
The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Lower Sorbian and Upper Sorbian pronunciations in Wikipedia articles. For a guide to adding IPA characters to Wikipedia articles, see , and Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Pronunciation § Entering IPA characters.

IPA Examples Nearest English equivalent


b bałma (U) boot
bjakać (U) beautiful
ɕ šćit (L) sheep (L)
d d (U) do
dz licba (L) lads
jig (L)
ak (U) jug
f fabula (U) fool
ɡ gag (U) good
ɡʲ argue
ɣ good, but without the tongue touching the roof of the mouth
h habla (U) hood
j jadro (U) yes
k kabat (U) scar
l lac (U) lack
m m (U) moot
mjaso (U) mute
n nabać (U) noon
hromadźernja (U) vinyard
ŋ sang
ŋʲ sing
p pad (U) span
pjany (U) spew
r ʁ rad (U) American atom (L)
French rouge (U)
ʁʲ rjadka (U) American catty (L)
French rime (U)
s sadło (U) soup
ʃ šach (U) rush
t tajić (U) stand
stew (RP)
chip (L)
ts całta (U) cats
ćahać (U) chop
v vatikanski (U) voodoo
w wačka (U) boot, but without lips completely closed
wjaznyć (U) between wet and yet
x čichawa (U) loch (Scottish); ugh
z zabić (U) zoo
ʑ prestige (L)
ʒ žaba (U) pleasure
IPA Examples Nearest English equivalent


a pask (U) father
ɛ pesimistiski (U) met
ɪ pĕseń (U) kit
i pisać (U) meet
ɨ pysk (U) roses (for some dialects)
ɔ posyć (U) off
ʊ póstniski (U) pull
u pusty (U) pool
IPA Other


ˈ Primary stress. Stress tends to fall on the first syllable of a word.
. Syllable break.
  1. The contrast between the voiceless /p, pʲ, ɕ, t, tʃ, f, k, s, ʃ/ on the one hand and the voiced /b, bʲ, ʑ, d, dʒ, v, ɡ, z, ʒ/ on the other is neutralized before obstruents (with the former set occuring before voiceless obstruents and the latter set before the voiced ones), also across word boundaries. Phrase-final obstruents are all voiceless. The same applies to unpaired obstruents, so that the voiceless /ts/ and /x/ are voiced to [dz] and [ɣ] in the same contexts.
  2. /ʃ/ before /tɕ/ is realized as [ɕ] in Lower Sorbian.
  3. The alveolo-palatal /ɕ, tɕ, ʑ/ occur only in Lower Sorbian, where they contrast with the flat postalveolar /ʃ, tʃ, ʒ/, as in Polish. Upper Sorbian has just one set of postalveolars, namely /ʃ, dʒ, tʃ, ʒ/, which are phonetically palato-alveolar, as in English and Italian.
  4. In unstressed positions, the /ɪ–ɛ/ contrast surfaces as a contrast between the palatalized [bʲ, dʲ, fʲ, ɡʲ, hʲ, , lʲ, mʲ, , pʲ, ʁʲ, tʲ, vʲ, , ] (in the case of following /ɪ/) and the plain [b, d, f, ɡ, h, k, l, m, n, p, ʁ, t, v, w, x] (in the case of following /ɛ/) as both vowels are realized as [ɛ]. Those palatalized allophones also appear before /i/ and stressed /ɪ/. Among the first set, only the nasal /mʲ, nʲ/, the labial /bʲ, pʲ, wʲ/ and the uvular /ʁʲ/ have a phonemic status.
  5. [ŋ] and [ŋʲ] occur as allophones of /n/ and /nʲ/ before velar consonants.
  6. In Upper Sorbian, the German uvular [ʁ] has displaced the traditional alveolar [r]. In Lower Sorbian, the latter is still more common than the uvular [ʁ]. The same applies to the palatalized variants.
  7. The phonemic status of /ɛ/ and /ɨ/ on the one hand and /ɪ/ and /i/ on the other is problematic since they occur in complementary distribution, with /ɛ/ and /ɨ/ occurring after hard consonants and /ɪ/ and /i/ after soft consonants.
  8. [ɪ] and the Upper Sorbian [ʊ] occur only in stressed syllables. In unstressed syllables, they merge with [ɛ] and [ɔ].
  9. Upper Sorbian /ʊ/ corresponds to Lower Sorbian /ɨ/ or /ɛ/.


  • Hannusch, Erwin (1998), Niedersorbisch praktisch und verständlich, Bautzen: Domowina-Verlag, ISBN 3-7420-1667-9
  • Howson, Phil (2017), "Upper Sorbian", Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 47 (3): 359–367, doi:10.1017/S0025100316000414, S2CID 232350142
  • Šewc-Schuster, Hinc (1984), Gramatika hornjo-serbskeje rěče, Budyšin: Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina
  • Stone, Gerald (2002), "Sorbian (Upper and Lower)", in Comrie, Bernard; Corbett, Greville G. (eds.), The Slavonic Languages, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 593–685, ISBN 9780415280785
  • Zygis, Marzena (2003), "Phonetic and Phonological Aspects of Slavic Sibilant Fricatives" (PDF), ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 3: 175–213, doi:10.21248/zaspil.32.2003.191

See also

  • Category:Pages with Sorbian languages IPA (4)
    • Category:Pages with Lower Sorbian IPA (53)
    • Category:Pages with Upper Sorbian IPA (131)