Satori in Paris

Satori in Paris
First edition cover
Author Jack Kerouac
Country United States
Language English
Publisher Grove Press
Publication date
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 118 pp
Preceded by Desolation Angels
Followed by Vanity of Duluoz

Satori in Paris is a 1966 novella by American novelist and poet Jack Kerouac. It is a short, autobiographical tale of Kerouac's trip to Paris, then Brittany, to research his genealogy. Kerouac relates his trip in a tumbledown fashion as a lonesome traveler. Little is said about the research that he does, and much more about his interactions with the French people he meets.


  • 1966. Satori in Paris, ISBN 0-394-17437-2
  • 1982. Satori in Paris, Granada Publishing, ISBN 0-586-05545-2
  • 1988. Satori in Paris & Pic, ISBN 0-8021-3061-5
  • 1991. Satori in Paris, Flamingo, ISBN 0-586-09118-1