Solar eclipse of December 4, 2002

Solar eclipse of December 4, 2002
The diamond ring effect at the end of totality, taken near Woomera, South Australia
Type of eclipse
Nature Total
Gamma −0.302
Magnitude 1.0244
Maximum eclipse
Duration 124 sec (2 m 4 s)
Coordinates 39.5°S 59.6°E / -39.5; 59.6
Max. width of band 87 km (54 mi)
Times (UTC)
Greatest eclipse 7:32:16
Saros 142 (22 of 72)
Catalog # (SE5000) 9514

A total solar eclipse took place on December 4, 2002, with a magnitude of 1.0244. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon's apparent diameter is larger than the Sun's, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. Totality occurs in a narrow path across Earth's surface, with the partial solar eclipse visible over a surrounding region thousands of kilometres wide. It was visible from a narrow corridor in southern Africa, the Indian Ocean and southern Australia. A partial eclipse was seen from the much broader path of the Moon's penumbra, including most of Africa and Australia. During the sunset after the eclipse many observers in Australia saw numerous and unusual forms of a green flash.

In some parts of Angola, it was the second total eclipse of the Sun within 18 months, following the Solar eclipse of June 21, 2001.



Related eclipses

Eclipses of 2002




Solar Saros 142


Solar eclipses 2000–2003

This eclipse is a member of a semester series. An eclipse in a semester series of solar eclipses repeats approximately every 177 days and 4 hours (a semester) at alternating nodes of the Moon's orbit.

Partial solar eclipses on February 5, 2000 and July 31, 2000 occur in the previous lunar year set.

Solar eclipse series sets from 2000–2003
Ascending node   Descending node
Saros Map Gamma Saros Map Gamma
117 2000 July 01

Partial (south)
−1.28214 122 2000 December 25

Partial (north)

Totality from Lusaka, Zambia
2001 June 21

−0.57013 132

Partial from Minneapolis, MN
2001 December 14


Partial from Los Angeles, CA
2002 June 10

0.19933 142

Totality from Woomera
2002 December 04


Culloden, Scotland
2003 May 31

0.99598 152 2003 November 23


Saros 142

It is a part of Saros cycle 142, repeating every 18 years, 11 days, containing 72 events. The series started with partial solar eclipse on April 17, 1624. It contains one hybrid eclipse on July 14, 1768, and total eclipses from July 25, 1786 through October 29, 2543. The series ends at member 72 as a partial eclipse on June 5, 2904. The longest duration of totality will be 6 minutes, 34 seconds on May 28, 2291. All eclipses in this series occurs at the Moon’s descending node.

Series members 17–41 occur between 1901 and 2359
17 18 19

October 10, 1912

October 21, 1930

November 1, 1948
20 21 22

November 12, 1966

November 22, 1984

December 4, 2002
23 24 25

December 14, 2020

December 26, 2038

January 5, 2057
26 27 28

January 16, 2075

January 27, 2093

February 8, 2111
29 30 31

February 18, 2129

March 2, 2147

March 12, 2165
32 33 34

March 23, 2183

April 4, 2201

April 15, 2219
35 36 37

April 25, 2237

May 7, 2255

May 17, 2273
38 39 40

May 28, 2291

June 9, 2309

June 20, 2327

June 30, 2345

Tritos series

This eclipse is a part of a tritos cycle, repeating at alternating nodes every 135 synodic months (≈ 3986.63 days, or 11 years minus 1 month). Their appearance and longitude are irregular due to a lack of synchronization with the anomalistic month (period of perigee), but groupings of 3 tritos cycles (≈ 33 years minus 3 months) come close (≈ 434.044 anomalistic months), so eclipses are similar in these groupings.

Metonic series

The metonic series repeats eclipses every 19 years (6939.69 days), lasting about 5 cycles. Eclipses occur in nearly the same calendar date. In addition, the octon subseries repeats 1/5 of that or every 3.8 years (1387.94 days). All eclipses in this table occur at the Moon's descending node.

21 eclipse events, progressing from north to south between July 11, 1953 and July 11, 2029
July 10–12 April 29–30 February 15–16 December 4–5 September 21–23
116 118 120 122 124

July 11, 1953

April 30, 1957

February 15, 1961

December 4, 1964

September 22, 1968
126 128 130 132 134

July 10, 1972

April 29, 1976

February 16, 1980

December 4, 1983

September 23, 1987
136 138 140 142 144

July 11, 1991

April 29, 1995

February 16, 1999

December 4, 2002

September 22, 2006
146 148 150 152 154

July 11, 2010

April 29, 2014

February 15, 2018

December 4, 2021

September 21, 2025
156 158 160 162 164

July 11, 2029