Virupaksha Raya

Virupaksha Raya
Vijayanagara Emperor
Reign 1404 – 1405
Predecessor Harihara II
Successor Bukka Raya II
Born 1365
Died 1405
Father Harihara II

Virupaksha Raya (born 1365 CE) was an emperor of the Vijayanagara Empire. With the death of Harihara II in 1404, the throne for the Vijayanagara Empire was disputed amongst his sons: Deva Raya I, Bukka Raya II, and Virupaksha Raya. Virupaksha Raya would only rule for a few months before being murdered by his sons and then being succeeded by his brother Bukka Raya II. Bukka Raya II then ruled for two years before he himself was succeeded by his brother Deva Raya I.

As his rule was only for a few months, Virupaksha's reign was not marked with any significant events or changes. Still noted by the traveller that Virupaksha Raya lost a lot of the kingdom's land such as Goa, Chaul, and Dabhol to the Muslims.