Royal Dutch Mathematical Society

Royal Dutch Mathematical Society
Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap (translation: Royal Mathematical Society)
Abbreviation KWG
Founded 1778
Type Scientific society
  • Netherlands
Field Mathematics
Barry Koren

The Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap in Dutch, abbreviated as KWG) was founded in 1778. Its goal is to promote the development of mathematics, both from a theoretical and applied point of view.

The society publishes the quarterly journal Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, the magazine Pythagoras, wiskundetijdschrift voor jongeren for high school children, and the scientific journal Indagationes Mathematicae.

Each year the society organizes a winter symposium for high school teachers. Biannually Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap organizes the Dutch Mathematical Congress. Once every three years, the society awards the prestigious Brouwer Medal to a distinguished mathematician. This medal is named after L. E. J. Brouwer.

Honorary members

Honorary members of the Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap
Date of award Name
30-04-1938 I. M. Vinogradov
28-09-1957 Paul Erdős
28-09-1957 Kurt Mahler
28-09-1957 Alfred Tarski
25-04-1964 Mark Kac
21-05-1966 Pavel Alexandrov
21-05-1966 Dirk Jan Struik
1966 Johannes van der Corput
1966 Jan Arnoldus Schouten
1966 Willem van der Woude
29-03-1978 O. Bottema
29-03-1978 Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter
29-03-1978 Bartel Leendert van der Waerden
29-03-1978 J.H. Wansink
10-04-1985 Hans Freudenthal
08-04-1988 Adriaan Cornelis Zaanen
08-04-1988 Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn
17-04-1998 Fred van der Blij
17-04-1998 Jacob Korevaar
17-04-1998 J.J. Seidel
16-04-2004 P.C. Baayen
16-04-2004 J. H. van Lint
16-04-2004 J.A.F. de Rijk (pseudonym "Bruno Ernst")
13-04-2007 J. van de Craats
13-04-2007 Dirk van Dalen
13-04-2007 F. Verhulst
05-04-2013 Robert Tijdeman
22-03-2016 Rien Kaashoek
22-03-2016 Henk van der Vorst
23-04-2019 Herman te Riele

Institutional members

The society has the following institutional members: