
Time zone
World map with the time zone highlighted
UTC offset
UTC UTC−03:00
Current time
15:16, 4 January 2024 UTC−03:00 [refresh]
Central meridian
45 degrees W
Date-time group
UTC−03:00: blue (January), orange (July), yellow (year-round), light blue (sea areas)
Time in Brazil, since 25 April 2019.
Time in Brazil
  ACT Acre Time UTC−5 (BRT–2)
  AMT Amazon Time UTC−4 (BRT−1)
  BRT Brasília Time UTC−3 (BRT)
  FNT Fernando de Noronha Time UTC−2 (BRT+1)

UTC−03:00 is an identifier for a time offset from UTC of −03:00.

As standard time (Northern Hemisphere winter)


Atlantic Ocean

As daylight saving time (Northern Hemisphere summer)

Principal cities: Halifax, Saint John, Fredericton, Hamilton

North America

As standard time (year-round)

Principal cities: São Paulo, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Paramaribo, Saint-Pierre, Stanley

South America


Southern Ocean

As daylight saving time (Southern Hemisphere summer)

Principal cities: Santiago, Asunción

South America


Places using UTC−03:00, outside the 45°W ± 7.5° range

  • El Chaltén, Argentina (72°53′W corresponding to UTC−04:51)
  • Qaanaaq, Greenland (69°13′W corresponding to UTC−04:37)
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina (58°22′W corresponding to UTC−03:53:48)
  • Stanley, Falkland Islands (57°51'W corresponding to UTC−03:51:24)
  • Uruguaiana, Brazil (57°05'W corresponding to UTC–03:48)
  • Montevideo, Uruguay (56°23’W corresponding to UTC−03:44:51)
  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (56°12′W corresponding to UTC−03:44:40)
  • Upernavik, Greenland (56°08′W corresponding to UTC−03:44:36)
  • Paramaribo, Suriname (55°10′W corresponding to UTC−03:40:40)
  • Kulusuk, Greenland (37°11′W corresponding to UTC−02:28)
  • Recife, Brazil (34°54′W corresponding to UTC−02:19:36)

Other uses

While Ethiopia and Eritrea both officially use UTC+03:00, Ethiopian and Eritrean culture follow a time system with two 12-hour cycles for day and night, and is 6 hours "slower" than the official time. The day begins with the day cycle at sunrise (6:00 a.m., but designated as 12 o'clock by local rendition) till sunset, followed by the night cycle (official 6:00 p.m., unofficial 12:00 night cycle). Therefore, the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea effectively follow UTC−03:00 instead of UTC+03:00.

See also