2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries

February 3 to August 11, 2020

Candidate Joe Biden Bernie Sanders Elizabeth Warren
Home state Delaware Vermont Massachusetts
Delegate count 2,695 1,117 79
Contests won 46 9 0
Popular vote 19,080,074 9,680,121 2,831,566
Percentage 51.7% 26.2% 7.7%

Candidate Michael Bloomberg Pete Buttigieg
Home state New York Indiana
Delegate count 51 26
Contests won 1 2
Popular vote 2,552,320 924,279
Percentage 6.9% 2.5%

2020 California Democratic presidential primary 2020 Oregon Democratic presidential primary 2020 Washington Democratic presidential primary 2020 Idaho Democratic presidential primary 2020 Nevada Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 Utah Democratic presidential primary 2020 Arizona Democratic presidential primary 2020 Montana Democratic presidential primary 2020 Wyoming Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 Colorado Democratic presidential primary 2020 New Mexico Democratic presidential primary 2020 North Dakota Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 South Dakota Democratic presidential primary 2020 Nebraska Democratic presidential primary 2020 Kansas Democratic presidential primary 2020 Oklahoma Democratic presidential primary 2020 Texas Democratic presidential primary 2020 Minnesota Democratic presidential primary 2020 Iowa Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 Missouri Democratic presidential primary 2020 Arkansas Democratic presidential primary 2020 Louisiana Democratic presidential primary 2020 Wisconsin Democratic presidential primary 2020 Illinois Democratic presidential primary 2020 Michigan Democratic presidential primary 2020 Indiana Democratic presidential primary 2020 Ohio Democratic presidential primary 2020 Kentucky Democratic presidential primary 2020 Tennessee Democratic presidential primary 2020 Mississippi Democratic presidential primary 2020 Alabama Democratic presidential primary 2020 Georgia Democratic presidential primary 2020 Florida Democratic presidential primary 2020 South Carolina Democratic presidential primary 2020 North Carolina Democratic presidential primary 2020 Virginia Democratic presidential primary 2020 West Virginia Democratic presidential primary 2020 District of Columbia Democratic presidential primary 2020 Maryland Democratic presidential primary 2020 Delaware Democratic presidential primary 2020 Pennsylvania Democratic presidential primary 2020 New Jersey Democratic presidential primary 2020 New York Democratic presidential primary 2020 Connecticut Democratic presidential primary 2020 Rhode Island Democratic presidential primary 2020 Vermont Democratic presidential primary 2020 New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary 2020 Maine Democratic presidential primary 2020 Massachusetts Democratic presidential primary 2020 Alaska Democratic presidential primary 2020 Hawaii Democratic presidential primary 2020 Puerto Rico Democratic presidential primary 2020 U.S. Virgin Islands presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 Northern Mariana Islands presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 American Samoa presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 Guam presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 Democrats Abroad presidential primary
2020 California Democratic presidential primary 2020 Oregon Democratic presidential primary 2020 Washington Democratic presidential primary 2020 Idaho Democratic presidential primary 2020 Nevada Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 Utah Democratic presidential primary 2020 Arizona Democratic presidential primary 2020 Montana Democratic presidential primary 2020 Wyoming Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 Colorado Democratic presidential primary 2020 New Mexico Democratic presidential primary 2020 North Dakota Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 South Dakota Democratic presidential primary 2020 Nebraska Democratic presidential primary 2020 Kansas Democratic presidential primary 2020 Oklahoma Democratic presidential primary 2020 Texas Democratic presidential primary 2020 Minnesota Democratic presidential primary 2020 Iowa Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 Missouri Democratic presidential primary 2020 Arkansas Democratic presidential primary 2020 Louisiana Democratic presidential primary 2020 Wisconsin Democratic presidential primary 2020 Illinois Democratic presidential primary 2020 Michigan Democratic presidential primary 2020 Indiana Democratic presidential primary 2020 Ohio Democratic presidential primary 2020 Kentucky Democratic presidential primary 2020 Tennessee Democratic presidential primary 2020 Mississippi Democratic presidential primary 2020 Alabama Democratic presidential primary 2020 Georgia Democratic presidential primary 2020 Florida Democratic presidential primary 2020 South Carolina Democratic presidential primary 2020 North Carolina Democratic presidential primary 2020 Virginia Democratic presidential primary 2020 West Virginia Democratic presidential primary 2020 District of Columbia Democratic presidential primary 2020 Maryland Democratic presidential primary 2020 Delaware Democratic presidential primary 2020 Pennsylvania Democratic presidential primary 2020 New Jersey Democratic presidential primary 2020 New York Democratic presidential primary 2020 Connecticut Democratic presidential primary 2020 Rhode Island Democratic presidential primary 2020 Vermont Democratic presidential primary 2020 New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary 2020 Maine Democratic presidential primary 2020 Massachusetts Democratic presidential primary 2020 Alaska Democratic presidential primary 2020 Hawaii Democratic presidential primary 2020 Puerto Rico Democratic presidential primary 2020 U.S. Virgin Islands presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 Northern Mariana Islands presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 American Samoa presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 Guam presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 Democrats Abroad presidential primary
2020 California Democratic presidential primary 2020 Oregon Democratic presidential primary 2020 Washington Democratic presidential primary 2020 Idaho Democratic presidential primary 2020 Nevada Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 Utah Democratic presidential primary 2020 Arizona Democratic presidential primary 2020 Montana Democratic presidential primary 2020 Wyoming Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 Colorado Democratic presidential primary 2020 New Mexico Democratic presidential primary 2020 North Dakota Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 South Dakota Democratic presidential primary 2020 Nebraska Democratic presidential primary 2020 Kansas Democratic presidential primary 2020 Oklahoma Democratic presidential primary 2020 Texas Democratic presidential primary 2020 Minnesota Democratic presidential primary 2020 Iowa Democratic presidential caucuses 2020 Missouri Democratic presidential primary 2020 Arkansas Democratic presidential primary 2020 Louisiana Democratic presidential primary 2020 Wisconsin Democratic presidential primary 2020 Illinois Democratic presidential primary 2020 Michigan Democratic presidential primary 2020 Indiana Democratic presidential primary 2020 Ohio Democratic presidential primary 2020 Kentucky Democratic presidential primary 2020 Tennessee Democratic presidential primary 2020 Mississippi Democratic presidential primary 2020 Alabama Democratic presidential primary 2020 Georgia Democratic presidential primary 2020 Florida Democratic presidential primary 2020 South Carolina Democratic presidential primary 2020 North Carolina Democratic presidential primary 2020 Virginia Democratic presidential primary 2020 West Virginia Democratic presidential primary 2020 District of Columbia Democratic presidential primary 2020 Maryland Democratic presidential primary 2020 Delaware Democratic presidential primary 2020 Pennsylvania Democratic presidential primary 2020 New Jersey Democratic presidential primary 2020 New York Democratic presidential primary 2020 Connecticut Democratic presidential primary 2020 Rhode Island Democratic presidential primary 2020 Vermont Democratic presidential primary 2020 New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary 2020 Maine Democratic presidential primary 2020 Massachusetts Democratic presidential primary 2020 Alaska Democratic presidential primary 2020 Hawaii Democratic presidential primary 2020 Puerto Rico Democratic presidential primary 2020 U.S. Virgin Islands presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 Northern Mariana Islands presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 American Samoa presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 Guam presidential caucuses#Democratic caucuses 2020 Democrats Abroad presidential primary

