Rabbinical College of South Africa

The Rabbinical College of South Africa is a Chabad Yeshiva based in Sydenham, Johannesburg.

It was established in c. 2021, and is headed by Rabbi Levi Wineberg, also joint Rosh Kollel of Kollel Bet Mordechai, and internationally known for his annotated translation of Tanya. Rabbi Mendy Shishler is Mashpia.

The yeshiva offers a three-year program, per the ethos and structure of Tomchei Temimim, and extends to a fourth year for Semikha (ordination); it also hosts a kollel for advanced students.

See also

External links and references

  1. "Rabbi Levi Wineberg". Archived from the original on 2012-04-13.
  2. "Lessons in Tanya"