Chief of Staff of the United States Army

Chief of Staff of the Army
Army Staff Identification Badge
Flag of the Chief of Staff
General Randy A. George
since 21 September 2023
Department of the Army
Army Staff
Type United States Army service chief
Abbreviation CSA
Member of Joint Chiefs of Staff
Reports to Secretary of the Army
Residence Quarters 1, Fort Myer
Seat The Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia
Appointer The President
with Senate advice and consent
Term length 4 years
Renewable one time, only during war or national emergency
Constituting instrument 10 U.S.C. § 3033
Precursor Commanding General of the Army
Formation 15 August 1903
First holder LTG Samuel B. M. Young
Deputy Vice Chief of Staff of the Army

The chief of staff of the Army (CSA) is a statutory position in the United States Army held by a general officer. As the highest-ranking officer assigned to serve in the Department of the Army, the chief is the principal military advisor and a deputy to the secretary of the Army. In a separate capacity, the CSA is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (10 U.S.C. § 151) and, thereby, a military advisor to the National Security Council, the secretary of defense, and the president of the United States. The CSA is typically the highest-ranking officer on active duty in the U.S. Army unless the chairman or the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are Army officers.

The chief of staff of the Army is an administrative position based in the Pentagon. While the CSA does not have operational command authority over Army forces proper (which is within the purview of the Combatant Commanders who report to the Secretary of Defense), the CSA does exercise supervision of army units and organizations as the designee of the Secretary of the Army.

The current Chief of Staff of the Army is General Randy George, who was sworn in on 21 September 2023, having previously served as acting CSA from 4 August.


The chief of staff of the Army is nominated for appointment by the president, for a four-year term of office, and must be confirmed by the Senate. The chief can be reappointed to serve one additional term, but only during times of war or national emergency declared by Congress. By statute, the chief is appointed as a four-star general.

The chief has an official residence, Quarters 1 at Joint Base Myer–Henderson Hall, Virginia.


The senior leadership of the Department of the Army consists of two civilians—the secretary of the Army (head of the department and subordinate to the secretary of defense) and the under secretary of the Army—and two military officers—the chief of staff of the Army and the vice chief of staff of the Army.

The chief reports directly to the secretary of the Army for army matters and assists in the Secretary's external affairs functions, including presenting and enforcing army policies, plans, and projections. The chief also directs the inspector general of the Army to perform inspections and investigations as required. In addition, the chief presides over the Army Staff and represents Army capabilities, requirements, policy, plans, and programs in Joint forums. Under delegation of authority made by the secretary of the Army, the chief designates army personnel and army resources to the commanders of the unified combatant commands. The chief performs all other functions enumerated in 10 U.S.C. § 3033 under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of the Army, or delegates those duties and responsibilities to other officers in his administration in his name. Like the other service counterparts, the chief has no operational command authority over army forces, dating back to the passage of the Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1958. The chief is served by a number of Deputy Chiefs of Staff of the Army, such as G-1, Personnel. The chief's base pay is $21,147.30 per month and also received a Personal Money Allowance (Monthly Amount) of $333.33, a basic allowance for subsistence of $253.38, and a basic allowance for housing from $50.70 to $1,923.30.


Until 1903, the senior military officer in the army was the Commanding General of the United States Army, who reported to the Secretary of War. From 1864 to 1865, Major General Henry Halleck (who had previously been Commanding General) served as "Chief of Staff of the Army" under the Commanding General, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant, thus serving in a different office and not as the senior officer in the army.

The first chief of staff moved his headquarters to Fort Myer in 1908.

List of chiefs of staff of the Army

The rank listed is the rank when serving in the office.

