Governor of Massachusetts

Governor of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Seal of the governor
Seal of the governor
Standard of the governor
Standard of the governor
Maura Healey Official Photo
Maura Healey
since January 5, 2023
Government of Massachusetts
Status Head of state
Head of government
Member of Governor's Council
Residence None official
Seat State House, Boston, Massachusetts
Nominator Nominating petition,
Political parties
Appointer Popular vote
Term length Four years, no term limits
Constituting instrument Constitution of Massachusetts
Formation Original post:
April 30, 1629
Current form:
October 25, 1780
First holder John Endecott
Deputy Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts
Salary $185,000 (2018)
Website Official website Edit this at Wikidata

The governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the chief executive officer of the government of Massachusetts. The governor is the head of the state cabinet and the commander-in-chief of the commonwealth's military forces.

Massachusetts has a republican system of government that is akin to a presidential system. The governor acts as the head of government while having a distinct role from that of the legislative branch. The governor has far-reaching political obligations, including ceremonial and political duties. The governor also signs bills into law and has veto power. The governor is a member of the Massachusetts Governor's Council, a popularly elected council with eight members who provide advice and consent on certain legal matters and appointments.

Beginning with the Massachusetts Bay Company in 1629, the role of the governor has changed throughout its history in terms of powers and selection. The modern form of the position was created in the 1780 Constitution of Massachusetts, which called for the position of a "supreme executive magistrate".

Governors of Massachusetts are elected every four years during state elections that are held on the first Tuesday of November after November 1. As of November 2022, the most recent Massachusetts gubernatorial election was held in 2022. Following each gubernatorial election, the elected governor is inaugurated on the Thursday after the first Wednesday in January following the election. There are no term limits restricting how long a governor may serve. The longest-serving Massachusetts governor is Michael Dukakis, who served 12 years; Dukakis was in office from 1975 to 1979 and from 1983 to 1991. The current governor is Maura Healey, a Democrat who won the 2022 gubernatorial election.


Any person seeking to become governor of Massachusetts must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least eighteen years of age
  • Be a registered voter in Massachusetts
  • Be a Massachusetts resident for at least seven years when elected
  • Receive 10,000 signatures from registered voters on nomination papers

Election and term

The governor is an elected position. The term of office is four years, with no term limit.

Elections for governor are held on a four-year basis concurrently with elections for the offices of lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of the commonwealth, state treasurer, and state auditor.


The role of governor has existed in Massachusetts since the Royal Charter of 1628. The original role was one of a president of the board of a joint-stock company, namely the Massachusetts Bay Company. The governor would be elected by freemen, who were shareholders of the company. These shareholders were mostly colonists themselves who fit certain religious requirements. The governor acted in a vice-regal manner, overseeing the governance and functioning of the colony. Originally they were supposed to reside in London, as was the case with other colonial company governors, although this protocol was broken when John Winthrop was appointed governor. The governor served as the executive of the colony, originally elected annually, they were joined by a Council of Assistants. This council was a group of magistrates who performed judicial functions, acted as an upper house of the General Court, and provided advice and consent to the governor. The early governors of Massachusetts Bay were staunchly Puritan colonists who wished to form a state that coincided with religious law.

With the founding of the Dominion of New England, the New England colonies were combined with the Province of New York, Province of West Jersey, and the Province of East Jersey. During this period (1686-1689) Massachusetts had no governor of its own. Instead there existed a royally appointed governor who resided in Boston and served at the King's pleasure. Though there existed a council which served as a quasi-legislature, however the logistics of calling the council to meet were so arduous that the Dominion was essentially governed by the Crown through the royal governor. The reason for the creation of such a post was there existed tremendous hostility between the Kingdom of England and the colonists of Massachusetts Bay. In an effort to bring the colonies under tighter control the Crown dismantled the old assembly system and created the Viceroy system based on the Spanish model in New Spain. This model of government was greatly disliked by the colonists all throughout British North America but especially in New England where colonists at one time did have some semblance of democratic and local control. With the Glorious Revolution and the Boston Revolt the Dominion was abolished in 1689.

