Voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative

Voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative
IPA Number 182
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Entity (decimal) ɕ
Unicode (hex) U+0255
Braille ⠦ (braille pattern dots-236)⠉ (braille pattern dots-14)

The voiceless alveolo-palatal sibilant fricative is a type of consonantal sound, used in some spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ɕ ("c", plus the curl also found in its voiced counterpart ⟨ʑ⟩). It is the sibilant equivalent of the voiceless palatal fricative, and as such it can be transcribed in IPA with ç˖.

In British Received Pronunciation, /j/ after syllable-initial /p, t, k/ (as in Tuesday) is realized as a devoiced palatal fricative. The amount of devoicing is variable, but the fully voiceless variant tends to be alveolo-palatal [ɕ] in the /tj/ sequence: . It is a fricative, rather than a fricative element of an affricate because the preceding plosive remains alveolar, rather than becoming alveolo-palatal, as in Dutch.

The corresponding affricate can be written with t̠ʲ͡ɕ or c̟͡ɕ in narrow IPA, though is normally used in both cases. In the case of English, the sequence can be specified as t̺ɕ as /t/ is normally apical (although somewhat palatalized in that sequence), whereas alveolo-palatal consonants are laminal by definition.

An increasing number of British speakers merge this sequence with the voiceless palato-alveolar affricate /tʃ/: [ˈtʃʉːzdeɪ] (see yod-coalescence), mirroring Cockney, Australian English and New Zealand English. On the other hand, there is an opposite tendency in Canadian accents that have preserved /tj/, where the sequence tends to merge with the plain /t/ instead: (see yod-dropping), mirroring General American which does not allow /j/ to follow alveolar consonants in stressed syllables.


alveolo-palatal sibilant fricatives [ɕ, ʑ]

Features of the voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative:


Language Word IPA Meaning Notes
Adyghe щы/šə 'three'
Assamese ব্ৰিটি/British [bɹitiɕ] 'British'
Bengali কুন [ɕokun] 'Vulture' May be transliterated as ʃ
Catalan caixa [ˈkä(ɪ̯)ɕɐ] 'box' See Catalan phonology
Chinese Some Hokkien dialects /sin [ɕín] 'heart' Allophone of /s/ before /i/.
Mandarin 西安/Xī'ān 'Xi'an' Complementary distribution allophone of /ʂ/ in front of high front vowels and palatal glides. See Mandarin phonology.
Chuvash çиçĕм/şişĕm [ˈɕiɕ̬əm] 'lightning' Contrasts with /ʂ/ and /s/. Lenis when intervocalic.
Danish sjæl [ˈɕeːˀl] 'soul' See Danish phonology
Dutch Some speakers sjabloon [ɕäˈbloːn] 'template' May be [ʃ] or [sʲ] instead. See Dutch phonology
English Cardiff human [ˈɕumːən] 'human' Phonetic realization of /hj/. More front and more strongly fricated than RP [ç]. Broad varieties drop the /h/: [ˈjumːən]. See English phonology
Conservative Received Pronunciation tuesday 'Tuesday' Allophone of /j/ after syllable-initial /t/ (which is alveolar in this sequence), may be only partially devoiced. /tj/ is often realized as an affricate [] in British English. Mute in General American: . Typically transcribed with j in broad IPA. See English phonology, yod-coalescence and yod-dropping
Some Canadian English
Ghanaian ship [ɕip] 'ship' Educated speakers may use [ʃ], to which this phone corresponds in other dialects.
Guarani Paraguayan che [ɕɛ] 'I'
Hindi निवार [ɕəniʋaːr] Saturday Sometimes may be transliterated as 'ʃ'
Japanese /shio [ɕi.o] 'salt' See Japanese phonology
Korean 시/詩/si [ɕʰi] 'poem' See Korean phonology.
Kabardian щэ/ščè 'hundred'
Lower Sorbian pśijaśel [ˈpɕijäɕɛl] 'friend'
Luxembourgish liicht [liːɕt] 'light' Allophone of /χ/ after phonologically front vowels; some speakers merge it with [ʃ]. See Luxembourgish phonology
Marathi शेतकरी/shetkari [ɕeːt̪kəɾiː] 'farmer' Contrasts with [ʂ]. Allophone of [ʃ]. See Marathi phonology.
Malayalam കുരിശ്/kuriś [kuɾɪɕ] 'Cross' See Malayalam phonology
Norwegian Urban East kjekk [ɕe̞kː] 'handsome' Typically transcribed in IPA with ç; less often realized as palatal [ç]. Younger speakers in Bergen, Stavanger and Oslo merge it with /ʂ/. See Norwegian phonology
Polish śruba 'screw' Contrasts with /ʂ/ and /s/. See Polish phonology
Portuguese mexendo [meˈɕẽd̪u] 'moving' Also described as palato-alveolar [ʃ]. See Portuguese phonology
Romani Kalderash ćhavo [ɕaˈvo] 'Romani boy; son' Realized as [t͡ʃʰ] in conservative dialects.
Romanian Transylvanian dialects ce [ɕɛ] 'what' Realized as [t͡ʃ] in standard Romanian. See Romanian phonology
Russian счастье/schast'e 'happiness' Also represented by щ. Contrasts with /ʂ/, /s/, and /sʲ/. See Russian phonology
Sema ashi [à̠ɕì] 'meat' Possible allophone of /ʃ/ before /i, e/.
Serbo-Croatian Croatian miš će [mîɕ t͡ɕe̞] 'the mouse will' Allophone of /ʃ/ before /t͡ɕ, d͡ʑ/. See Serbo-Croatian phonology
Some speakers of Montenegrin с́утра/śutra [ɕût̪ra̠] 'tomorrow' Phonemically /sj/ or, in some cases, /s/.
Swedish Finland sjok [ɕuːk] 'chunk' Allophone of /ɧ/.
Sweden kjol 'skirt' See Swedish phonology
Tibetan Lhasa dialect བཞི་/bzhi [ɕi˨˧] 'four' Contrasts with /ʂ/.
Tatar өчпочмакçpoçmaq [ˌøɕpoɕˈmɑq] 'triangle'
Xumi Lower [d͡ʑi ɕɐ˦] 'one hundred'
Yámana Šúša [ɕúɕa] 'penguin'
Yi /xi [ɕi˧] 'thread'
Zhuang cib [ɕǐp] 'ten'

See also