Profit over People

Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order
The American book cover
Author Noam Chomsky
Country United States
Language English
Subject Critique of neoliberalism
Genre Non-fiction
Publisher Seven Stories Press
Publication date
November 1999
Media type Paperback
Pages 175 pp
ISBN 1-888363-82-7
OCLC 39505718
330.12/2 21
LC Class HB95 .C516 1999

Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and Global Order is a 1999 book by Noam Chomsky, published by Seven Stories Press. It contains his critique of neoliberalism.


Chomsky argues that the doctrines and development of a pro-corporate system, consisting of economic and political policies that restrict the public arena and support private power, acts essentially as a social hierarchy which places the drive for profit over the wider needs of the population. Moreover, Chomsky also indicates the harmful effects of policies that are prescribed to poor countries from institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization and the World Bank.

See also