With the creation of the Massachusetts Charter in 1691, the role of civilian governor was restored in Massachusetts Bay. Now the Province of Massachusetts Bay, the colony then encompassed the territory of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Plymouth Colony, and areas of what is now the state of Maine. The governor however would not be chosen by the electorate, instead the position would remain a royal appointment. In order to ease tensions with royal authorities and the colonists the General Court was reestablished and given significant powers. This created acrimony between the governors and the assembly of the General Court. The governor could veto any decision made by the assembly and had control over the militia, however the General Court had authority of the treasury and provincial finances. This meant that in the event the governor did not agree with or consent with the rulings and laws of the General Court then the assembly would threaten to withhold any pay for the governor and other Royal Officers.

From 1765 on the unraveling of the Province into a full political crisis only increased the tensions between the governor and the people of Massachusetts Bay. Following the passage of the Stamp Act Governor Thomas Hutchinson had his home broken into and ransacked. The early stages of the American Revolution saw political turmoil in Massachusetts Bay. With the passage of the Intolerable Acts the then Royal Governor Thomas Gage dissolved the General Court and began to govern the province by decree. In 1774 the Massachusetts Provincial Congress was formed as an alternative revolutionary government to the royal government in Boston. With Massachusetts Bay declaring its independence in May 1776 the role of governor was vacant for four years. The executive role during this time was filled by the Governor's Council, the Committee of Safety, and the president of the Congress when in session.

With the adoption of the Constitution of Massachusetts in 1780 the role of an elected civilian governor was restored. John Hancock was elected as the first governor of the independent commonwealth on October 25, 1780.

Constitutional role

Part the Second, Chapter II, Section I, Article I of the Massachusetts Constitution reads,

There shall be a supreme executive magistrate, who shall be styled, The Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and whose title shall be – His Excellency.

The governor of Massachusetts is the chief executive of the commonwealth, and is supported by a number of subordinate officers. He, like most other state officers, senators, and representatives, was originally elected annually. In 1918 this was changed to a two-year term, and since 1966 the office of governor has carried a four-year term. The governor of Massachusetts does not receive a mansion or other official residence and resides in their own private residence. However, the governor does receive a housing allowance/stipend for $65,000. The title "His Excellency" is a holdover from the royally appointed governors of the Province of Massachusetts Bay. The first governor to use the title was Richard Coote, 1st Earl of Bellomont, in 1699; since he was an Earl, it was thought proper to call him "Your Excellency." The title was retained until 1742, when an order from King George II forbade its further use. However, the framers of the state constitution revived it because they found it fitting to dignify the governor with this title.

The governor also serves as commander-in-chief of the commonwealth's armed forces.


According to the Massachusetts State Constitution:

Whenever the chair of the governor shall be vacant, by reason of his death, or absence from the commonwealth, or otherwise, the lieutenant governor, for the time being, shall, during such vacancy, perform all the duties incumbent upon the governor, and shall have and exercise all the powers and authorities, which by this constitution the governor is vested with, when personally present.

The Constitution does not use the term "acting governor", but the practice in Massachusetts has been that the lieutenant governor retains his or her position and title as "lieutenant governor" and becomes acting governor, not governor. The lieutenant governor, when acting as governor, is referred to as "the lieutenant-governor, acting governor" in official documents.

Despite this terminology, the Massachusetts courts have found that the full authority of the office of the governor devolves to the lieutenant governor upon vacancy in the office of governor, and that there is no circumstance short of death, resignation, or impeachment that would relieve the acting governor from the full gubernatorial responsibilities.

The first use of the succession provision occurred in 1785, five years after the constitution's adoption, when Governor John Hancock resigned the post, leaving Lieutenant Governor Thomas Cushing as acting governor. Most recently, Jane Swift became acting governor upon the resignation of Paul Cellucci.

