SPQR, an abbreviation for Senatus Populusque Romanus (Classical Latin: [s̠ɛˈnäːt̪ʊs̠ pɔpʊˈɫ̪ʊs̠kʷɛ roːˈmäːnʊs̠]; English: "The Senate and People of Rome"), is an emblematic abbreviated phrase referring to the government of the ancient Roman Republic. It appears on documents made public by an inscription in stone or metal, in dedications of monuments and public works, and on some Roman currency.

The full phrase appears in Roman political, legal, and historical literature, such as the speeches of Cicero and Ab Urbe Condita Libri ("Books from the Founding of the City") of Livy.


In Latin, Senātus is a nominative singular noun meaning "Senate". Populusque is compounded from the nominative noun Populus, "the People", and -que, an enclitic particle meaning "and" which connects the two nominative nouns. The last word, Rōmānus ("Roman"), is an adjective modifying the whole of Senātus Populusque: the "Roman Senate and People", taken as a whole. Thus, the phrase is translated literally as "The Roman Senate and People", or more freely as "The Senate and People of Rome".

Historical context

A modern recreation of a Roman standard

The title's date of establishment is unknown, but it first appears in inscriptions of the Late Republic, from around 80 BC onwards. Previously, the official name of the Roman state, as evidenced on coins, was simply ROMA. The abbreviation last appears on coins of Constantine the Great (ruled 312–337 AD), the first Roman emperor to support Christianity.

The two legal entities mentioned, Senātus and the Populus Rōmānus, are sovereign when combined. However, where populus is sovereign alone, Senātus is not. Under the Roman Kingdom, neither entity was sovereign. The phrase, therefore, can be dated to no earlier than the foundation of the Republic.

This signature continued in use under the Roman Empire. The emperors were considered the de jure representatives of the people even though the senātūs consulta, or decrees of the Senate, were made at the de facto pleasure of the emperor.

Populus Rōmānus in Roman literature is a phrase meaning the government of the People. When the Romans named governments of foreign states, they used populus in the singular or plural, such as populī Prīscōrum Latīnōrum, "the governments of the Old Latins". Rōmānus is the established adjective used to distinguish the Romans, as in cīvis Rōmānus, "Roman citizen".

The Roman people appear very often in law and history in such phrases as dignitās, maiestās, auctoritās, lībertās populī Rōmānī, the "dignity, majesty, authority, freedom of the Roman people". They were a populus līber, "a free people". There was an exercitus, imperium, iudicia, honorēs, consulēs, voluntās of this same populus: "the army, rule, judgments, offices, consuls and will of the Roman people". They appear in early Latin as Popolus and Poplus, so the habit of thinking of themselves as free and sovereign was quite ingrained.

The Romans believed that all authority came from the people. It could be said that similar language seen in more modern political and social revolutions directly comes from this usage. People in this sense meant the whole government. The latter, however, was essentially divided into the aristocratic Senate, whose will was executed by the consuls and praetors, and the comitia centuriāta, "committee of the centuries", whose will came to be safeguarded by the Tribunes.

One of the ways the emperor Commodus (180–192) paid for his donatives and mass entertainments was to tax the senatorial order, and on many inscriptions, the traditional order is provocatively reversed (Populus Senatusque...).

Medieval use

Beginning in 1184, the Commune of Rome struck coins in the name of the SENATVS P Q R. From 1414 until 1517, the Roman Senate struck coins with a shield inscribed SPQR.

Modern use

During the regime of Benito Mussolini, SPQR was emblazoned on a number of public buildings and manhole covers in an attempt to promote his dictatorship as a "New Roman Empire".

Modern coat of arms of Rome municipality

Even in contemporary usage, SPQR is still used in the municipal coat of arms of Rome and as abbreviation for the comune of Rome in official documents. The Italians have long used a different and humorous expansion of this abbreviation, "Sono Pazzi Questi Romani" (literally: "They're crazy, these Romans"). SPQR is also part of the coat of arms of the Capital Military Command of the Italian army (Italian: Comando Militare Capitale).

In business, in English-speaking countries, SPQR is sometimes (humorously) used to mean "Small Profits, Quick Returns", often by people who have studied Latin at school.

Civic references

"SPQH" in the Hamburg Rathaus, Germany
"Senatus Populusque Cracoviensis" over the Waza Gate in Wawel Castle, Kraków, Poland
"SPQN" on the Charles Bridge, Nuremberg, Germany

SPQx is sometimes used as an assertion of municipal pride and civic rights. The Italian town of Reggio Emilia, for instance, has SPQR in its coat of arms, standing for Senatus Populusque Regiensis. There have been confirmed usages and reports of the deployment of the "SPQx" template in:

