The Last Castaways

The Last Castaways
Author Harry Horse
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre Children's
Publisher Puffin Books
Publication date
3 April 2003
Pages 96 pp
ISBN 978-0-14-131461-7
OCLC 56888097

The Last Castaways is a 2003 children's book in The Last... series by Harry Horse. It won the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize Silver Award. It is a humorous adventure tale told through a series of letters from Grandfather to his grandchild, a ship's log and a diary.

Plot summary

Grandfather and his dog Roo accidentally win their old ship, the Unsinkable, in an auction and go on a fishing trip. However, the ship sinks and they are cast away on a desert isle. They find some treasure and rescue their ship.