When the constitution was first adopted, the Governor's Council was charged with acting as governor in the event that both the governorship and lieutenant governorship were vacant. This occurred in 1799 when Governor Increase Sumner died in office on June 7, 1799, leaving Lieutenant Governor Moses Gill as acting governor. Acting Governor Gill never received a lieutenant and died on May 20, 1800, between that year's election and the inauguration of Governor-elect Caleb Strong. The Governor's Council served as the executive for ten days; the council's chair, Thomas Dawes was at no point named governor or acting governor.

Article LV of the Constitution, enacted in 1918, created a new line of succession:

# Office Current officeholder
Governor of Massachusetts Maura Healey (D)
1 Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll (D)
2 Secretary of the Commonwealth William F. Galvin (D)
3 Attorney General Andrea Campbell (D)
4 Treasurer and Receiver-General Deb Goldberg (D)
5 Auditor Diana DiZoglio (D)


The governor has a 10-person cabinet, each of whom oversees a portion of the government under direct administration (as opposed to independent executive agencies). See Government of Massachusetts for a complete listing.


The front doors of the State House are only opened when a governor leaves office, a head of state or the president of the United States comes to visit the State House, or for the return of flags from Massachusetts regiments at the end of wars. The tradition of the ceremonial door originated when departing governor Benjamin Butler kicked open the front door and walked out by himself in 1884.

Incoming governors usually choose at least one past governor's portrait to hang in their office.

Immediately before being sworn into office, the governor-elect receives four symbols from the departing governor: the ceremonial pewter "Key" for the governor's office door, the Butler Bible, the "Gavel", and a two-volume set of the Massachusetts General Statutes with a personal note from the departing governor to their successor added to the back of the text. The governor-elect is then escorted by the sergeant-at-arms to the House Chamber and sworn in by the President of the Senate before a joint session of the House and Senate.

Lone walk

Upon completion of their term, the departing governor takes a "lone walk" down the Grand Staircase, through the House of Flags, into Doric Hall, out the central doors, and down the steps of the Massachusetts State House. The governor then crosses the street into Boston Common, thereby symbolically rejoining the commonwealth as a private citizen. Benjamin Butler started the tradition in 1884. Some walks have been modified with some past governors having their wives, friends, or staff accompany them. A 19-gun salute is offered during the walk, and frequently the steps are lined by the outgoing governor's friends and supporters.

In January 1991, outgoing lieutenant governor Evelyn Murphy, the first woman elected to statewide office in Massachusetts, walked down the stairs before Governor Michael Dukakis. In a break from tradition, the January 2007 inauguration of Governor Deval Patrick took place the day after outgoing governor Mitt Romney took the lone walk down the front steps.

Governor's residence

Despite several proposals for establishing an official residence for the governor of Massachusetts, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not have a governor's mansion.

In 1955, Governor Foster Furcolo turned down a proposal to establish the Shirley–Eustis House in Roxbury, built by royal Governor William Shirley, as the official residence.

At one time, Governor John A. Volpe accepted the donation of the Endicott Estate in Dedham from the heirs of Henry Bradford Endicott. He intended to renovate the 19th-century mansion into a splendid governor's residence. After Volpe resigned to become United States Secretary of Transportation in the Nixon administration, the plan was aborted by his successor in consideration of budgetary constraints and because the location was considered too far from the seat of power, the State House in Boston.

Prior to their respective demolitions in 1922 and 1863, the Province House and the Hancock Manor were also proposed as official residences.

Since the governor has no official residence, the expression "corner office", rather than "governor's mansion", is commonly used in the press as a metonym for the office of governor. This refers instead to the governor's office on the third floor of the State House.

