Real-World Economics Review

Real-World Economics Review
Discipline Economics
Language English
Edited by Edward Fullbrook
Publication details
Former name(s)
Post-Autistic Economics Review, Post-Autistic Economics Newsletter
History 2000–present
Post-Autistic Economics Network
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4 Real-World Econ. Rev.
ISSN 1755-9472
OCLC no. 367587215

Real-World Economics Review is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal of heterodox economics published by the "Post-Autistic Economics Network" since 2000. Since 2011 it is associated with the World Economics Association. It was known formerly as the Post-Autistic Economics Review and the Post-Autistic Economics Newsletter. Previous issues are archived on its website. Two sister journals from the same publisher are Economic Thought and World Economics Review.

The journal is part of the post-autistic economics movement, and, as such, heavily criticizes neoclassical economics. It accepts contributions from diverse schools of economic thought.

See also