Previous Democratic nominee

Hillary Clinton

Democratic nominee

Joe Biden

Presidential primaries and caucuses were organized by the Democratic Party to select the 3,979 pledged delegates to the 2020 Democratic National Convention held on August 17–20 to determine the party's nominee for president in the 2020 United States presidential election. The elections took place in all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, five U.S. territories, and through Democrats Abroad, and occurred between February 3 and August 11.

A total of 29 major candidates declared their candidacies for the primaries, the largest field of presidential primary candidates for any American political party since the modern primaries began in 1972, exceeding the field of 17 major candidates in the 2016 Republican Party presidential primaries. Former Vice President Joe Biden led polls throughout 2019, with the exception of a brief period in October when Senator Elizabeth Warren experienced a surge in support. 18 of the 29 declared candidates withdrew before the formal beginning of the primary due to low polling, fundraising, and media coverage. The first primary was marred by controversy, as technical issues with vote reporting resulted in a three-day delay in vote counting in the Iowa caucus, as well as subsequent recounts. The certified results of the caucus eventually showed Mayor Pete Buttigieg winning the most delegates, while Senator Bernie Sanders won the popular vote in the state. Sanders then won the New Hampshire primary in a narrow victory over Buttigieg before handily winning the Nevada caucus, solidifying Sanders' status as the front-runner for the nomination.

Biden, whose campaign fortunes had suffered from losses in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, made a comeback by overwhelmingly winning the South Carolina primary, motivated by strong support from African American voters, an endorsement from South Carolina U.S. Representative Jim Clyburn, as well as Democratic establishment concerns about nominating Sanders. After Biden won South Carolina, and one day before the Super Tuesday primaries, several candidates dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden in what was viewed as a consolidation of the party's moderate wing. Prior to the announcement, polling saw Sanders leading with a plurality in most Super Tuesday states. Biden then won 10 out of 15 contests on Super Tuesday, beating back challenges from Sanders, Warren, and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, solidifying his lead.

On April 8, Biden became the presumptive nominee after Sanders, the only other candidate remaining, withdrew from the race. In early June, Biden passed the threshold of 1,991 delegates to win the nomination. Seven candidates received pledged delegates: Biden, Sanders, Warren, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Senator Amy Klobuchar and U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard. On August 11, Biden announced that former presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris would be his running mate. Biden and Harris were officially nominated for president and vice president by delegates at the Democratic National Convention on August 18 and 19. Biden and Harris won the presidency and vice presidency in the general election on November 3, defeating the incumbents President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

Biden became the first Democratic candidate since Bill Clinton, and the third ever Democratic candidate, to win the nomination without carrying either Iowa or New Hampshire, the first two states on the primary/caucus calendar.

The primaries were initially scheduled to go through June 6. The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States caused a number of states to shift their primaries to later in the year.


After Hillary Clinton's loss in the previous election, many felt the Democratic Party lacked a clear leading figure. Divisions remained in the party following the 2016 primaries, which pitted Clinton against Bernie Sanders. Between the 2016 election and the 2018 midterm elections, Senate Democrats generally shifted to the political left in relation to college tuition, healthcare, and immigration. The 2018 elections saw the Democratic Party regain the House of Representatives for the first time in eight years, picking up seats in both urban and suburban districts.

Reforms since 2016

On August 25, 2018, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) members passed reforms to the Democratic Party's primary process in order to increase participation and ensure transparency. State parties are encouraged to use a government-run primary whenever available and increase the accessibility of their primary through same-day or automatic registration and same-day party switching. Caucuses are required to have absentee voting, or to otherwise allow those who cannot participate in person to be included.

Independent of the results of the primaries and caucuses, the Democratic Party, from its group of party leaders and elected officials, also appointed 771 unpledged delegates (superdelegates) to participate in its national convention.

In contrast to all previous election cycles since superdelegates were introduced in 1984, superdelegates will no longer have the right to cast decisive votes on the convention's first ballot for the presidential nomination. They will be allowed to cast non-decisive votes if a candidate has clinched the nomination before the first ballot, or decisive votes on subsequent ballots in a contested convention. In that case, the number of votes required shall increase to a majority of pledged and superdelegates combined. Superdelegates are not precluded from publicly endorsing a candidate before the convention.

There were a number of changes to the process of nomination at the state level. A decline in the number of caucuses occurred after 2016. Democrats in Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Washington all switched from various forms of caucuses to primaries. Hawaii, Kansas, and North Dakota switched to party-run "firehouse primaries".

This resulted in the lowest number of caucuses in the Democratic Party's recent history. Only three states (Iowa, Nevada, and Wyoming) and four territories (American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas, and U.S. Virgin Islands) used them. Six states were approved in 2019 by the DNC to use ranked-choice voting in the primaries: Alaska, Hawaii, Kansas, and Wyoming for all voters; Iowa and Nevada for absentee voters. Rather than eliminating candidates until a single winner is chosen, voters' choices were reallocated until all remaining candidates have at least 15%, the threshold to receive delegates to the convention.

Several states which did not use paper ballots widely in 2016 and 2018, adopted them for the 2020 primary and general elections, to minimize potential interference in vote tallies, a concern raised by intelligence officials, election officials and the public. The move to paper ballots enabled audits to start where they had not been possible before, and in 2020 about half the states audit samples of primary ballots to measure accuracy of the reported results. Audits of caucus results depend on party rules, and the Iowa Democratic party investigated inaccuracies in precinct reports, resolved enough to be sure the delegate allocations were correct, and decided it did not have authority or time to correct all errors.

Rules for number of delegates

Number of pledged delegates per state

The number of pledged delegates from each state is proportional to the state's share of the electoral college, and to the state's past Democratic votes for president. Thus less weight is given to swing states and Republican states, while more weight is given to strongly Democratic states, in choosing a nominee.

