
Type Division
Industry Advertising
  • TBWA
  • Chiat/Day
Founded 1995
Headquarters Chiat/Day Building, ,
United States
Parent TBWA Worldwide
Website tbwachiatday.com
Former Chiat/Day headquarters, the Chiat/Day Building in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. Currently occupied by Google.

TBWA\Chiat\Day ( CHY-at) is the American division of the advertising agency TBWA Worldwide. Created in the 1995 merger of TBWA and Chiat/Day, the agency operates offices in Los Angeles, New York City, Nashville, and Mexico City. Prior to the merger, Chiat/Day created internationally notable advertising, including "1984" for Apple Computer, the advertisement that introduced the Macintosh computer. The merger also inspired the creation of the ad agency St.Lukes by Chiat/Day's London office's employees.

TBWA Worldwide is part of the global marketing group Omnicom, with a reputation for more quirky or "disruptive" work. The youngest network in the group's portfolio, TBWA expanded rapidly in the final years of the 1990s and is a competitor to BBDO and DDB. A significant step came in 1998 when the agency absorbed Anglo-French marketing network GGT BDDP.

The current president of the Los Angeles office is Erin Riley; the New York office is headed by Rob Schwartz.


See also