Timeline of Kaliningrad

The following is a timeline of the history of the city of Kaliningrad, Russia. The city was known as Königsberg (Polish: Królewiec, Lithuanian: Karaliaučius) prior to 1945 and Twangste prior to 1255.

Coat of arms of Kaliningrad

Era of Teutonic Order

15th century

  • 1440 – The city becomes a founding member of the anti-Teutonic Prussian Confederation.
  • 1454
    • March: Inclusion of the city, in Polish known as Królewiec, within the borders of the Kingdom of Poland following a request of the Prussian Confederation.
    • March: The local mayor pledged allegiance to the Polish King during the incorporation of the region in Kraków.
    • March: City authorized by the Polish king to mint Polish coins.
    • April: City becomes the capital of the Królewiec Voivodeship within Poland.
  • 1455 – Captured by Teutonic Knights during the Thirteen Years' War.
  • 1457 – City becomes capital of the State of the Teutonic Order.
  • 1464 – Georg Steinhaupt becomes mayor.
  • 1465 – Landing force from Polish-allied Elbląg destroyed the shipyard near the Old Town, preventing the Teutonic Knights from rebuilding their fleet until the end of the Thirteen Years' War.
  • 1466 – Second Treaty of Thorn: the city becomes a part of Poland as a fief held by the Teutonic Order.

16th century

  • 1519–21 – Polish-Teutonic War. The city opposed the Teutonic Knights' war against Poland and demanded peace.
  • 1520 – Mikolaj Firlej lays siege to the town
  • 1521–24 – Secularization of the Teutonic Order
  • 1523 – Printing press in operation.
  • 1525 – Treaty of Kraków: Königsberg/Królewiec becomes the capital of the Duchy of Prussia, Albert becomes first Duke of Prussia as a vassal of Poland. Treaty confirmed by city representatives.
  • 1529 – Castle Library established
  • 1542 – Pedagogium founded by Albert Hohenzollern in Kneiphof
  • 1544 – Albertina University (Lutheran) founded by Albert, Duke of Prussia.
  • 1545 – Oldest Polish catechism published by Jan Seklucjan.
  • 1547 – Catechism of Martynas Mažvydas published.
  • 1550 – Population: 14,000.
  • 1553 – Oldest Polish translation of the New Testament, by Stanisław Murzynowski, published.
  • 1560 – 28 March: King Sigismund II Augustus of Poland confers university privileges on the Albertina University, on a par with the Jagiellonian University.
  • 1561 – First acquisition of citizenship in the city by a Scot.
  • 1566
    • Duke Albert attempted to introduce absolutist rule in violation of the Treaty of Kraków.
    • August–October: Stay and intervention of Polish Royal commissioners, restoration of the previous legal order.
    • 4 October: Decree expanding the rights of Polish rulers and of the nobility and cities in the duchy.
    • 22 October: Decree settling the city's conflict with Duke Albert, instituted by Polish Royal commissioners.
  • 1568 – March: Albert Frederick becomes Duke of Prussia.
  • 1577 – City opposes the regency of George Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach.
  • 1579 – Renewed city resistance to the regency of George Frederick. The city supports the nobility's request to the Polish King to send a Polish Royal Commission to the city.
  • 1580 – Arrival of George Frederick to establish his rule.
  • 1590 – Green Bridge rebuilt.
  • 1594 – Schlosskirche (castle church) dedicated

17th century

  • 1616 – A Catholic church erected by order of King Sigismund III Vasa and the bishop of Warmia
  • 1618 – Duchy of Prussia passes under control of Electors of Brandenburg, August: John Sigismund becomes Duke of Prussia
  • 1619 – December: George William becomes Duke of Prussia
  • 1626 – City walls built.
  • 1629 – City refuses to pay taxes to the duchy.
  • 1632 – King Władysław IV Vasa of Poland supports the city in its dispute with Duke George William.
  • 1635
    • January: Agreement between the King of Poland and the city, granting the city the right to organize its military defense against a possible Swedish attack in exchange for exemption from taxes.
    • July: Visit of King Władysław IV Vasa.
    • July: Jerzy Ossoliński appointed the Polish governor of the duchy by King Władysław IV Vasa.
    • Jerzy Ossoliński completes the fortification of the city against a potential Swedish attack.
  • 1636 – Visit of King Władysław IV Vasa.
  • 1640 – December: Frederick William becomes Duke of Prussia
  • 1647 – Neurossgarten Church dedicated
  • 1657
  • 1662
    • City sends a letter to King John II Casimir Vasa of Poland, opposing the rule of Elector Frederick William.
    • 8 July: Confederation formed in the city to maintain Poland's sovereignty over the city and region.
    • 27 October: The Brandenburg Elector and his army enter the city.
    • 30 October: Hieronymus Roth, leader of the city's anti-Elector opposition, abducted by Brandenburg forces, and then imprisoned.
  • 1663 – City burghers, forced by Frederick William, swear an oath of allegiance to him, however, in the same ceremony they still also pledge allegiance to Poland.
  • 1688 – April: Frederick becomes Duke of Prussia.

18th century

19th century

  • 1804 – 12 February: Death of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
  • 1807 – French in power.
  • 1809 – Paradeplatz city garden established.
View of the city from circa 1810
Königsberg Castle in the 1890s
  • 1890 – Population: 161,666.
  • 1892 – Baltika Stadium opens.
  • 1893 – Hermann Theodor Hoffmann becomes mayor.
  • 1896 – Zoo founded.
  • 1897 – Königsberger Tageblatt (newspaper) in publication.
  • 1898 – Palaestra Albertina established.
  • 1900

20th century


Aerial view of the castle and city centre in 1925


Castle ruins in the 1960s

21st century

See also