Six pledged delegates are assigned to each territory, 44 to Puerto Rico, and 12 to Democrats Abroad. Each jurisdiction can also earn bonus delegates by holding primaries after March or in clusters of 3 or more neighboring states.

Within states, a quarter of pledged delegates are allocated to candidates based on statewide vote totals, and the rest typically based on votes in each congressional district, although some states use divisions other than congressional districts. For example, Texas uses state Senate districts. Districts which have voted Democratic in the past get more delegates, and fewer delegates are allocated for swing districts and Republican districts. For example, House Speaker Pelosi's strongly Democratic district 12 has 7 delegates, or one per 109,000 people, and a swing district, CA-10, which became Democratic in 2018, has 4 delegates, or one per 190,000 people.

Candidate threshold

Candidates who received under 15% of the votes in a state or district didn't get any delegates from that area. Candidates who got 15% or more of the votes divided delegates in proportion to their votes. These rules apply at the state level to state delegates and within each district for those delegates. The 15% threshold was established in 1992 to limit "fringe" candidates. The threshold now means that any sector of the party (moderate, progressive, etc.) which produces many candidates, thus dividing supporters' votes, may win few delegates, even if it wins a majority of votes.

Schedule and results

  February   March 3 (Super Tuesday)   March 10   March 14–17   March 24–29   April 4–7   April 28   May   June

  February   March 3 (Super Tuesday)   March 10   March 14–17   April 7–17   April 28   May   June   July–August

(daily totals)
Total pledged
and total popular vote
Delegates won and popular vote
Joe Biden Bernie Sanders Elizabeth Warren Michael Bloomberg Pete Buttigieg Amy Klobuchar Tulsi Gabbard Other
February 3 41 Iowa
23,605 (13.7%)
45,652 (26.5%)
34,909 (20.3%)

16 (0.0%)
43,209 (25.1%)
21,100 (12.2%)

16 (0.0%)

3,793 (2.2%)
February 11 24 New Hampshire

24,944 (8.4%)
76,384 (25.6%)

27,429 (9.2%)

4,675 (1.6%)
72,454 (24.3%)
58,714 (19.7%)

9,755 (3.3%)

24,022 (8.1%)
February 22 36 Nevada
19,179 (18.9%)
41,075 (40.5%)

11,703 (11.5%)
17,598 (17.3%)

7,376 (7.3%)

32 (0.0%)

4,580 (4.5%)
February 29 54 South Carolina
262,336 (48.7%)
106,605 (19.8%)

38,120 (7.1%)

44,217 (8.2%)

16,900 (3.1%)

6,813 (1.3%)

64,272 (11.9%)
March 3
(Super Tuesday)
52 Alabama
286,065 (63.3%)
74,755 (16.5%)

25,847 (5.7%)

52,750 (11.7%)

1,416 (0.3%)

907 (0.2%)

1,038 (0.2%)

9,315 (2.1%)
6 American Samoa

31 (8.8%)

37 (10.5%)

5 (1.4%)
175 (49.9%)
103 (29.3%)
31 Arkansas
93,012 (40.6%)
51,413 (22.4%)

22,971 (10.0%)
38,312 (16.7%)

7,649 (3.3%)

7,009 (3.1%)

1,593 (0.7%)

7,163 (3.1%)
415 California
1,613,854 (27.9%)
2,080,846 (36.0%)
762,555 (13.2%)
701,803 (12.1%)

249,256 (4.3%)

126,961 (2.2%)

33,769 (0.6%)

215,320 (3.7%)
67 Colorado
236,565 (24.6%)
355,293 (37.0%)
168,695 (17.6%)
177,727 (18.5%)

10,037 (1.0%)

11,811 (1.2%)
24 Maine
68,729 (33.4%)
66,826 (32.4%)
32,055 (15.6%)

24,294 (11.8%)

4,364 (2.1%)

2,826 (1.4%)

1,815 (0.9%)

5,028 (2.4%)
91 Massachusetts
473,861 (33.4%)
376,990 (26.6%)
303,864 (21.4%)

166,200 (11.7%)

38,400 (2.7%)

17,297 (1.2%)

10,548 (0.7%)

31,020 (2.2%)
75 Minnesota
287,553 (38.6%)
222,431 (29.9%)
114,674 (15.4%)

61,882 (8.3%)

7,616 (1.0%)

41,530 (5.6%)

2,504 (0.3%)

6,008 (0.8%)
110 North Carolina
572,271 (43.0%)
322,645 (24.2%)
139,912 (10.5%)
172,558 (13.0%)

43,632 (3.3%)

30,742 (2.3%)

6,622 (0.5%)

44,000 (3.3%)
37 Oklahoma
117,633 (38.7%)
77,425 (25.4%)
40,732 (13.4%)
42,270 (13.9%)

5,115 (1.7%)

6,733 (2.2%)

5,109 (1.7%)

9,264 (3.0%)
64 Tennessee
215,390 (41.7%)
129,168 (25.0%)
53,732 (10.4%)
79,789 (15.5%)

17,102 (3.3%)

10,671 (2.1%)

2,278 (0.4%)

8,120 (1.6%)
228 Texas
725,562 (34.6%)
626,339 (29.9%)
239,237 (11.4%)
300,608 (14.4%)

82,671 (3.9%)

43,291 (2.1%)

8,688 (0.4%)

68,032 (3.2%)
29 Utah
40,674 (18.4%)
79,728 (36.1%)
35,727 (16.2%)
33,991 (15.4%)

18,734 (8.5%)

7,603 (3.4%)

1,704 (0.8%)

2,421 (1.1%)
16 Vermont
34,669 (21.9%)
79,921 (50.6%)

19,785 (12.5%)

14,828 (9.4%)

3,709 (2.3%)

1,991 (1.3%)

1,303 (0.8%)

1,826 (1.2%)
99 Virginia
705,501 (53.3%)
306,388 (23.1%)
142,546 (10.8%)

128,030 (9.7%)

11,199 (0.8%)

8,414 (0.6%)

11,288 (0.9%)

10,327 (0.8%)
March 3–10 13 Democrats Abroad
9,059 (22.7%)
23,139 (57.9%)

5,730 (14.3%)

892 (2.2%)

616 (1.5%)

224 (0.6%)

146 (0.4%)

178 (0.4%)
March 10
20 Idaho
53,151 (48.9%)
46,114 (42.4%)

2,878 (2.6%)

2,612 (2.4%)

1,426 (1.3%)

774 (0.7%)

876 (0.8%)

818 (0.8%)
125 Michigan
840,360 (52.9%)
576,926 (36.3%)

26,148 (1.6%)

73,464 (4.6%)