No. Portrait Name Term Background Secretaries served under: Ref.
Took office Left office Duration War / Army Defense
Samuel B. M. Young
Lieutenant General
Samuel B. M. Young
15 August 1903 8 January 1904 146 days Cavalry Elihu Root
Adna R. Chaffee
Lieutenant General
Adna R. Chaffee
9 January 1904 14 January 1906 2 years, 5 days Cavalry Elihu Root
William Howard Taft
John C. Bates
Lieutenant General
John C. Bates
15 January 1906 13 April 1906 89 days Infantry William Howard Taft
J. Franklin Bell
Major General
J. Franklin Bell
14 April 1906 21 April 1910 4 years, 7 days Cavalry William Howard Taft
Luke Edward Wright
Jacob M. Dickinson
Leonard Wood
Major General
Leonard Wood
22 April 1910 21 April 1914 3 years, 364 days Medical and cavalry Jacob M. Dickinson
Henry L. Stimson
Lindley Miller Garrison
William W. Wotherspoon
Major General
William W. Wotherspoon
22 April 1914 16 November 1914 208 days Infantry Lindley Miller Garrison
Hugh L. Scott
Major General
Hugh L. Scott
17 November 1914 22 September 1917 2 years, 309 days Cavalry Lindley Miller Garrison
Newton D. Baker
Tasker H. Bliss
Tasker H. Bliss
23 September 1917 19 May 1918 238 days Field artillery Newton D. Baker
Peyton C. March
Peyton C. March
20 May 1918 30 June 1921 3 years, 41 days Field artillery Newton D. Baker
John W. Weeks
John J. Pershing
General of the Armies
John J. Pershing
1 July 1921 13 September 1924 3 years, 74 days Cavalry John W. Weeks
John L. Hines
Major General
John L. Hines
14 September 1924 20 November 1926 2 years, 68 days Infantry John W. Weeks
Dwight F. Davis
Charles P. Summerall
Charles P. Summerall
21 November 1926 20 November 1930 3 years, 364 days Infantry and artillery Dwight F. Davis
James William Good
Patrick J. Hurley
Douglas MacArthur
Douglas MacArthur
21 November 1930 1 October 1935 4 years, 315 days Infantry and engineers Patrick J. Hurley
George Dern
Malin Craig
Malin Craig
2 October 1935 31 August 1939 3 years, 333 days Infantry and cavalry George Dern
Harry Hines Woodring
George C. Marshall
General of the Army
George C. Marshall
1 September 1939 18 November 1945 6 years, 78 days Infantry Harry Hines Woodring
Henry L. Stimson
Robert P. Patterson
Dwight D. Eisenhower
General of the Army
Dwight D. Eisenhower
19 November 1945 6 February 1948 2 years, 79 days Infantry Robert P. Patterson (of War)
Kenneth Claiborne Royall
(of War, 1947; of the Army, 1947–1949)
James Forrestal
(from Sep. 1947)
Omar Bradley
Omar Bradley
7 February 1948 15 August 1949 1 year, 189 days Infantry Kenneth Claiborne Royall
Gordon Gray
James Forrestal
Louis A. Johnson
J. Lawton Collins
J. Lawton Collins
16 August 1949 14 August 1953 3 years, 363 days Infantry Gordon Gray
Frank Pace
Robert T. Stevens
Louis A. Johnson
George C. Marshall
Robert A. Lovett
Charles Erwin Wilson
Matthew B. Ridgway
Matthew B. Ridgway
15 August 1953 29 June 1955 1 year, 319 days Infantry and airborne Robert T. Stevens Charles Erwin Wilson
Maxwell D. Taylor
Maxwell D. Taylor
30 June 1955 30 June 1959 4 years, 0 days Airborne and field artillery Robert T. Stevens
Wilber M. Brucker
Charles Erwin Wilson
Neil H. McElroy
Lyman L. Lemnitzer
Lyman L. Lemnitzer
1 July 1959 30 September 1960 1 year, 91 days Infantry and coast artillery Wilber M. Brucker Neil H. McElroy
Thomas S. Gates Jr.
George H. Decker
George H. Decker
1 October 1960 30 September 1962 1 year, 364 days Infantry Wilber M. Brucker
Elvis Stahr Jr.
Cyrus Vance
Thomas S. Gates Jr.
Robert McNamara
Earle G. Wheeler
Earle G. Wheeler
1 October 1962 2 July 1964 1 year, 275 days Infantry and armor Cyrus Vance
Stephen Ailes
Robert McNamara
Harold K. Johnson
Harold K. Johnson
3 July 1964 2 July 1968 3 years, 365 days Infantry and cavalry Stephen Ailes
Stanley Rogers Resor
Robert McNamara
Clark Clifford
William C. Westmoreland