List of governors

Since 1780, 65 people have been elected governor, six to non-consecutive terms (John Hancock, Caleb Strong, Marcus Morton, John Davis, John Volpe, and Michael Dukakis), and seven lieutenant governors have acted as governor without subsequently being elected governor. Thomas Talbot served a stint as acting governor, but was elected governor several years later. Prior to 1918 constitutional reforms, both the governor's office and that of lieutenant governor were vacant on one occasion, when the state was governed by the Governor's Council.

Colonial Massachusetts

The colonial history of Massachusetts begins with the founding first of the Plymouth Colony in 1620, and then the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1628. The Dominion of New England combined these and other New England colonies into a single unit in 1686, but collapsed in 1689. In 1692 the Province of Massachusetts Bay was established, merging Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, which then included the territory of present-day Maine.

Colonial governors of Plymouth and the Massachusetts Bay Colony were elected annually by a limited subset of the male population (known as freemen), while Dominion officials and those of the 1692 province were appointed by the British crown. In 1774 General Thomas Gage became the last royally appointed governor of Massachusetts. He was recalled to England after the Battle of Bunker Hill in June 1775, by which time the Massachusetts Provincial Congress exercised de facto control of Massachusetts territory outside British-occupied Boston. Between 1775 and the establishment of the Massachusetts State Constitution in 1780 the state was governed by the provincial congress and an executive council.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts: 1780–present

The constitution of Massachusetts created the offices of governor and lieutenant governor, to be elected annually. Terms were lengthened to two years in 1918, to last until their successor was inaugurated, which would be at least the first Wednesday in the January after their election. This was changed to the Thursday following the first Wednesday in the January after the election in 1950, and terms were lengthened to four years in 1966.

Governors of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
No. Governor Term in office Party Election Lt. Governor
1   John Hancock
October 25, 1780

February 18, 1785
None 1780   Thomas Cushing
Thomas Cushing
February 18, 1785

May 27, 1785
(lost election)
None Lieutenant
Acting as governor
2 James Bowdoin
May 27, 1785

June 1, 1787
(lost election)
None 1785 Thomas Cushing
3 John Hancock
June 1, 1787

October 8, 1793
(died in office)
None 1787
1788 Benjamin Lincoln
1789 Samuel Adams
4 Samuel Adams
October 8, 1793

June 2, 1797
(did not run)
None Lieutenant
Acting as governor
1794 Moses Gill
5 Increase Sumner
June 2, 1797

June 7, 1799
(died in office)
Federalist 1797
Moses Gill
June 7, 1799

May 20, 1800
(died in office)
Federalist Lieutenant
Acting as governor
Governor's Council
chaired by Thomas Dawes
May 20, 1800

May 30, 1800
6 Caleb Strong
May 30, 1800

May 29, 1807
(lost election)
Federalist 1800
1801 Samuel Phillips Jr.
1802 Edward Robbins
7 James Sullivan
May 29, 1807

December 10, 1808
(died in office)
1807 Levi Lincoln Sr.
Levi Lincoln Sr.
December 10, 1808

June 3, 1809
(lost election)
Acting as governor
8 Christopher Gore
June 3, 1809

June 2, 1810
(lost election)
Federalist 1809 David Cobb
9 Elbridge Gerry
June 2, 1810

May 30, 1812
(lost election)
1810 William Gray
10 Caleb Strong
May 30, 1812

June 1, 1816
(did not run)
Federalist 1812 William Phillips Jr.
11 John Brooks
June 1, 1816

May 30, 1823
(did not run)
Federalist 1816
12 William Eustis
May 30, 1823

February 6, 1825
(died in office)
1823 Marcus Morton
Marcus Morton
February 6, 1825

May 27, 1825
(successor took office)
Acting as governor
13 Levi Lincoln Jr.
May 27, 1825

January 21, 1834
(did not run)
1825 Thomas L. Winthrop
Apr. 1831
Nov. 1831
14 John Davis
January 21, 1834

March 3, 1835
1833 Samuel Turell Armstrong
Whig 1834
Samuel Turell Armstrong
March 3, 1835