22,462 (1.4%)

11,018 (0.7%)

9,461 (0.6%)

27,840 (1.8%)
36 Mississippi
222,160 (81.0%)
40,657 (14.8%)

1,550 (0.6%)

6,933 (2.5%)

562 (0.2%)

440 (0.2%)

1,003 (0.4%)

1,086 (0.4%)
68 Missouri
400,347 (60.1%)
230,374 (34.6%)

8,156 (1.2%)

9,866 (1.5%)

3,309 (0.5%)

2,682 (0.4%)

4,887 (0.7%)

6,491 (1.0%)
14 North Dakota
5,742 (39.5%)
7,682 (52.8%)

366 (2.5%)

113 (0.8%)

164 (1.1%)

223 (1.5%)

89 (0.6%)

167 (1.1%)
89 Washington
591,403 (37.9%)
570,039 (36.6%)

142,652 (9.2%)

122,530 (7.9%)

63,344 (4.1%)

33,383 (2.1%)

13,199 (0.9%)

22,226 (1.4%)
March 14 6 Northern Mariana Islands
48 (35.8%)
84 (62.7%)

2 (1.5%)
March 17
67 Arizona
268,029 (43.7%)
200,456 (32.7%)

35,537 (5.8%)

58,797 (9.6%)

24,868 (4.1%)

10,333 (1.7%)

3,014 (0.5%)

12,321 (2.0%)
219 Florida
1,077,375 (61.9%)
397,311 (22.8%)

32,875 (1.9%)

146,544 (8.4%)

39,886 (2.3%)

17,276 (1.0%)

8,712 (0.5%)

19,235 (1.1%)
155 Illinois
986,661 (58.9%)
605,701 (36.2%)

24,413 (1.5%)

25,500 (1.5%)

9,729 (0.6%)

9,642 (0.6%)

12,487 (0.7%)
April 7 84 Wisconsin
581,463 (62.9%)
293,441 (31.7%)

14,060 (1.5%)

8,846 (1.0%)

4,946 (0.5%)

6,079 (0.7%)

5,565 (0.6%)

10,665 (1.2%)
April 10 15 Alaska
10,834 (54.8%)
8,755 (44.3%)
Eliminated 7th
Eliminated 3rd
Eliminated 6th
Eliminated 5th
Eliminated 4th

170 (0.9%)
April 17 14 Wyoming
10,912 (70.9%)
4,206 (27.3%)
Eliminated 7th
Eliminated 5th
Eliminated 6th
Eliminated 4th
Eliminated 2nd

273 (1.8%)
April 28 136 Ohio
647,284 (72.4%)
149,683 (16.7%)

30,985 (3.5%)

28,704 (3.2%)

15,113 (1.7%)

11,899 (1.3%)

4,560 (0.5%)

6,155 (0.7%)
May 2 39 Kansas
110,041 (74.9%)
33,142 (22.6%)
Eliminated 3rd
Eliminated 1st

3,690 (2.5%)
May 12 29 Nebraska
126,444 (76.8%)

23,214 (14.1%)

10,401 (6.3%)

4,523 (2.7%)
May 19 61 Oregon
408,315 (66.0%)
127,345 (20.6%)

59,355 (9.6%)

10,717 (1.7%)

12,979 (2.1%)
May 22 24 Hawaii
21,215 (60.5%)
12,337 (35.2%)
Eliminated 9th
Eliminated 7th
Eliminated 5th
Eliminated 3rd
Eliminated 8th

1,492 (4.3%)
June 2
20 District of Columbia
84,093 (76.0%)

11,116 (10.0%)
14,228 (12.9%)

442 (0.4%)

809 (0.7%)
82 Indiana
380,836 (76.5%)
67,688 (13.6%)

14,344 (2.9%)

4,783 (1.0%)

17,957 (3.6%)

3,860 (0.8%)

2,657 (0.5%)

5,802 (1.2%)
96 Maryland
879,753 (83.7%)

81,939 (7.8%)

27,134 (2.6%)

6,773 (0.6%)

7,180 (0.7%)

5,685 (0.5%)

4,226 (0.4%)

38,083 (3.6%)
19 Montana
111,706 (74.5%)
22,033 (14.7%)

11,984 (8.0%)

4,250 (2.8%)
34 New Mexico
181,700 (73.3%)
37,435 (15.1%)

14,552 (5.9%)

2,735 (1.1%)

11,458 (4.6%)
186 Pennsylvania
1,264,624 (79.3%)
287,834 (18.0%)

43,050 (2.7%)
26 Rhode Island
79,728 (76.7%)
15,525 (14.9%)

4,479 (4.3%)

651 (0.6%)

3,599 (3.5%)
16 South Dakota
40,800 (77.5%)
11,861 (22.5%)
June 6
7 Guam
270 (69.6%)
118 (30.4%)
7 U.S. Virgin Islands
502 (91.3%)

28 (5.1%)

20 (3.6%)
June 9
105 Georgia
922,177 (84.9%)

101,668 (9.4%)

21,906 (2.0%)

7,657 (0.7%)

6,346 (0.6%)

4,317 (0.4%)

4,117 (0.4%)

18,541 (1.7%)
28 West Virginia
122,518 (65.3%)

22,793 (12.2%)

5,741 (3.1%)

3,759 (2.0%)

3,455 (1.8%)

3,011 (1.6%)

4,163 (2.2%)

22,042 (11.8%)
June 23
54 Kentucky
365,284 (67.9%)

65,055 (12.1%)

15,300 (2.8%)

9,127 (1.7%)

5,296 (1.0%)

5,859 (1.1%)
71,984 (13.4%)
274 New York
1,136,679 (64.6%)
285,908 (16.3%)

82,917 (4.7%)

39,433 (2.2%)

22,927 (1.3%)

11,028 (0.6%)

9,083 (0.5%)

171,064 (9.7%)
July 7
21 Delaware
81,954 (89.4%)

6,878 (7.5%)

2,850 (3.1%)
126 New Jersey
814,188 (84.9%)
140,412 (14.6%)

4,162 (0.4%)
July 11 54 Louisiana
212,555 (79.5%)

19,859 (7.4%)

6,426 (2.4%)

4,312 (1.6%)

2,363 (0.9%)

2,431 (0.9%)

1,962 (0.7%)

17,378 (6.5%)
July 12 51 Puerto Rico
3,930 (56.0%)
932 (13.3%)

101 (1.4%)
894 (12.7%)

158 (2.3%)

31 (0.4%)

194 (2.8%)

782 (11.1%)
August 11 60 Connecticut
224,500 (84.9%)

30,512 (11.5%)

3,429 (1.3%)

5,975 (2.3%)
3,979 pledged delegates
36,922,938 votes
19,080,074 (51.68%)
9,680,121 (26.22%)
2,831,566 (7.67%)
2,552,320 (6.91%)
924,279 (2.50%)
540,055 (1.46%)
273,977 (0.74%)
1,040,546 (2.82%)

Election day postponements and cancellations

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, a number of presidential primaries were rescheduled. On April 27, New York canceled its primary altogether on the grounds that there was only one candidate left with an active campaign. Andrew Yang responded with a lawsuit, arguing that the decision infringes on voting rights, and in early May, the judge ruled in favor of Yang.

