Regius Professor of Mathematics

Royal warrant creating a Regius Chair in Mathematics at the University of Warwick

The Regius Professorship of Mathematics is the name given to three chairs in mathematics at British universities, one at the University of St Andrews, founded by Charles II in 1668, the second one at the University of Warwick, founded in 2013 to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II and the third one at the University of Oxford, founded in 2016.

University of St Andrews (1668)

From 1997 to 2015 there was no Regius Professor of Mathematics. In April 2013 the post was advertised, and in 2015 Igor Rivin was appointed. He was succeeded by Kenneth Falconer in 2017.

List of Regius Professors of Mathematics

The following list may be incomplete.

University of Warwick (2013)

The creation of the post of the Regius Professor of Mathematics was announced in January 2013, in March 2014 Martin Hairer was appointed to the position.

University of Oxford (2016)

The creation of the post of the Regius Professor of Mathematics was announced in June 2016 and Andrew Wiles was appointed as the first holder of the chair in May 2018.

In August 2020, it was announced that the Regius Professorship in Mathematics at the University of Oxford will become a permanent fixture at Merton College.