January 13, 1836
(lost election)
Whig Lieutenant
Acting as governor
15 Edward Everett
January 13, 1836

January 18, 1840
(lost election)
Whig 1835 George Hull
16 Marcus Morton
January 18, 1840

January 9, 1841
(lost election)
Democratic 1839
17 John Davis
January 9, 1841

January 18, 1843
(lost election)
Whig 1840
18 Marcus Morton
January 18, 1843

January 9, 1844
(lost election)
Democratic 1842 Henry H. Childs
19 George N. Briggs
January 9, 1844

January 13, 1851
(lost election)
Whig 1843 Henry W. Cushman
20 George S. Boutwell
January 13, 1851

January 14, 1853
(did not run)
Democratic 1850
21 John H. Clifford
January 14, 1853

January 12, 1854
(did not run)
Whig 1852 William C. Plunkett
22 Emory Washburn
January 12, 1854

January 9, 1855
(lost election)
Whig 1853
23 Henry Gardner
January 9, 1855

January 2, 1858
(lost election)
Know Nothing 1854 Simon Brown
1855 Henry Wetherby Benchley
24 Nathaniel P. Banks
January 2, 1858

January 2, 1861
(did not run)
Republican 1857 Eliphalet Trask
25 John Albion Andrew
January 2, 1861

January 6, 1866
(did not run)
Republican 1860 John Z. Goodrich
1861 John Nesmith
1862 Joel Hayden
26 Alexander Bullock
January 6, 1866

January 9, 1869
(did not run)
Republican 1865 William Claflin
27 William Claflin
January 9, 1869

January 5, 1872
(did not run)
Republican 1868 Joseph Tucker
28 William B. Washburn
January 5, 1872

April 30, 1874
Republican 1871
1872 Thomas Talbot
Thomas Talbot
April 30, 1874

January 7, 1875
(lost election)
Republican Lieutenant
Acting as governor
29 William Gaston
January 7, 1875

January 6, 1876
(lost election)
Democratic 1874 Horatio G. Knight
30 Alexander H. Rice
January 6, 1876

January 2, 1879
(did not run)
Republican 1875
31 Thomas Talbot
January 2, 1879

January 8, 1880
(did not run)
Republican 1878 John Davis Long
32 John Davis Long
January 8, 1880

January 4, 1883
(did not run)
Republican 1879 Byron Weston
33 Benjamin Butler
January 4, 1883

January 3, 1884
(lost election)
Democratic 1882 Oliver Ames
34 George D. Robinson
January 3, 1884

January 6, 1887
(did not run)
Republican 1883
35 Oliver Ames
January 6, 1887

January 2, 1890
(did not run)
Republican 1886 John Q. A. Brackett
36 John Q. A. Brackett
January 2, 1890

January 8, 1891
(lost election)
Republican 1889 William H. Haile
37 William E. Russell
January 8, 1891

January 4, 1894
(did not run)
Democratic 1890
1892 Roger Wolcott
38 Frederic T. Greenhalge
January 4, 1894

March 5, 1896
(died in office)
Republican 1893
39 Roger Wolcott
March 5, 1896

January 4, 1900
(did not run)
Republican Lieutenant
Acting as governor
1896 Winthrop M. Crane
40 Winthrop M. Crane
January 4, 1900

January 8, 1903
(did not run)
Republican 1899 John L. Bates
41 John L. Bates
January 8, 1903

January 5, 1905
(lost election)
Republican 1902 Curtis Guild Jr.
42 William Lewis Douglas
January 5, 1905

January 4, 1906
(did not run)
Democratic 1904
43 Curtis Guild Jr.
January 4, 1906

January 7, 1909
(did not run)
Republican 1905 Eben Sumner Draper
44 Eben Sumner Draper
January 7, 1909

January 5, 1911
(lost election)
Republican 1908 Louis A. Frothingham
45 Eugene Foss
January 5, 1911

January 8, 1914
(lost election)
Democratic 1910
1911 Robert Luce
1912 David I. Walsh
46 David I. Walsh
January 8, 1914

