
Time zone
World map with the time zone highlighted
UTC offset
UTC UTC−08:00
Current time
18:19, 4 January 2024 UTC−08:00 [refresh]
Central meridian
120 degrees W
Date-time group
UTC−08:00: blue (January), orange (July), yellow (year-round), light blue (sea areas)
Time in Mexico
Mexican time zone Standard DST U.S. equivalent
Zona Sureste UTC−05:00 Eastern Standard Time
Zona Centro UTC−06:00 UTC−05:00 Central Time
UTC−06:00 Central Standard Time
Zona Pacífico UTC−07:00 UTC−06:00 Mountain Time
UTC−07:00 Mountain Standard Time
Zona Noroeste UTC−08:00 UTC−07:00 Pacific Time

UTC−08:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of −08:00. This time is used:

As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter)

Principal cities: Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, Las Vegas, Tijuana

North America

As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer)

Principal city: Anchorage

North America

As standard time (year-round)

Principal settlement: Adamstown


Pacific Ocean


See also