2020 Democratic primaries altered due to COVID-19.
Primary Original
Vote in
Ohio March 17 April 28 Canceled March 25
Georgia March 24 June 9 Held April 9
Puerto Rico March 29 July 12 Held May 21
Alaska April 4 April 10 Canceled March 23
Wyoming April 4 April 17 Canceled March 22
Hawaii April 4 May 22 Canceled March 27
Louisiana April 4 July 11 Held April 14
Maryland April 28 June 2 Held March 17
Pennsylvania April 28 June 2 Held March 27
Rhode Island April 28 June 2 Held March 23
New York April 28 June 23 Held April 27
Delaware April 28 July 7 Held May 7
Connecticut April 28 August 11 Held April 17
Kansas May 2 May 2 Canceled March 30
Guam May 2 June 6 Held June 4
Indiana May 5 June 2 Held March 20
West Virginia May 12 June 9 Held April 1
Kentucky May 19 June 23 Held March 16
New Jersey June 2 July 7 Held April 8

In addition, the DNC elected to delay the 2020 Democratic National Convention from July 13–16 to August 17–20.


Major candidates in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries had held significant elective office or received substantial media coverage.

Nearly 300 candidates who did not receive significant media coverage also filed with the Federal Election Commission to run for president in the primary.


Candidate Born Most recent position State Campaign announced Pledged delegates Popular vote Contests won Article Running mate Ref.

Joe Biden
November 20, 1942
(age 77)
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Vice President of the United States (2009–2017)
April 25, 2019 2,687 18,431,136
(AL, AK, AZ, AR, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, GU, HI, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VI, WA, WV, WI, WY)

FEC filing
Secured nomination:
June 9, 2020
Kamala Harris

Withdrew during the primaries

Candidate Born Most recent position State Campaign announced Campaign suspended Delegates won Popular vote Contests won Article Ref.

Bernie Sanders
September 8, 1941
(age 78)
Brooklyn, New York
U.S. senator from Vermont
Vermont February 19, 2019 April 8, 2020
(endorsed Biden as presumptive nominee)
1,073 9,679,213
(CA, CO, DA, NV, NH, ND, MP, UT, VT)

FEC filing

Tulsi Gabbard
April 12, 1981
(age 39)
Leloaloa, American Samoa
U.S. representative from HI-02
Hawaii January 11, 2019 March 19, 2020
(endorsed Biden)
2 273,940
FEC filing

Elizabeth Warren
June 22, 1949
(age 71)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
U.S. senator from Massachusetts
Massachusetts February 9, 2019
Exploratory committee: December 31, 2018
March 5, 2020
(endorsed Biden as presumptive nominee)
63 2,780,873
FEC filing

Michael Bloomberg
February 14, 1942
(age 78)
Boston, Massachusetts
Mayor of New York City, New York
CEO of Bloomberg L.P.
New York November 24, 2019
Exploratory committee: November 21, 2019
March 4, 2020
(endorsed Biden)
59 2,475,130

FEC filing

Amy Klobuchar
May 25, 1960
(age 60)
Plymouth, Minnesota
U.S. senator from Minnesota
Minnesota February 10, 2019 March 2, 2020
(endorsed Biden)
7 524,400
FEC filing

Pete Buttigieg
January 19, 1982
(age 38)
South Bend, Indiana
Mayor of South Bend, Indiana
Indiana April 14, 2019
Exploratory committee: January 23, 2019
March 1, 2020
(endorsed Biden)
21 912,214

FEC filing

Tom Steyer
June 27, 1957
(age 63)
Manhattan, New York
Hedge fund manager
Founder of Farallon Capital and Beneficial State Bank
California July 9, 2019 February 29, 2020
(endorsed Biden as presumptive nominee)
0 258,848
FEC filing

Deval Patrick
July 31, 1956
(age 64)
Chicago, Illinois
Governor of Massachusetts
Massachusetts November 14, 2019 February 12, 2020
(endorsed Biden)
0 27,116
FEC filing

Michael Bennet
November 28, 1964
(age 55)
New Delhi, India
U.S. senator from Colorado
Colorado May 2, 2019 February 11, 2020
(endorsed Biden as presumptive nominee)
0 62,260
FEC filing

Andrew Yang
January 13, 1975
(age 45)
Schenectady, New York
Founder of Venture for America
New York November 6, 2017 February 11, 2020
(endorsed Biden)
0 160,231
FEC filing

Other notable individuals who were not major candidates terminated their campaigns during the primaries:

Withdrew before the primaries

Candidate Born Experience State Campaign
Popular vote Article Ref.

John Delaney
April 16, 1963
(age 57)
Wood-Ridge, New Jersey
U.S. representative from MD-06
Maryland July 28, 2017 January 31, 2020
(endorsed Biden)
FEC filing

Cory Booker
April 27, 1969
(age 51)
Washington, D.C.
U.S. senator from New Jersey
Mayor of Newark, New Jersey (2006–2013)
New Jersey February 1, 2019 January 13, 2020
(ran successfully for reelection)
(endorsed Biden)
FEC filing

Marianne Williamson
July 8, 1952
(age 68)
Houston, Texas
Founder of Project Angel Food
Independent candidate for U.S. House from CA-33 in 2014
California January 28, 2019
Exploratory committee:
November 15, 2018
January 10, 2020
(endorsed Sanders, then Biden as nominee)
FEC filing

Julián Castro
September 16, 1974
(age 45)
San Antonio, Texas
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Mayor of San Antonio, Texas (2009–2014)
Texas January 12, 2019
Exploratory committee: December 12, 2018
January 2, 2020
(endorsed Warren, then Biden as presumptive nominee)
FEC filing

Kamala Harris
October 20, 1964
(age 55)
Oakland, California
U.S. senator from California
Attorney General of California (2011–2017)
California January 21, 2019 December 3, 2019
(endorsed Biden who later chose Harris as his vice presidential running-mate)
FEC filing

