Timeline of Kurdish uprisings

This is an incomplete list of Kurdish uprisings. You can help by expanding it.

List of conflicts

Date Uprising Location Result
838–841 Yazidi uprising against the Abbasids Abbasid Caliphate Suppressed
955–1071 War against the Musafirid. Rawadid dynasty Victory
1045 Battle of Dvin Shaddadids Victory
990–1085 Kurdish uprising The Marwanids Victory, led to the birth of the Marwanids dynasty
1506–1510 Kurdish-Yazidi uprising against the Safavids Safavid Persia Suppressed when the Yazidi leader, Shír Ṣárim, was defeated in battle.
1609–1610 Battle of Dimdim Safavid Persia Suppressed
1775 Bajalan uprising Zand dynasty Suppressed
1806–1808 Baban uprising Ottoman Empire Suppressed
1880–1881 Revolt by Sheikh Ubeydullah of Nehri against the Qajars. Qajar Persia & Ottoman Empire Defeat
late 1890s – 1900 Shekifti rebellion Ottoman Empire Suppressed
Early March – 4 April 1914 Bitlis uprising Ottoman Empire Suppressed
1914 – 1917 Kurdish rebellions during World War I Ottoman Empire Establishment of a quasi-independent Kurdish state until 1919
1919–1922 – First Mahmud Barzanji Revolt First Mahmud Barzanji revolt Kingdom of Iraq Suppressed
1918–1922 First Simko Shikak revolt Qajar Persia Suppressed
1918–2003 Iraqi–Kurdish conflict Iraq Victory
1918–present Kurdish–Iranian conflict Qajar Persia Ongoing
6 March – 17 June 1921 Koçgiri rebellion Turkey Suppressed
November 1922 – July 1924 Second Mahmud Barzanji revolt Kingdom of Iraq, Kingdom of Kurdistan Creation of the Kingdom of Kurdistan
August 1924 Beytussebab rebellion Turkey Suppressed
8 February – March 1925 Sheikh Said rebellion Turkey Suppressed
1926 Second Simko Shikak revolt Pahlavi Persia Suppressed, Simko Shikak flees to Mandatory Iraq
October 1927 – September 17, 1930 First, second and third Ararat rebellion Republic of Ararat, Republic of Turkey Suppressed, Republic of Ararat disbanded.
1931–1932 Ahmed Barzani revolt Kingdom of Iraq Suppressed, low-level insurgency continues through 1933, another revolt by Barzanis erupts in 1943
1935 Yazidi revolt of 1935 Mandatory Iraq Suppressed
20 March – November, 1937 and 2 January – December, 1938 Dersim rebellion Republic of Turkey Suppressed, see Dersim Massacre
1941–1944 Hama Rashid revolt Pahlavi Iran Suppressed, Hama Rashid driven into Iraq
November 1945 – December 15, 1946 Iran crisis of 1946 Pahlavi Iran, Republic of Mahabad Creation of the Soviet-backed Republic of Mahabad, revolt later suppressed
11 September 1961 – 1970 First Iraqi–Kurdish War Republic of Iraq Stalemate, led to the Iraqi-Kurdish Autonomy Agreement of 1970
1967 1967 Kurdish revolt in Iran Pahlavi Iran Suppressed
April 1974 – 1975 Second Iraqi–Kurdish War Iraq Suppressed, the Iraqi government re-establishes control over Kurdistan
1976–1978 PUK insurgency Iraq Indecisive, led to the Kurdish rebellion of 1983
1979 1979 Kurdish rebellion in Iran Iran Suppressed
1983–1985 Kurdish rebellion of 1983 Iraq Indecisive, led to the Al-Anfal Campaign
15 August 1984 – present Kurdish–Turkish conflict Republic of Turkey Ongoing
1986–1996 KDPI insurgency Government of Iran Suppressed; KDPI announces unilateral cease-fire in 1996
1 March – 5 April 1991 1991 Iraqi uprisings Ba'athist Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan Victory; establishment of the Kurdish Autonomous Republic, also known as Iraqi Kurdistan
March 2004 2004 Qamishli riots Syria Suppressed
1 April 2004–present Iran–PJAK conflict Iran Ongoing
19 July 2012–present Rojava conflict of the Syrian civil war Syria Kurdish fighters have taken control of 365 towns and villages in Syrian Kurdistan and 2 districts in Aleppo by September 2012.
24 July 2015 – present Kurdish–Turkish conflict Republic of Turkey Ongoing
19 April 2016 – present Western Iran clashes Iran Ongoing
24 August 2016 – present Turkish military intervention in Syria Syria Ongoing
15 – 27 October 2017 2017 Iraqi–Kurdish conflict Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan Ceasefire, Iraqi Kurdistan loses territory, including Sinjar and Kirkuk

See also