Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma

Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma
Discipline Mathematics
Language English
Edited by Alessandro Zaccagnini
Publication details
History 1950–present
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Parma (Italy)
Frequency Biannual
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4 Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma
MathSciNet Riv. Math. Univ. Parma
ISSN 0035-6298 (print)
2284-2578 (web)
OCLC no. 1716082

The Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma (The Mathematical Revue of the University of Parma) is a peer-reviewed mathematics journal published by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Parma, established in 1950. It is devoted to publication of original research and survey papers in all areas of pure and applied mathematics: it also publishes workshops and conferences proceedings, following the tradition behind its foundation.

The journal is abstracted and indexed by Scopus, Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt MATH.

Historical notice


The journal was founded by Antonio Mambriani in 1950, with the aim to publish the proceedings of the mathematical congress "Analisi funzionale e equazioni differenziali", held in Parma on June 4, 1949. Among the participants there were Renato Caccioppoli, Gianfranco Cimmino, Luigi Fantappiè, Carlo Miranda, Giovanni Sansone, Francesco Severi and Giuseppe Zwirner: all their contributions, except the one of Caccioppoli, were published in the first volume of the Journal, released in the month of December 1950. Caccioppoli's conference, despite a help request sent by Mambriani to Carlo Miranda and the submitting of a shorthand draft to Caccioppoli through Miranda with praise to review and correct it for the publication, remained unpublished until 1999. Along with Mambriani, another person who was in the editorial board of the journal since 1950 was Bianca Manfredi. She cured the scientific aspect of the published papers and their formal appearance up to the least details and, after working at the journal for 25 years along with Mambriani, she served as its director for 17 years, from 1975 to 1991, showing considerable management skills.

Timeline of journal series and editors in chief

At present, eight series of the "Rivista" have been published, each one corresponding approximately to the duration of the period of charge of a given editor in chief. The full list of published series and editors in chief is tabulated below:

Years Journal series Editor in chief References
1950–1959 Serie 1 Antonio Mambriani (The Editorial Board 1974, p. I).
1960–1971 Serie 2 Carmelo Longo (The Editorial Board 2013b).
1972–1974 Serie 3 Francesco Speranza (The Editorial Board 2013b).
1975–1991 Serie 4 Bianca Manfredi (The Editorial Board 1993, p. I).
1992–1997 Serie 5 Gian Battista Rizza (The Editorial Board 2013b)
1998–2001 Serie 6 Giampiero Spiga (The Editorial Board 2013b)
2002–2008 Serie 7 Alessandra Lunardi (The Editorial Board 2013b)
2009–2020 Serie 8 / Nuova Serie Adriano Tomassini (The Editorial Board 2013b)
2021–present Nuova Serie Alessandro Zaccagnini (The Editorial Board 2013b)


The current by-laws of the journal define its structure: in its present form, it states that the journal is directed by three controlling bodies, i.e. the editor in chief, the redaction committee or "Editorial Board", and the redaction secretariat:

The editor in chief is appointed by the rector of the University of Parma on a proposal of the Board of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Parma, and shall remain in office for four years: the candidate should be a university professor of the department itself, in office or retired.

The Editorial Board should be composed of four university mathematics professors, in office or retired, appointed by the rector on a proposal of the editor in chief and on the advice of Board of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science: they remain in office for four years and, despite its formal expiry when a new editor in chief is appointed, they should continue to perform their duties until a new Editorial Board is appointed.

The editor in chief may seek the collaboration of an advisory board: if he chose to do so, he should appoint leading mathematicians in specific fields of research, on proposals of the editorial board. On its part, the appointed Advisory Board supports the scientific activity of the journal and does not perform any administrative duty.

See also