Sutradhar (caste)

Two Sutar men from Baroda State, 1911.

Sutradhar, also known as Sutar or Suthar is one of the Architect from Vastu shastra. Their traditional occupation is carpentry.

Abbreviation Sutar
Gotra 120
Kuladevta (male) Vishwakarma
Country India
Total population
  • Marathi
  • Gujarati
  • Bengali
  • Telugu
  • Odia
  • Rajasthani
  • Tamil


Sutradhar caste predominantly engaged in carpentry works

Their mythological origin said to be from Brahma the four headed supreme creator. The vastu-shastra is also known as sthapatya Vedas which is the supplementary branch of Atharvaveda. The Pandit or experts of vastu shastra are identified as: Sthapati, Sūtragrāhin(Sutradhar), Vardhaki and Takṣhaka.

The word Sutradhar is combination of two words Sutra and Dhar means holder. Sutradhar follows the Sutra for measurement because The special branch of their study is measuring. The names Sutar and Suthar are abbreviated versions of Sutrahadar.

They believe in "Parabrahma Vishwakarma" the god of creation from Vishwakarma Sukta. and they worship God Tvashta also known as Vishvakarma and sage Maya as patron deity.

There is evidence that Sutradhars were performing other tasks besides carpentry in ancient times. A stanza from Chandimangal notes them puffing and frying rice, as well as painting. Agricultural tasks were historically done by castes of Austric origins, so the stanza may refer to a period of transition as the Sutradhar caste was forming and still performing other tasks. They were also engaged in making monuments, temples, palaces, chariots and sculpting rock structures. They are believed to have built the Konark Sun Temple, Jagannath Temples, and the terracotta temples of Bengal.


The clans of Suthar's is Rathore(Rathod), Chauhan, Parmar, Solanki, Bhati, Tavar, Sisodiya etc. It refers to people who are descendants in an unbroken male line from a common male ancestor or patriline. It Means if any person who is from suthar community it means their traditional occupation is carpentry but by blood they belong to there gotra(They share a common ancestor). they are subdivided into various clans, or gotras. All these clans are totemic. Common Sutradhar surnames include Dutt or Dutta, Chanda, De, Sil, Kundu, Maharana, Rana, Rakhsit, Bhandari, Fouzdar, Sutradhar(Sutar or Suthar), Acharya(Achari,Chari or Charya) and Sharma. Fouzdar would appear to have a royal origin, while Sharma is also a surname of them.

The Sutradhar caste is subdivided into a number of subcastes including Bardhamenya, Mandaranya, Khadipeda, Astakul, and Airy. The Bardhamenya, Mandaranya, and Astakul are best known as carpenters but are also known as painters, clay image makers, stone carvers as well as constructors of buildings and temples. The Khadipeda were essentially architects, known as designers of temples, palaces, mosques, and building.