Psychological Abstracts

Psychological Abstracts
Producer American Psychological Association (United States)
History 1927–2006
Cost print subscription
Disciplines Psychology
Record depth Abstract
Format coverage Journal articles, books, technical reports
Update frequency Monthly
Print edition
ISSN 0033-2887

Psychological Abstracts was an abstract and index periodical and the print counterpart of the PsycINFO database. It was published by the American Psychological Association and was produced for 80 years, ceasing publication at the end of 2006. It was produced monthly and contained summaries (abstracts, bibliographic information, and indexing) of English-language journal articles, technical reports, book chapters, and books in the field of psychology.

In its latter years it contained much less content than PsycINFO, although it did contain some records for technical reports that are not in PsycINFO. It was organized by subject area according to the PsycINFO Classification Codes.