Procedure code

Procedure codes are a sub-type of medical classification used to identify specific surgical, medical, or diagnostic interventions. The structure of the codes will depend on the classification; for example some use a numerical system, others alphanumeric.

Examples of procedure codes


North American


  • Classification des Actes Médicaux (CCAM) (used in France)
  • Classificatie van verrichtingen (Dutch)
  • Gebührenordnung für Ärzte (GOÄ) (Germany)
  • Nomenclature des prestations de santé de l'institut national d'assurance maladie invalidité (Belgium)
  • NOMESCO, the Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee, maintains codebooks for medical, surgical and radiological procedures termed NCMP, NCSP and NCRP respectively. They are used in member states of the Nordic Council, and to some extent in the Baltic states.
  • OPCS-4 (used by the NHS in England)
  • OPS-301 (adaptation of ICPM used in Germany)
  • Read codes, used in United Kingdom General Practice
  • TARMED (Switzerland)


See also