Vijayindra Tirtha

Vijayindra Tirtha
Vitthalachārya (ವಿಠ್ಠಲಾಚಾರ್ಯ)

Religion Hinduism
Order Vedanta
Philosophy Dvaita
Religious career
Guru Surendra Tirtha, Vyasatirtha
Successor Sudhindra Tirtha
Literary works Laghu Amoda, Upasamhara Vijaya, Chakra Mimamsa
Honors Sarvatantrasvatantra

Vijayīndra Tīrtha (also known as Vijayendra Tīrtha) (c.1514 - c.1595) was a Dvaita philosopher and dialectician. A prolific writer and an unrelenting polemicist, he is said to have authored 104 treatises expounding the principles of Dvaita and defending it against attacks from the contemporary orthodox schools of Vedanta. He held the pontifical seat at Kumbakonam under the rule of Thanjavur Nayaks where he participated in polemical discussions with the Advaita philosopher Appayya Dikshita Inscriptions from that era record grants of villages received by Vijayindra for his triumph over theological debates . Legend ascribes to him mastery over 64 arts and his erudition, writes Sharma, "is evident from a few of his works bearing on Purva Mimamsa, Nyaya and Kavya literature".


Almost nothing is known about his early life and family. Most of the information on Vijayindra is derived from a few inscriptions and two hagiographies: Rāghavendra Vijaya and Guruguṇastavana. Born as Vitthalācharya in a Kannada-speaking Deshastha Madhva Brahmin family, he studied Vedanta, Mimamsa and Nyaya under the philosopher Vyasatirtha. He also received training in Kavya (poetics), Natya (drama) and Alankara (rhetoric). Aged 25, he moved to Kumbakonam at the behest of Surendra Tirtha, the erstwhile pontiff of the Dhakshinadi Kavindra mutt. Vitthala eventually succeeded Surendra as the pontiff with the title Vijayīndra Tīrtha. Inscriptional evidence and traditional accounts note that Vijayindra received patronage from Aliya Rama Raya and grants from Sevappa Nayak of Tanjore. He was involved in severe polemical discussions with his rival and friend Appayya Dikshita, with several of his works dedicated to refuting the claims of Appayya. After his death in 1595, his mortal remains were enshrined in the mutt at Kumbakonam. He was succeeded by Sudhindra Tirtha.


Vijayindra tirtha is credited with as many as 104 literary works of which many are non-extant. A few that remain mainly consist of commentaries on the works of Vyasatirtha (Laghu Amoda) and Madhva (Tattvaprakasika Tippani), polemical works refuting the works of Appayya Dikshita and several treatises dealing with the issue of compatibility of Dvaita with Mimamsa (Chakra Mimamsa). A few poems and three dramatical works have been attributed to him as well.

List of notable works

104 works are attributed to Vijayindra of which only sixty are extant. Except for a few notable works, many remain unprinted. The manuscripts are preserved in mutts at Nanjangud, Mantralayam and Kumbakonam.

Name Description References
Tattvamanimanekyapetika Commentary on Brahma Sutra Bhashya of Madhva
Gudabhavaprakasika Commentary on Tattvodyota of Madhva
Tattvaprakasika Tippani Summary of Tattva Prakasika of Madhva
Laghu Amoda Commentary on Nyayamruta of Vyasatirtha
Nyayamauktikamala Commentary on Tatparya Chandrika of Vyasatirtha
Yuktiratnakara Commentary on Tarka Tandava of Vyasatirtha
Pramana Paddhati Vyakhyana Gloss on Pramana Paddhati of Jayatirtha
Adhikaranamala Treatise on the Mimamsa elements in Nyayamruta
Chandrikodahrta Nyaya Vivaranam Treatise on the Mimamsa elements in Tatparya Chandrika
Appayya Kapola Chapetika Refutation of the works of Appayya Dikshita
Madhva Kantako Dhara Rebuttal to Madhvatantramukhabhanga of Appayya Dikshita
Chakra Mimamsa Defence of mudradharana from the viewpoint of Mimamsa
Bhedavidyavilasa Polemical treatise emphasising the doctrine of five-fold difference
Paratattva Prakasika Criticism of Appayya Dikshita's Sivatattvaviveka
Brahmasutra Nyayasangraha Gist of Brahma Sutra distilling elements from Anu Vyakhyana of Madhva
Siddhanta Sarasara Viveka Polemical tract against the tenets of Visistadvaita and Shiva Advaita
Ananda Taratamya Vadartha Polemical tract against the tenets of Visistadvaita
Nyayadhvadipika Manual on the Mimamsa elements in Dvaita
Upasamhara Vijaya Rejoinder to Upakrama Parakrama of Appayya Dikshita
Pistapashu Mimamsa Treatise arguing for the usage of flour-made animals for rituals
Mimamsa Naya Kaumudi The compatibility between the works of Madhva and Mimamsa is explored
Advaita Siksha Polemical rebuttal to Advaitadipika of Narasimhasrama
Shaiva Sarvasva Khandanam Treatise arguing for the supremacy of Vishnu
Subhadra Dhananjaya Drama on the marriage of Arjuna and Subhadra
Narayana Sabdartha Nirvachana Monograph on the etymology of the word Narayana
Turiyasiva Khandana Polemical tract arguing against the fourth stage of consciousness of Advaita
Tatparya Chandrika Kuchodya Kuthara Refutation in favour of Tatparya Chandrika by Vyasatirtha