Sobral Formation

Sobral Formation
Stratigraphic range: Danian
Type Geological formation
Unit of Marambio Group
Underlies Cross Valley & La Meseta Formations
Overlies Lopez de Bertodano Formation
Thickness 250 m (820 ft)
Primary Siltstone, mudstone
Other Concretion, sandstone
Coordinates 64.3°S 56.7°W / -64.3; -56.7
Approximate paleocoordinates 63.2°S 66.6°W / -63.2; -66.6
Region Seymour Island, James Ross Island group
Country Antarctica

Geologic map of Seymour Island, Antarctica with the Sobral Formation in brown

The Sobral Formation is a palaeontological formation located in Antarctica. It dates to the Danian stage of the Lower Paleocene period.

Spectacular fossils documenting marine and terrestrial ecosystems soon after the (non-avian) dinosaurs became extinct at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary are found in this formation. One of the most significant sites is on Seymour Island.

See also