Storage Networking Industry Association

Storage Networking Industry Association
Abbreviation SNIA
Formation December 1997

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) is a registered 501(c)(6) non-profit trade association incorporated in December 1997. SNIA has more than 185 unique members, 2,000 active contributing members and over 50,000 IT end users and storage professionals.  The SNIA absorbed the Small Form Factor Committee.

SNIA's membership community participates in the following storage-related technical working groups:

  • Cloud Storage Technologies
  • Computational Storage
  • Data Management
  • Data Security
  • Dictionary
  • DNA Data Storage
  • Networked Storage
  • Next Generation Data Center
  • Persistent Memory
  • Physical Storage
  • Power Efficiency Measurement
  • Storage Management Initiative – Specification (SMI-S)
  • SNIA Swordfish® - Scalable Storage Management Specification[1]

SNIA and its technical council maintain a vendor-neutral dictionary and glossary of storage networking, data, and information management terminology.

The SNIA dictionary won an award for publication excellence in 2009 and 2012 from the Business Communications Report.

SNIA along with Computerworld hosted the popular Storage Networking World (SNW) Conferences from 1999 to 2013, at various venues around the world, and commonly occurred in the Spring and Fall in the USA, and in the Fall in the EU.

SNIA is also the organizer the Storage Developers Conference (SDC).

SNIA also maintains partnerships with and submits material to other industry standards organizations such as ISO, IEC, DMTF, CXL, INCITS T10, T11, IETF, and IEEE.

Storage Networking Certification Program

SNIA previously offered vendor-neutral certifications through its Storage Networking Certification Program (SNCP), which was discontinued in January 2020.