Steve Bullock
April 11, 1966
(age 54)
Missoula, Montana
Governor of Montana
Attorney General of Montana (2009–2013)
Montana May 14, 2019 December 2, 2019
(ran for U.S. Senate; lost election, endorsed Biden as nominee)
FEC filing

Joe Sestak
December 12, 1951
(age 68)
Secane, Pennsylvania
U.S. representative from PA-07
Former Vice Admiral of the United States Navy
Virginia June 23, 2019 December 1, 2019
(endorsed Klobuchar, then Biden as nominee)
5,251 Campaign
FEC filing

Wayne Messam
June 7, 1974
(age 46)
South Bay, Florida
Mayor of Miramar, Florida
Florida March 28, 2019
Exploratory committee: March 13, 2019
November 19, 2019 0
FEC filing

Beto O'Rourke
September 26, 1972
(age 47)
El Paso, Texas
U.S. representative from TX-16
Texas March 14, 2019 November 1, 2019
(endorsed Biden)
FEC filing

Tim Ryan
July 16, 1973
(age 47)
Niles, Ohio
U.S. representative from OH-13
U.S. representative from OH-17 (2003–2013)
Ohio April 4, 2019 October 24, 2019
(ran successfully for reelection)
(endorsed Biden)
FEC filing

Bill de Blasio
May 8, 1961
(age 59)
Manhattan, New York
Mayor of New York City, New York (2014–2021) New York May 16, 2019 September 20, 2019
(endorsed Sanders, then Biden as presumptive nominee)
FEC filing

Kirsten Gillibrand
December 9, 1966
(age 53)
Albany, New York
U.S. senator from New York
U.S. representative from NY-20 (2007–2009)
New York March 17, 2019
Exploratory committee: January 15, 2019
August 28, 2019
(endorsed Biden)
FEC filing

Seth Moulton
October 24, 1978
(age 41)
Salem, Massachusetts
U.S. representative from MA-06
Massachusetts April 22, 2019 August 23, 2019
(ran successfully for reelection)
(endorsed Biden)
FEC filing

Jay Inslee
February 9, 1951
(age 69)
Seattle, Washington
Governor of Washington
U.S. representative from WA-01 (1999–2012)
U.S. representative from WA-04 (1993–1995)
Washington March 1, 2019 August 21, 2019
(ran successfully for reelection)
(endorsed Biden as presumptive nominee)
FEC filing

John Hickenlooper
February 7, 1952
(age 68)
Narberth, Pennsylvania
Governor of Colorado (2011–2019)
Mayor of Denver, Colorado (2003–2011)
Colorado March 4, 2019 August 15, 2019
(ran successfully for U.S. Senate)
(endorsed Bennet, then Biden as presumptive nominee)
FEC filing

Mike Gravel
May 13, 1930
(aged 90)
Springfield, Massachusetts
U.S. senator from Alaska
Candidate for president in 2008
Candidate for Vice President in 1972
California April 2, 2019
Exploratory committee: March 19, 2019
August 6, 2019
(co-endorsed Gabbard and Sanders)
FEC filing

Eric Swalwell
November 16, 1980
(age 39)
Sac City, Iowa
U.S. representative from CA-15
California April 8, 2019 July 8, 2019
(ran successfully for reelection)
(endorsed Biden)
FEC filing

Richard Ojeda
September 25, 1970
(age 49)
Rochester, Minnesota
West Virginia state senator from WV-SD07
West Virginia November 11, 2018 January 25, 2019
(ran for U.S. Senate; lost primary)
(endorsed Biden)

FEC filing

Other notable individuals who were not major candidates terminated their campaigns before the primaries:

Political positions

Debates and forums

In December 2018, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced the schedule for 12 official DNC-sanctioned debates, set to begin in June 2019, with six debates in 2019 and the remaining six during the first four months of 2020. Candidates were allowed to participate in forums featuring multiple other candidates as long as only one candidate appeared on stage at a time. Any presidential candidates who participated in unsanctioned debates with each other would have lost their invitations to the next DNC-sanctioned debate. No unsanctioned debates took place during the 2019—2020 debate season.

The DNC also announced that it would not partner with Fox News as a media sponsor for any debates. Fox News last held a Democratic debate in 2003. All media sponsors selected to host a debate were as a new rule required to appoint at least one female moderator for each debate, to ensure there would not be a gender-skewed treatment of the candidates and debate topics.

Debate schedule
Debate Date Time
Viewers Location Sponsor(s) Moderator(s)
1A June 26, 2019 9–11 p.m. ~24.3 million
(15.3m live TV; 9m streaming)
Arsht Center,
Miami, Florida
NBC News
José Díaz-Balart
Savannah Guthrie
Lester Holt
Rachel Maddow
Chuck Todd
1B June 27, 2019 9–11 p.m. ~27.1 million
(18.1m live TV; 9m streaming)
2A July 30, 2019 8–10:30 p.m. ~11.5 million
(8.7m live TV; 2.8m streaming)
Fox Theatre,
Detroit, Michigan
CNN Dana Bash
Don Lemon
Jake Tapper
2B July 31, 2019 8–10:30 p.m. ~13.8 million
(10.7m live TV; 3.1m streaming)
3 September 12, 2019 8–11 p.m. 14.04 million live TV Health and Physical Education Arena,
Texas Southern University,
Houston, Texas
ABC News
Linsey Davis
David Muir
Jorge Ramos
George Stephanopoulos
4 October 15, 2019 8–11 p.m. ~8.8 million
(8.34m live TV; 0.45m streaming)
Rike Physical Education Center,
Otterbein University,
Westerville, Ohio
The New York Times
Erin Burnett
Anderson Cooper
Marc Lacey
5 November 20, 2019 9–11 p.m. ~7.9 million
(6.6m live TV; 1.3m streaming)
Oprah Winfrey sound stage,
Tyler Perry Studios,
Atlanta, Georgia
The Washington Post
Rachel Maddow
Andrea Mitchell
Ashley Parker
Kristen Welker
6 December 19, 2019 8–11 p.m. ~14.6 million
(6.17m live TV; 8.4m streaming)
Gersten Pavilion,
Loyola Marymount University,
Los Angeles, California
Tim Alberta
Yamiche Alcindor
Amna Nawaz
Judy Woodruff
7 January 14, 2020 9–11:15 p.m. ~11.3 million
(7.3m live TV; 4.0m streaming)
Sheslow Auditorium,
Drake University,
Des Moines, Iowa
The Des Moines Register
Wolf Blitzer
Brianne Pfannenstiel
Abby Phillip
8 February 7, 2020 8–10:30 p.m. ~11.0 million
(7.8m live TV; 3.2m streaming)
Thomas F. Sullivan Arena,
Saint Anselm College,
Manchester, New Hampshire
ABC News
Apple News
Linsey Davis
Monica Hernandez
David Muir
Adam Sexton
George Stephanopoulos
9 February 19, 2020 9–11 p.m. ~33.16 million
(19.66m live TV; 13.5m streaming)
Le Théâtre des Arts,
Paris Las Vegas,
Paradise, Nevada
NBC News
The Nevada Independent
Vanessa Hauc
Lester Holt
Hallie Jackson
Jon Ralston
Chuck Todd
10 February 25, 2020 8–10 p.m. ~30.4 million
(15.3m live TV; 15.1m streaming)
Gaillard Center,
Charleston, South Carolina
CBS News
Congressional Black Caucus Institute
Margaret Brennan
Major Garrett
Gayle King
Norah O'Donnell
Bill Whitaker
11 March 15, 2020 8–10 p.m. ~11.4 million
(10.8m live TV; 0.6m streaming)
CNN studio
Washington, D.C.
Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD
Dana Bash
Ilia Calderón
Jake Tapper

