven, The Red Threads of Fortune
Bart Yates b. 1962 American novelist Leave Myself Behind, Brothers Bishop, The Distance Between Us
d'bi young b. 1977 Canadian poet, playwright rivers and other blackness between us, word! sound! powah, blood.claat: one womban story
Ian Young b. 1945 Canadian poet, non-fiction The Gay Muse, The Male Homosexual in Literature
Perry Deane Young 1941–2019 American journalist, playwright Two of the Missing, The David Kopay Story
Marguerite Yourcenar 1903–1987 French novelist Memoirs of Hadrian
Josée Yvon 1950–1994 Canadian playwright, poet Danseuse-mamelouk, Maîtresses-Cherokees


Name Lifetime Nationality Genre Notable works References
Luis Zapata 1951–2020 Mexican novelist De pétalos perennes (Perennial Petals)
Eve Zaremba b. 1930 Polish/Canadian mystery novelist A Reason to Kill, The Butterfly Effect
Jerzy Zawieyski 1902–1969 Polish poetry, novels Gdzie jesteś, przyjacielu
Fiona Zedde b. 1976 Jamaican-American novelist Bliss
Cyd Zeigler b. 1973 American sportswriter The Outsports Revolution: Truth and Myth in the World of Gay Sports
Xiran Jay Zhao b. ? Chinese-Canadian fiction Iron Widow
Alexander Ziegler 1944–1987 Swiss journalist, novelist Die Konsequenz
Richard Zimler b. 1956 American/Portuguese novelist The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon, Hunting Midnight, The Search for Sana, The Seventh Gate, The Warsaw Anagrams
Robert D. Zimmerman b. 1952 American mystery Closet, Outburst
Narcyza Żmichowska 1819–1876 Polish poetry, novels The Heathen
Rachel Zolf b. 1968 Canadian poet Masque, Human Resources
Daniel Zomparelli b. ? Canadian poet, short stories Everything Is Awful and You're a Terrible Person
Mark Richard Zubro b. ? American mystery Tom and Scott mystery series
Peter Zuckerman b. 1979 American journalist Buried in the Sky
Harriet Sohmers Zwerling 1928–2019 American short stories, translation, essays Notes of a Nude Model