Talian dialect

Native to Brazil (co-official language in Serafina Corrêa and Flores da Cunha)
Native speakers
(undated figure of 500,000)
Official status
Recognised minority
language in
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Glottolog tali1266

Talian (Venetian: [taˈljaŋ], Italian: [taˈljan], Portuguese: [tɐliˈɐ̃]), or Brazilian Venetian, is a dialect of the Venetian language, spoken primarily in the Serra Gaúcha region in the northeast of the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. It is also spoken in other parts of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as in parts of Espirito Santo and of Santa Catarina.

Despite the similar names, Talian is not derived from standard Italian (usually called italiano gramático or 'grammatical Italian' in Brazil), but is mainly a mix of Venetian dialects influenced by other Gallo-Italian languages as well as local Portuguese.


Italian settlers first began arriving into these regions in a wave of immigration lasting from approximately 1875 to 1914. These settlers were mainly from Veneto, a region in Northern Italy, where Venetian was spoken, but also from Trentino and Friuli Venezia Giulia. In the south of Brazil these immigrants settled as smallholders in the region of Encosta da Serra. There they created three settlements: Conde D'Eu (now, Garibaldi, Rio Grande do Sul), Dona Isabel (now Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul), and Campo dos Bugres (now Caxias do Sul). As more people arrived, the Italian settlement expanded beyond these localities. Approximately 100,000 immigrants from Northern Italy arrived between 1875 and 1910. As time went by, a uniquely southern Brazilian dialect emerged. Veneto became the basis for Italian-Brazilian regionalism.

Talian has been very much influenced not only by other Italian languages but also Portuguese, the national language of Brazil; this can be seen in the employment of numerous non-Venetian loanwords. It has been estimated that there have been 130 books published in Talian, including works of both poetry and prose.

Similar to Riograndenser Hunsrückisch (hunsriqueano riograndense), the main German dialect spoken by southern Brazilians of German origin, Talian has suffered great deprecation since the 1940s. At that time, President Getúlio Vargas started a campaign of nationalization (similar to the Nacionalismo of neighboring Argentina) to try to force non-Portuguese speakers of Brazil to "better integrate" into the national mainstream culture. Speaking Talian or German in public, especially in education and press, was forbidden.


Sample words in Talian
Talian Standard Italian English Venetian
mi io I/me mi
ti / te tu you (singular) ti
lu / el / elo lui he eło
noaltri / noantri noi we noialtri / noialtre
voaltri / valtri / voalti voi you (plural) voialtri / voialtre
lori loro they łuri / łore
bambin / putel / fantolin bambino child putel
fòja / fógia foglia leaf foja / fogia
côa / coda coda tail cóa / coda
cavel / cavegio / caigio capello hair cavel / caveło / cavéjo
recia orecchia ear recia
sufiar / supiare soffiare to blow sufiar / sbufar
tajar / taiar tagliare to cut tajar
pióva pioggia rain piova
brasilian / brasiliero brasiliano Brazilian brasilian

Sample text:

The Lord's Prayer in Talian
Talian English Venetian
Pupà nostro che stai nel cielo, Our father which art in heaven, Pare Nostro che te si nei ciei
Santificà sìa el tuo nome, Hallowed be thy name, Sia santificà el to nome;
Vegna a noantri el vostro regno, Thy kingdom come, Vegna el to regno
Sia fata la tua volontà, Thy will be done, Sia fata ła to vołontà
Coss'in tera come nel cielo. on earth, as it is in heaven. In tera così come in ciel.
Dai a noantri el pan de cada giorno, Give us this day our daily bread, Dane anquo el nostro pan quotidiano,
Perdona i nostri pecati, And forgive us our debts, Rimeti a noialtri i nostri debiti,
Come noantri perdonemo a quei che noi ga ofendesto As we forgive our debtors Come noialtri i rimetemo ai nostri debitori
E non assar che caschemo in tentassion, And lead us not into temptation, E non sta portarne in tentasion,
Ma liberta noantri de tuto el mal. Amem. But deliver us from evil. Amen. Ma liberane dal maigno. Amen.

Current status

Municipalities where Talian is co-official in Rio Grande do Sul.

Talian has historically been spoken mainly in the southern Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná, as well as in Espirito Santo. Nowadays, there are approximately 3 million people of Italian ancestry in Rio Grande do Sul, about 30% of the local population, and approximately 1.7 million people in Espirito Santo, which accounts for 65% of the local population. All Talians adopted in the past Portuguese as their mother tongue. According to some estimates, there are up to one million Italian descendants; Ethnologue reported 4,000,000 Italian descendants in the year 2006, but these numbers do not reflect absolutely the number of Talian speakers. During the "Estado Novo" period of the government of Getúlio Vargas, the use of Talian was declared illegal. As a result of the traumas of Vargas' policies, there is, even to this day, a stigma attached to speaking these languages. In fact, the vast majority do not even understand Talian and the few people who understand a little bit of Talian have Portuguese as their mother tongue (the same thing happens with the Hunsrik language).

In 2009, the legislative assemblies of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina approved laws declaring the Talian dialect to be an integral part of the historical heritage of their respective states. In 2009, the city of Serafina Corrêa, in Rio Grande do Sul, elected Talian as co-official language, alongside Portuguese. Finally, in 2014 Talian was declared to be part of the cultural heritage of Brazil (Língua e referência cultural brasileira) by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage.

In 2015 Serafina Corrêa received the title of national capital of Talian. In 2019 Nova Erechim was recognized as the capital of Talian in Santa Catarina. In 2021, Governor Ratinho Júnior sanctioned state law 20,757, which makes the municipality of Colombo the capital of Talian in Paraná.

Newspapers in the Talian-speaking region feature articles written in the language. There are some radio programs broadcast in Talian.

Municipalities in Brazil that have co-official Talian language

Brazilian states with Talian as linguistic heritage officially approved statewide

See also