Shlomo Yosef Englard

Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Englard
Title Radziner Rebbe
Religion Judaism
  • Rabbi Avrohom Yissochor Englard (father)
  • Rebbetzin Sara Bluma Englard (mother)
Jewish leader
Predecessor Rabbi Avrohom Yissochor Englard
Dynasty Radzin

Grand Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Englard is the current Radziner Rebbe. He is considered an authority on Tekhelet and Rabbinic genealogy


Englard was born in Brooklyn New York. At the time of his birth, his father Rabbi Avrohom Yissochor Englard led a congregation in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. He had previously been the Rabbi of Sosnowiec, Poland and would later become Radziner Rebbe.

Radziner Rebbe

Following the death of his father on died on 20 Tishrei 5766 (2005), Englard became Radziner Rebbe. Englard writes a weekly publication on the parsha titled Tiferes Radzyn.

Authority on Tekhelet

Englard is considered an authority on Tekhelet. He frequently lectures on the topic and was a featured speaker at the 2016 annual Agudath Israel of America Yarchei Kallah in Jerusalem Israel.

Authority on Rabbinical Genealogy

Englard is considered to be an authority on rabbinical genealogy. He has published his research in a number of articles in the journal Tsfunot. Several genealogists have quoted Englard’s work in articles published in Avotaynu.

Lineage of the Izhbitza-Radzin dynasty

Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Leiner
1st Rebbe of Izhbitza-Radzin
Rabbi Yaakov Leiner
2nd Rebbe of Izhbitza-Radzin
Rabbi Gershon Chanoch Henech Leiner
3rd Rebbe of Izhbitza-Radzin
Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Elazar Leiner
4th Rebbe of Izhbitza-Radzin
Rabbi Shmuel Shlomo Leiner
5th Rebbe of Izhbitza-Radzin
Rabbi Avrohom Yissochor Englard
6th Rebbe of Izhbitza-Radzin
Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Englard
7th Rebbe of Izhbitza-Radzin
Rabbi Nosson Nochum Englard
Rebbe of Radzin-Yerushalayim

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