Siege of Corinth Union order of battle

The following units and commanders of the Union Army fought at the Siege of Corinth (29 Apr-30 May 1862) of the American Civil War. The Union Army had approximately 150,000 present for duty. The Confederate order of battle is shown separately. Order of battle compiled from the army organization during the siege.

Abbreviations used

Military Rank


Department of the Mississippi

MG Henry W. Halleck

District of West Tennessee

MG Ulysses S. Grant

Right Wing (Army of the Tennessee)

MG George H. Thomas

  • Chief of Staff and Asst. Adjutant General: Cpt George E. Flynt
Division Brigade Regiments and Others

First Division (Army of the Ohio)
     MG George H. Thomas until 3 May
     BG Thomas W. Sherman

1st Brigade

   BG Albin F. Schoepf

2nd Brigade

   BG Speed Smith Fry

3rd Brigade

   BG Robert L. McCook


Second Division
     BG Thomas A. Davies until 2 June
     BG Edward Otho Cresap Ord

1st Brigade

   Col James Tuttle

2nd Brigade

   BG Richard J. Oglesby

3rd Brigade

   Col Silas Baldwin


   Maj John S. Cavender


Fourth Division
     BG Stephen A. Hurlbut

1st Brigade

   BG Jacob G. Lauman

2nd Brigade

   BG James C. Veatch


Fifth Division
     MG William T. Sherman

1st Brigade

   Col John A. McDowell until 12 May
   Col Morgan L. Smith

Before 15 May

After 15 May

2nd Brigade

   Col David Stuart until 15 May
   Col John A. McDowell

Before 15 May

After 15 May

3rd Brigade

   Col Jesse Hildebrand until 15 May
   Col Ralph P. Buckland until 16 May
   BG James W. Denver

Before 15 May

After 15 May

4th Brigade

   Col Ralph P. Buckland

Discontinued 15 May


   Maj Ezra Taylor


   Col T. Lyle Dickey

Sixth Division
     BG Thomas J. McKean until 30 Apr
     BG Thomas W. Sherman until 3 May
     BG Thomas J. McKean

1st Brigade

   Col John L. Doran until 23 May
   BG John McArthur

2nd Brigade

   Col John M. Oliver

3rd Brigade

   Col Marcellus M. Crocker


   Cpt Andrew Hickenlooper


Reserves (Army of the Tennessee)

MG John A. McClernand

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

First Division
     MG John A. McClernand until 2 May
     BG John A. Logan until 4 May
     BG Henry M. Judah until 2 June
     BG Thomas A. Davies

1st Brigade

   BG John A. Logan until 2 May
   Col Michael K. Lawler until 4 May
   BG John A. Logan

2nd Brigade

   Col C. Carroll Marsh until 4 May
   Col Andrew J. Babcock

3rd Brigade

   BG Leonard F. Ross


Third Division
     MG Lewis Wallace

1st Brigade

   Col Morgan L. Smith until 12 May
   BG Alvin P. Hovey

2nd Brigade

   Col John M. Thayer

3rd Brigade

   Col Charles Whittlesey until May
   Col Charles R. Woods


Center (Army of the Ohio)

MG Don Carlos Buell

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Second Division
     BG Alexander M. McCook

4th Brigade

   BG Lovell H. Rousseau

5th Brigade

   Col Frederick S. Stumbaugh

6th Brigade

   BG Richard W. Johnson


   Cpt William R. Terrill

Fourth Division
     MG William "Bull" Nelson

10th Brigade

   Col Jacob Ammen

19th Brigade

   Col William B. Hazen

22nd Brigade

   Col Thomas D. Sedgewick until 30 May
   BG Mahlon D. Manson


   Ltc Edward M. McCook

Fifth Division
     BG Thomas L. Crittenden

11th Brigade

   BG Jeremiah T. Boyle until 27 May
   Col Samuel Beatty

14th Brigade

   BG Horatio P. Van Cleve




Sixth Division
     BG Thomas J. Wood

15th Brigade

   BG Milo Hascall

20th Brigade

   BG James A. Garfield

21st Brigade

   Col George D. Wagner

Left Wing (Army of the Mississippi)

MG John Pope

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Cavalry Division
     BG Gordon Granger

1st Brigade

   Col William P. Kellogg until 1 June
   Col John K. Mizner

2nd Brigade

   Col Washington Lafayette Elliott until 1 June
   Col Philip H. Sheridan

  • Powell's Battery

Reporting Directly

Reserve Brigade

   Col William P. Carlin

Artillery Brigade

   Ltc Warren L. Lothrop

Unattached Units

Right Wing

MG William S. Rosecrans assigned 29 May

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

First Division
     BG Eleazar Paine

1st Brigade

   BG John M. Palmer

2nd Brigade

   Col James D. Morgan until 1 May
   BG Daniel Tyler


Second Division
     BG David S. Stanley

1st Brigade

   Col John Groesbeck until 8 July
   Col Joseph L. Kirby Smith

2nd Brigade

   BG Joseph B. Plummer until 29 May
   Col Robert C. Murphy


Left Wing

BG Schuyler Hamilton assigned 29 May

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Third Division
     BG Schuyler Hamilton until 29 May
     BG Joseph B. Plummer

1st Brigade

   BG Napoleon B. Buford

2nd Brigade

   Col Nicholas Perczel


Fourth Division
     BG Jefferson C. Davis

1st Brigade

   BG Robert B. Mitchell

Asboth's Brigade

   BG Alexander Asboth

Fifth Division created 1 June
     BG Alexander Asboth

1st Brigade

   Col Nicholas Greusel

  • 36th Illinois: Col Nicholas Greusel
  • 44th Illinois: Col Charles Knobelsdorff
2nd Brigade

   Ltc Bernard Laiboldt

  • 2nd Missouri: Maj Francis Ehrler
  • 15th Missouri: Maj Joseph Conrad