Snub dodecahedral prism

Snub dodecahedral prism

Schlegel diagram
Type Prismatic uniform polychoron
Uniform index 64
Schläfli symbol sr{3,5}×{}
Cells 94 total:

80 3.4.4
12 4.4.5

Faces 334 total:
160 {3}
150 {4}
24 {5}
Edges 360
Vertices 120
Vertex figure
irr. pentagonal pyramid
Symmetry group [(5,3)+,2], order 120
Properties convex

In geometry, a snub dodecahedral prism or snub icosidodecahedral prism is a convex uniform polychoron (four-dimensional polytope).

It is one of 18 convex uniform polyhedral prisms created by using uniform prisms to connect pairs of Platonic solids or Archimedean solids in parallel hyperplanes, in this case a pair of snub dodecahedra.

Alternative names

  • Snub-icosidodecahedral dyadic prism (Norman W. Johnson)
  • Sniddip (Jonathan Bowers: for snub-dodecahedral prism)
  • Snub-icosidodecahedral hyperprism
  • Snub-dodecahedral prism
  • Snub-dodecahedral hyperprism

See also