Truncated cubic prism

Truncated cubic prism

Schlegel diagram
Type Prismatic uniform polychoron
Uniform index 52
Schläfli symbol t0,1,3{4,3,2} or t{4,3}×{}
Cells 16 total:
2 3.8.8
8 3.4.4
6 4.4.8
Faces 65 total:
16 {3}
36 {4}
12 {8}
Edges 96
Vertices 48
Vertex figure
Square pyramid
Symmetry group [4,3,2], order 96
Properties convex

In geometry, a truncated cubic prism is a convex uniform polychoron (four-dimensional polytope).

It is one of 18 convex uniform polyhedral prisms created by using uniform prisms to connect pairs of Platonic solids or Archimedean solids in parallel hyperplanes.


Alternative names

  • Truncated-cubic hyperprism
  • Truncated-cubic dyadic prism (Norman W. Johnson)
  • Ticcup (Jonathan Bowers: for truncated-cube prism)

See also