City Country SPQx Latin Where has it been used
Alkmaar Netherlands SPQA On the facade of the Waag building.
Amsterdam Netherlands SPQA Senatus Populusque Amstelodamensis At the Stadsschouwburg theater on Leidseplein and some of the bridges.
Antwerp Belgium SPQA Senatus Populusque Antverpensis On Antwerp City Hall and other public buildings and schools.
Ascoli Piceno Italy SPQA Senatus Populusque Asculum On the wall above the south loggia of the Piazza del Popolo, Ascoli Piceno.
Basel Switzerland SPQB Senatus Populusque Basilea On the Webern-Brunnen in Steinenvorstadt.
Benevento Italy SPQB Senatus Populusque Beneventanus On manhole covers.
Bologna Italy SPQB Senatus Populusque Bonononiensis On the Fountain of Neptune, Bologna.
Bremen Germany SPQB In the Bremen City Hall.
Bruges Belgium SPQB On its coat of arms.
Brussels Belgium SPQB Senatus Populusque Bruxellensis (of the city) or Senatus Populusque Belgicus (of the country) Found repeatedly on the Palais de Justice, over the main stage of La Monnaie, and on the ceiling of the hemicycle of the Belgian Senate in the Palais de la Nation.
Capua Italy SPQC
Catania Italy SPQC Can be found on manhole covers.
Chicago United States SPQC Can be found on the George N. Leighton Cook County Criminal Courthouse.
Dublin Ireland SPQH Senatus Populusque Hibernicus On the City Hall, built in 1769.
Florianópolis Brazil SPQF Senatus Populusque Florianopolitanus
Franeker Netherlands SPQF At the a gate on the Westerbolwerk and Academiestraat 16.
Freising Germany SPQF Above the door of the town hall.
Ghent Belgium SPQG Senatus Populusque Gandavensis On the Opera, Theater and some other major buildings. Inscribed on a shield on coins struck in Ghent in 1583, during the Dutch Revolt.
Groningen Netherlands SPQG Above the entrance of the Der Aa-kerk.
The Hague Netherlands SPQH Above the stage in Koninklijke Schouwburg.
Hamburg Germany SPQH On a door in the Hamburg Rathaus.
Hanover Germany
Haarlem Netherlands SPQH On the face of the town hall at the "Grote Markt".
Hasselt Belgium SPQH
Kortrijk Belgium SPQC Senatus Populusque Cortoriacum City hall.
Kraków Poland SPQC Senatus Populusque Cracoviensis Over the Waza Gate in Wawel Castle.
La Plata Argentina SPQR On a monument outside of the city's "casco urbano".
Leeuwarden Netherlands SPQL Senatus Populusque Leovardia On the mayor's chain of office.
Liverpool United Kingdom SPQL Senatus Populusque Liverpudliensis On various gold doors in St George's Hall.
City of London United Kingdom SPQL Senatus Populusque Londiniensis On historic variants of the City's coat of arms
Lübeck Germany SPQL Senatus Populusque Lubecensis On the Holstentor.
Lucerne Switzerland
Madrid Spain SPQM Senatus Populusque Matritensis On the Fuente de Apolo, built in 1780.
Milan Italy SPQM The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V struck coins at Milan with the inscription S P Q Mediol Optimo Principi.
Modica Italy SPQM On the coat of arms.
Molfetta Italy SPQM On the coat of arms.
Naples Italy SPQN Senatus Populusque Neāpolis Inscribed on a shield on coins struck during Masaniello's 1647 revolt.
Noto Italy SPQN Senatus Populusque Netum On the coat of arms. and the façade of Noto Cathedral
Nuremberg Germany SPQN Senatus Populusque Norimbergensis On the Charles Bridge (one of the major bridges over river Pegnitz in the inner city).
Oudenburg Belgium SPQO Senatus Populusque Odenburgensis On its water pump next to the market square.
Olomouc Czech Republic SPQO Senatus Populusque Olomucensis On its coat of arms.
Palermo Italy SPQP
Penne, Abruzzo Italy SPQP
Rieti Italy SPQS Senatus Populusque Sabinus On the coat of arms. Present also in the modern composite Lazio coat-of-arms.
Rotterdam Netherlands SPQR On a wall painting in the Rotterdam City Hall.
Severn Beach United Kingdom SPQR On the crest of Pilning & Severn Beach Parish Council.
Seville Spain SPQH Senatus Populusque Hispalensis On the historic banner of the city.
Siena Italy SPQS On the base of a statue of the Capitoline Wolf.
Solothurn Switzerland SPQS Senatus Populusque Solodori On the Cathedral of St Ursus and Victor.
Terracina Italy SPQT
Tivoli, Lazio Italy SPQT
Toruń Poland SPQT Senatus Populusque Thorunensis City Hall.
Valencia Spain SPQV Senatus Populusque Valentinus In several places and buildings, including the Silk Exchange and the University of Valencia Historic Building.
Verviers Belgium SPQV On the Grand Theatre.
Vienna Austria SPQV Senatus Populusque Viennensis Schönbrunn Palace

Popular culture

SPQR is often used to represent the Roman Empire and Roman Republic, such as in video games and movies. In the 2000 movie Gladiator, the Roman general Maximus (portrayed by Russell Crowe) has "SPQR" tattooed on his shoulder, which he removes by scraping after he is sold into slavery.