January 6, 1916
(lost election)
Democratic 1913 Edward P. Barry
1914 Grafton D. Cushing
47 Samuel W. McCall
January 6, 1916

January 2, 1919
(did not run)
Republican 1915 Calvin Coolidge
48 Calvin Coolidge
January 2, 1919

January 6, 1921
(did not run)
Republican 1918 Channing H. Cox
49 Channing H. Cox
January 6, 1921

January 8, 1925
(did not run)
Republican 1920 Alvan T. Fuller
50 Alvan T. Fuller
January 8, 1925

January 3, 1929
(did not run)
Republican 1924 Frank G. Allen
51 Frank G. Allen
January 3, 1929

January 8, 1931
(lost election)
Republican 1928 William S. Youngman
52 Joseph B. Ely
January 8, 1931

January 3, 1935
(did not run)
Democratic 1930
1932 Gaspar G. Bacon
53 James Michael Curley
January 3, 1935

January 7, 1937
(did not run)
Democratic 1934 Joseph L. Hurley
54 Charles F. Hurley
January 7, 1937

January 5, 1939
(lost nomination)
Democratic 1936 Francis E. Kelly
55 Leverett Saltonstall
January 5, 1939

January 4, 1945
(did not run)
Republican 1938 Horace T. Cahill
56 Maurice J. Tobin
January 4, 1945

January 2, 1947
(lost election)
Democratic 1944 Robert F. Bradford
57 Robert F. Bradford
January 2, 1947

January 6, 1949
(lost election)
Republican 1946 Arthur W. Coolidge
58 Paul A. Dever
January 6, 1949

January 8, 1953
(lost election)
Democratic 1948 Charles F. Sullivan
59 Christian Herter
January 8, 1953

January 3, 1957
(did not run)
Republican 1952 Sumner G. Whittier
60 Foster Furcolo
January 3, 1957

January 5, 1961
(did not run)
Democratic 1956 Robert F. Murphy
61 John A. Volpe
January 5, 1961

January 3, 1963
(lost election)
Republican 1960 Edward F. McLaughlin Jr.
62 Endicott Peabody
January 3, 1963

January 7, 1965
(lost nomination)
Democratic 1962 Francis Bellotti
63 John A. Volpe
January 7, 1965

January 22, 1969
Republican 1964 Elliot Richardson
1966 Francis Sargent
64 Francis Sargent
January 22, 1969

January 2, 1975
(lost election)
Republican Lieutenant
Acting as governor
1970 Donald Dwight
65 Michael Dukakis
(b. 1933)
January 2, 1975

January 4, 1979
(lost nomination)
Democratic 1974 Thomas P. O'Neill III
66 Edward J. King
January 4, 1979

January 6, 1983
(lost nomination)
Democratic 1978
67 Michael Dukakis
(b. 1933)
January 6, 1983

January 3, 1991
(did not run)
Democratic 1982 John Kerry
1986 Evelyn Murphy
68 Bill Weld
(b. 1945)
January 3, 1991

July 29, 1997
Republican 1990 Paul Cellucci
69 Paul Cellucci
July 29, 1997

April 10, 2001
Republican Lieutenant
Acting as governor
1998 Jane Swift
Jane Swift
(b. 1965)
April 10, 2001

January 2, 2003
(did not run)
Republican Lieutenant
Acting as governor
70 Mitt Romney
(b. 1947)
January 2, 2003

January 4, 2007
(did not run)
Republican 2002 Kerry Healey
71 Deval Patrick
(b. 1956)
January 4, 2007

January 8, 2015
(did not run)
Democratic 2006 Tim Murray
72 Charlie Baker
(b. 1956)
January 8, 2015

January 5, 2023
(did not run)
Republican 2014 Karyn Polito
73 Maura Healey
(b. 1971)
January 5, 2023

Democratic 2022 Kim Driscoll