Primary election polling

The following graph depicts the standing of each candidate in the poll aggregators from December 2018 to April 2020.

Polling aggregates
      Joe Biden       Others/Undecided
      Bernie Sanders       Tulsi Gabbard
      Elizabeth Warren       Michael Bloomberg
      Amy Klobuchar       Pete Buttigieg
      Andrew Yang       Cory Booker
      Kamala Harris       Beto O'Rourke
      Debates       Caucuses and primaries
      COVID-19 pandemic national emergency declaration

Italics indicate withdrawn candidates; bold indicates events.


Richard Ojeda 2020 presidential campaign Eric Swalwell 2020 presidential campaign Mike Gravel 2020 presidential campaign John Hickenlooper 2020 presidential campaign Jay Inslee 2020 presidential campaign Seth Moulton 2020 presidential campaign Kirsten Gillibrand 2020 presidential campaign Bill de Blasio 2020 presidential campaign Tim Ryan 2020 presidential campaign Beto O'Rourke 2020 presidential campaign Wayne Messam 2020 presidential campaign Joe Sestak 2020 presidential campaign Steve Bullock 2020 presidential campaign Kamala Harris 2020 presidential campaign Julián Castro 2020 presidential campaign Marianne Williamson 2020 presidential campaign Cory Booker 2020 presidential campaign John Delaney 2020 presidential campaign Andrew Yang 2020 presidential campaign Michael Bennet 2020 presidential campaign Deval Patrick 2020 presidential campaign Tom Steyer 2020 presidential campaign Pete Buttigieg 2020 presidential campaign Amy Klobuchar 2020 presidential campaign Michael Bloomberg 2020 presidential campaign Elizabeth Warren 2020 presidential campaign Tulsi Gabbard 2020 presidential campaign Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign
New Hampshire
South Carolina
National emergency
declared due to
Wisconsin primary

Ballot access

Filing for the primaries began in October 2019. Yes indicates that the candidate was on the ballot for the primary contest, Dropped indicates that the candidate was a recognized write-in candidate, and No indicates that the candidate did not appear on the ballot in that state's contest. Maybe indicates that a candidate withdrew before the election but was still listed on the ballot.

Primaries and caucuses
IA Feb 3 Ballot access not required
NH Feb 11 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Recognized Write-in Klobuchar-Yes Buttigieg-Yes Steyer-Yes Patrick-Yes Bennet-Yes Yang-Yes Other–Yes
NV Feb 22 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-Yes Buttigieg-Yes Steyer-Yes Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other-Recognized Write-in, Withdrawn
SC Feb 29 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-Yes Buttigieg-Yes Steyer-Yes Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
AL Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-No Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
AR Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-No Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other-Yes
AS Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-No Yang-Withdrawn Other–No
CA Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Yes
CO Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-No Yang-Withdrawn Other–Yes
ME Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-No Yang-Yes, Withdrawn Other–Yes, Withdrawn
MA Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
MN Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
NC Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
OK Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
TN Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
TX Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Yes
UT Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-No Yang-Withdrawn Other–Yes
VT Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Recognized Write-in, Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Yes
VA Mar 3 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Yes Bloomberg-Yes Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
DA Mar 3
Mar 10
Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-No Yang-Withdrawn Other-No
ID Mar 10 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Yes
MI Mar 10 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-No Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
MS Mar 10 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-No Yang-Withdrawn Other–No
MO Mar 10 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Yes
ND Mar 10 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
WA Mar 10 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
MP Mar 14 Biden-Yes Sanders-Yes Gabbard-No Warren-No Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
AZ Mar 17 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Yes
FL Mar 17 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
IL Mar 17 Biden-Yes Gabbard-Yes Sanders-Yes Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
WI Apr 7 Biden-Yes Sanders-Yes Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
AK Apr 10 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other–No
WY Apr 17 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other–No
OH Apr 28 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Recognized Write-in, Withdrawn Other–No
KS May 2 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
NE May 12 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
OR May 19 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
HI May 22 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-No Yang-Withdrawn Other–No
DC Jun 2 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
IN Jun 2 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-Withdrawn Other-No
MD Jun 2 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
MT Jun 2 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-No Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
NM Jun 2 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-No Yang-Withdrawn Other-No
PA Jun 2 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-No Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
RI Jun 2 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-Withdrawn Other-No
SD Jun 2 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-No Warren-No Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
GU Jun 6 Ballot access not required
VI Jun 6 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-No Warren-No Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other–No
GA Jun 9 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other–Withdrawn
WV Jun 9 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other-Yes
KY Jun 23 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other-No
NY Jun 23 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other-No
DE Jul 7 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-No Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
NJ Jul 7 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-No Warren-No Bloomberg-No Klobuchar-No Buttigieg-No Steyer-No Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No
LA Jul 11 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-Withdrawn Bennet-Withdrawn Yang-Withdrawn Other-Yes
PR Jul 12 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn No No No Other–No
CT Aug 11 Biden-Yes Sanders-Withdrawn Gabbard-Withdrawn Warren-Withdrawn Bloomberg-Withdrawn Klobuchar-Withdrawn Buttigieg-Withdrawn Steyer-Withdrawn Patrick-No Bennet-No Yang-No Other-No

Candidates listed in italics have suspended their campaigns.

