Racism against Asians

In the Western world or in non-Asian countries, terms such as "racism against Asians" or "anti-Asian racism" are typically used in reference to racist policies, discrimination against, and mistreatment of Asian people and Asian immigrants by institutions and/or non-Asian people.


The concept of 'racism against Asians' is most common in communities or countries where the ethnic or racial majority is non-Asian, or it is most common in communities or countries where the national character is Western. The concept is most frequently employed in reference to Anti-Asian phenomena which exist in countries which are located outside the Asian continent, such as countries which are located in Africa, Europe, North America and South America.





United States

Against East and Southeast Asians


Racist incidences or perceptions

Racist incidences or perceptions, especially towards East or Southeast Asians, may include:

On the other hand, discrimination against South Asians and/or Middle Easterners includes:

  • Being seen as terrorists
  • Othered into being seen as "brown", a categorization which was extended to Southeast Asians.

There has been an increase in the amount of psychological or mental distress which has been caused by the aforementioned factors. Myopic depictions of Asian cultures continues to be a problem.

Additionally, racism in Asia (racist attitudes which Asians have towards each other as well as racist attitudes which Asians have towards non-Asians) is also impacted by differences in nationality as well as regional differences.

See also