William C. Westmoreland
3 July 1968 30 June 1972 3 years, 363 days Airborne and field artillery Stanley Rogers Resor
Robert Froehlke
Clark Clifford
Melvin Laird
Bruce Palmer Jr.
Bruce Palmer Jr.
1 July 1972 11 October 1972 102 days Infantry and cavalry Robert Froehlke Melvin Laird
Creighton W. Abrams Jr.
Creighton W. Abrams Jr.
12 October 1972 4 September 1974 † 1 year, 327 days Armor Robert Froehlke
Bo Callaway
Melvin Laird
Elliot Richardson
James R. Schlesinger
Frederick C. Weyand
5 September 1974 4 October 1974 29 days Infantry and intelligence Bo Callaway
Martin R. Hoffmann
James R. Schlesinger
Donald Rumsfeld
27 4 October 1974 30 September 1976 1 year, 362 days
Bernard W. Rogers
Bernard W. Rogers
1 October 1976 21 June 1979 2 years, 263 days Infantry Martin R. Hoffmann
Clifford Alexander Jr.
Donald Rumsfeld
Harold Brown
Edward C. Meyer
Edward C. Meyer
22 June 1979 21 June 1983 3 years, 364 days Infantry and airborne Clifford Alexander Jr.
John O. Marsh Jr.
Harold Brown
Caspar Weinberger
John A. Wickham Jr.
John A. Wickham Jr.
(born 1928)
23 June 1983 23 June 1987 4 years, 0 days Infantry and cavalry John O. Marsh Jr. Caspar Weinberger
Carl E. Vuono
Carl E. Vuono
(born 1934)
23 June 1987 21 June 1991 3 years, 363 days Field artillery John O. Marsh Jr.
Michael P. W. Stone
Caspar Weinberger
Frank Carlucci
Dick Cheney
Gordon R. Sullivan
Gordon R. Sullivan
21 June 1991 20 June 1995 3 years, 364 days Armor and mechanized infantry Michael P. W. Stone
Togo D. West Jr.
Dick Cheney
Les Aspin
William J. Perry
Dennis J. Reimer
Dennis J. Reimer
(born 1939)
20 June 1995 21 June 1999 4 years, 1 day Artillery and mechanized infantry Togo D. West Jr.
Louis Caldera
William J. Perry
William Cohen
Eric K. Shinseki
Eric K. Shinseki
(born 1942)
21 June 1999 11 June 2003 3 years, 355 days Cavalry Louis Caldera
Thomas E. White
William Cohen
Donald Rumsfeld
Peter J. Schoomaker
Peter J. Schoomaker
(born 1946)
June 11 2003 10 April 2007 3 years, 252 days Special operations Thomas E. White
Francis J. Harvey
Pete Geren
Donald Rumsfeld
Robert Gates
George W. Casey Jr.
George W. Casey Jr.
(born 1948)
10 April 2007 11 April 2011 4 years, 1 day Armor and mechanized infantry Pete Geren
John M. McHugh
Robert Gates
Martin E. Dempsey
Martin E. Dempsey
(born 1952)
11 April 2011 7 September 2011 149 days Armor and armored
John M. McHugh Robert Gates
Leon Panetta
Raymond T. Odierno
Raymond T. Odierno
7 September 2011 14 August 2015 3 years, 341 days Armor and field artillery John M. McHugh Leon Panetta
Chuck Hagel
Ash Carter
Mark A. Milley
Mark A. Milley
(born 1958)
14 August 2015 9 August 2019 3 years, 360 days Armor and light infantry John M. McHugh
Eric Fanning
Mark Esper
Ryan D. McCarthy
Ash Carter
Jim Mattis
Mark Esper
James C. McConville
James C. McConville
(born 1959)
9 August 2019 4 August 2023 3 years, 360 days Aviation and cavalry Ryan D. McCarthy
Christine Wormuth
Mark Esper
Lloyd Austin
Randy A. George
(born 1964)
4 August 2023 21 September 2023 48 days Infantry and airborne Christine Wormuth Lloyd Austin
41 21 September 2023 Incumbent 104 days


Randy George James C. McConville Mark Milley Raymond T. Odierno Martin Dempsey George W. Casey Jr. Peter Schoomaker Eric Shinseki Dennis Reimer Gordon R. Sullivan Carl E. Vuono John A. Wickham Jr. Edward C. Meyer Bernard W. Rogers Frederick C. Weyand Creighton Abrams William Westmoreland Harold Keith Johnson Earle Wheeler George Decker Lyman Lemnitzer Maxwell D. Taylor Matthew Ridgway J. Lawton Collins Omar Bradley Dwight D. Eisenhower George C. Marshall Malin Craig Douglas MacArthur Charles Pelot Summerall John L. Hines John J. Pershing Peyton C. March Tasker H. Bliss Hugh L. Scott William Wallace Wotherspoon Leonard Wood J. Franklin Bell John C. Bates Adna Chaffee Samuel Baldwin Marks Young

See also