Szegő limit theorems

In mathematical analysis, the Szegő limit theorems describe the asymptotic behaviour of the determinants of large Toeplitz matrices. They were first proved by Gábor Szegő.


Let be a Fourier series with Fourier coefficients , relating to each other as

such that the Toeplitz matrices are Hermitian, i.e., if then . Then both and eigenvalues are real-valued and the determinant of is given by


Szegő theorem

Under suitable assumptions the Szegő theorem states that

for any function that is continuous on the range of . In particular






such that the arithmetic mean of converges to the integral of .

First Szegő theorem

The first Szegő theorem states that, if right-hand side of (1) holds and , then






holds for and . The RHS of (2) is the geometric mean of (well-defined by the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality).

Second Szegő theorem

Let be the Fourier coefficient of , written as

The second (or strong) Szegő theorem states that, if , then

See also