Voiced uvular tap and flap

Voiced uvular tap or flap
IPA Number 112 505
Entity (decimal) ɢ​̆
Unicode (hex) U+0262 U+0306
Voiced uvular tapped fricative

The voiced uvular tap or flap is a type of consonantal sound, used in some spoken languages. There is no dedicated symbol for this sound in the IPA. It can specified by adding a 'short' diacritic to the letter for the uvular plosive, ɢ̆, but normally it is covered by the unmodified letter for the uvular trill, ʀ, since the two have never been reported to contrast.

The uvular tap or flap is not known to exist as a phoneme in any language.

More commonly, it is said to vary with the much more frequent uvular trill, and is most likely a single-contact trill [ʀ̆] rather than an actual tap or flap [ɢ̆] in these languages.


Features of the voiced uvular tap or flap:


Language Word IPA Meaning Notes
Dutch rood [ʀ̆oːt] 'red' More common than a uvular trill. Realization of /r/ varies considerably among dialects. See Dutch phonology
English Northumbrian red [ɢ̆ɛd] 'red' Tap, or also a tapped fricative, most usually a plain fricative. See Northumbrian burr
German Standard Ehre [ˈʔeːʀ̆ə] 'honor' Common intervocalic realization of uvular trill. See Standard German phonology
Hiu [βɔ̞ʀ̆] 'hibiscus'
Ibibio ufʌk [úfʌ̟̀ɢ̆ɔ̞] 'summary' Intervocalic allophone of /k/; may be a velar approximant [ɰ] instead.
Limburgish Hasselt dialect weuren [ˈβ̞øːʀ̆ən] '(they) were' Possible intervocalic allophone of /r/; may be alveolar [ɾ] instead. See Hasselt dialect phonology
Okanagan Southern ʕaləp [ɢ̆àlə́p] 'lose' Allophone of /ʕ/; corresponds to [ʕ] in other dialects.
Scots Possible realization of /r/. Tapped fricative, also can be a trilled instead.
Supyire tadugugo [taduɢ̆uɢ̆o] 'place to go up' May be in free variation [ɡ].
Wahgi Allophone of /ʟ̝/.
Yiddish Standard בריק [bʀ̆ɪk] 'bridge' Less commonly a trill [ʀ]; can be alveolar [ɾ ~ r] instead. See Yiddish phonology