  1. Cory Booker, Mosie Boyd, Steve Bullock, Steve Burke, Julián Castro, Roque De La Fuente III, John Delaney, Jason Dunlap, Michael A. Ellinger, Ben Gleib, Mark Greenstein, Kamala Harris, Henry Hewes, Tom Koos, Lorenz Kraus, Rita Krichevsky, Raymond Moroz, Joe Sestak, Sam Sloan, David Thistle, Thomas Torgeson, Robby Wells, and Marianne Williamson
  2. John Delaney
  3. Cory Booker and John Delaney
  4. Cory Booker, Julián Castro, John Delaney, and Marianne Williamson
  5. Cory Booker, Mosie Boyd, Steve Bullock, Julián Castro, John Delaney, Kamala Harris, Joe Sestak, and Marianne Williamson
  6. Cory Booker, Mosie Boyd, Julián Castro, Roque De La Fuente III, John Delaney, Michael A. Ellinger, Mark Greenstein, Joe Sestak, and Marianne Williamson
  7. Cory Booker, Roque De La Fuente III, Rita Krichevsky, Robby Wells, and Marianne Williamson
  8. Cory Booker and Marianne Williamson
  9. Cory Booker, Julián Castro, and Marianne Williamson
  10. Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Roque De La Fuente III, John Delaney, Robby Wells, and Marianne Williamson
  11. Nathan Bloxham, Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Roque De La Fuente III, and Marianne Williamson
  12. Julián Castro, Mark Greenstein, and Marianne Williamson
  13. Cory Booker, Steve Burke, Julián Castro, Roque De La Fuente III, John Delaney, and Marianne Williamson
  14. Cory Booker, Julián Castro, John Delaney, Joe Sestak, and Marianne Williamson
  15. Cory Booker, Steve Burke, Julián Castro, Roque De La Fuente III, John Delaney, Bill Haas, Henry Hewes, Leonard J. Steinman II, Velma Steinman, Robby Wells, and Marianne Williamson
  16. Cory Booker, Julián Castro, Roque De La Fuente III, John Delaney, Michael A. Ellinger, Henry Hewes, and Marianne Williamson
  17. David Lee Rice
  18. Steve Burke, John Delaney and Robby Wells

National convention

The 2020 Democratic National Convention was scheduled to take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on July 13–16, 2020, but was postponed and rescheduled to take place on August 17–20 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event became a virtual "Convention Across America" with voting held online before the opening gavel, and the non-televised events held remotely over ZOOM.


Campaign finance

This is an overview of the money being raised and spent by each campaign for the entire period running from January 1, 2017, to March 31, 2020, as it was reported to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Total raised is the sum of all individual contributions (large and small), loans from the candidate, and transfers from other campaign committees. The last column, Cash On Hand (COH), has been calculated by subtracting the "spent" amount from the "raised" amount, thereby showing the remaining cash each campaign had available for its future spending as of February 29, 2020. As of February 29, 2020, the major candidates have raised $989,234,992.08.

  Candidate who has withdrawn
Campaign finances by candidate
Candidate Total raised Individual contributions Debt Spent COH
Total Unitemized Pct
Joe Biden $134,790,836 $134,425,574 $53,187,451 39.57% $0 $108,403,972 $26,386,865
Michael Bennet $7,514,313 $6,795,438 $2,336,988 34.39% $0 $7,343,017 $171,295
Michael Bloomberg $1,062,963,445 $916,332 $847,932 92.54% $14,789,537 $1,051,783,859 $11,179,585
Cory Booker $26,022,021 $22,780,231 $7,706,938 33.83% $848,391 $25,697,926 $324,095
Steve Bullock $5,513,606 $5,489,635 $1,753,850 31.95% $0 $5,426,704 $86,902
Pete Buttigieg $102,739,747 $101,397,049 $43,744,949 43.14% $2,726,793 $96,727,933 $6,011,814
Julian Castro $10,302,020 $10,264,194 $6,620,621 64.50% $0 $9,740,367 $561,654
Bill de Blasio $1,423,279 $1,423,240 $142,001 9.98% $100,351 $1,418,570 $4,709
John Delaney $29,438,502 $2,582,672 $346,526 13.42% $1,493,250 $29,418,380 $42,165
Tulsi Gabbard $15,101,213 $12,423,632 $7,104,998 57.19% $93,239 $14,461,004 $640,210
Kirsten Gillibrand $15,951,202 $6,278,790 $1,979,345 31.52% $0 $14,493,053 $1,458,149
Mike Gravel $330,059 $330,059 $322,076 97.58% $0 $249,480 $2,544
Kamala Harris $41,077,632 $39,259,853 $15,720,913 40.04% $1,070,014 $40,741,479 $336,153
John Hickenlooper $3,509,495 $3,352,659 $562,301 16.77% $0 $3,509,495 $0
Amy Klobuchar $53,957,026 $49,878,773 $22,256,527 44.62% $0 $51,675,390 $2,281,636
Jay Inslee $6,942,575 $6,911,292 $3,455,790 50.00% $0 $6,895,255 $47,319
Wayne Messam $126,918 $124,318 $38,835 31.24% $81,876 $126,918 $0
Seth Moulton $2,292,043 $1,498,825 $342,499 22.85% $216,528 $2,285,828 $6,214
Richard Ojeda $119,478 $77,476 $48,742 62.91% $44,373 $117,507 $1,971
Beto O'Rourke $18,533,565 $18,448,678 $9,436,714 51.15% $10,825 $18,251,127 $282,439
Deval Patrick $3,105,910 $2,670,871 $271,909 10.18% $250,000 $3,041,852 $64,058
Tim Ryan $1,341,246 $1,285,074 $435,025 33.85% $0 $1,340,943 $304
Bernie Sanders $214,887,421 $201,327,757 $114,214,155 56.73% $0 $204,090,570 $16,252,830
Joe Sestak $449,345 $440,127 $107,003 24.31% $0 $445,768 $3,577
Tom Steyer $347,533,363 $3,719,361 $2,505,879 67.37% $24,000 $347,268,261 $265,219
Eric Swalwell $2,604,856 $892,373 $340,385 38.14% $0 $2,604,856 $0
Elizabeth Warren $128,442,944 $115,863,061 $66,516,352 57.41% $1,295,996 $123,908,764 $4,534,180
Marianne Williamson $8,218,677 $8,209,773 $4,698,946 57.24% $238,180 $8,146,249 $72,428
Andrew Yang $41,802,018 $41,141,162 $20,455,232 49.72% $2,010 $41,286,953 $604,061


Democratic primary and caucus calendar as of March 12, 2020, prior to a number of delays
  March 3 (Super Tuesday)
  March 10
  March 14–17
  March 24–29
  April 4–7
  April 28
Democratic primary and caucus calendar by scheduled date after delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
  March 3 (Super Tuesday)
  March 10
  March 14–17
  April 7–17
  April 28
Map legend
  Joe Biden
  Bernie Sanders
  Elizabeth Warren
  Michael Bloomberg
  Pete Buttigieg
  Amy Klobuchar
  Tom Steyer

See also

National Conventions
Presidential primaries