Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Emblem of the Council
Currently held by
1 January – 30 June 2024
Council of the European Union
Appointer Rotation among the EU member states
Term length Six months
Constituting instrument Treaties of the European Union
Formation 1958
First holder Belgium
Presidency trio

The presidency of the Council of the European Union is responsible for the functioning of the Council of the European Union, which is the co-legislator of the EU legislature alongside the European Parliament. It rotates among the member states of the EU every six months. The presidency is not an individual, but rather the position is held by a national government. It is sometimes incorrectly referred to as the "president of the European Union". The presidency's function is to chair meetings of the council, determine its agendas, set a work program and facilitate dialogue both at Council meetings and with other EU institutions. The presidency is currently, as of January 2024, held by Belgium.

Three successive presidencies are known as presidency trios. The current trio (2023–2024) is made up of Spain (July–December 2023), Belgium (January–June 2024) and Hungary (July–December 2024). The German presidency began the second cycle of presidencies, after the system was introduced in 2007.


When the council was established, its work was minimal and the presidency rotated between each of the then six members every six months. However, as the work load of the Council grew and the membership increased, the lack of coordination between each successive six-month presidency hindered the development of long-term priorities for the EU.

In order to rectify the lack of coordination, the idea of trio presidencies was put forward where groups of three successive presidencies cooperated on a common political program. This was implemented in 2007 and formally laid down in the EU treaties in 2009 by the Treaty of Lisbon.

Until 2009, the Presidency had assumed political responsibility in all areas of European integration and it played a vital role in brokering high-level political decisions.

The Treaty of Lisbon reduced the importance of the Presidency significantly by officially separating the European Council from the Council of the European Union. Simultaneously it split the foreign affairs Council configuration from the General Affairs configuration and created the position of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

After the United Kingdom's vote to leave the European Union in 2016 and its subsequent relinquishment of its scheduled presidency in the Council of the European Union which was due to take place from July to December 2017, the rotation of presidencies was brought six months forward. Estonia was scheduled to take over the UK's six-month slot instead. The presidency is currently (as of January 2024) held by Belgium.


The Council meets in various formations where its composition depends on the topic discussed. For example, the Agriculture Council is composed of the national ministers responsible for Agriculture.

The primary responsibility of the Presidency is to organise and chair all meetings of the council, apart from the Foreign Affairs Council which is chaired by the High Representative. So, for instance, the Minister of Agriculture for the state holding the presidency chairs the Agriculture council. This role includes working out compromises capable of resolving difficulties.

Article 16(9) of the Treaty on European Union provides:

The Presidency of Council configurations, other than that of Foreign Affairs, shall be held by Member State representatives in the Council on the basis of equal rotation, in accordance with the conditions established in accordance with Article 236 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

Each three successive presidencies cooperate on a "triple-shared presidency" work together over an 18-month period to accomplish a common agenda by the current president simply continuing the work of the previous "lead-president" after the end of his/her term. This ensures more consistency in comparison to a usual single six-month presidency and each three includes a new member state. This allows new member states to hold the presidency sooner and helps old member states pass their experience to the new members.

The role of the rotating Council Presidency includes:

  • agenda-setting powers: in its 6-month programme, it decides on the order to discuss propositions, after they have been submitted by the Commission in its agenda monopoly powers
  • brokering inter-institutional compromise: Formal Trilogue meetings between Commission, Parliament and Council are held to reach early consensus in the codecision legislative procedure; the Presidency takes part to the Conciliation Committee between Parliament and Council in the third stage of the codecision legislative procedure
  • coordinating national policies and brokering compromise between member states in the council ("confessional system")
  • management and administration of the council, external and internal representation

Holding the rotating Council Presidency includes both advantages and disadvantages for member states; The opportunities include:

  1. member states have the possibility to show their negotiating skills, as "honest brokers", thus gaining influence and prestige
  2. member states gain a privileged access to information: at the end of their term, they know member states' preferences better than anyone else
  3. the Council programme may enable member states to focus Council discussion on issues of particular national/regional interest (for example Finland and the Northern Dimension initiative)

The burdens include:

  1. lack of administrative capacities and experience, especially for small and new member states; the concept of trio/troika has been introduced to enable member states to share experiences and ensure coherence on an 18-months base
  2. expenses in time and money, needed to support the administrative machine
  3. not being able to push through their own interests, as the role of Council Presidency is seen as an impartial instance; member states trying to push for initiatives of their own national interest are likely to see them failing in the medium run (for example the French 2008 Presidency and the Union for the Mediterranean project), as they need consensus and do not have enough time to reach it. This element is particularly substantial: holding the presidency may be, on balance, a disadvantage for member states

List of rotations

Period Trio Holder Head of government Website
1958 January–June   Belgium Achille Van Acker
Gaston Eyskens (from 26 June)
July–December West Germany Konrad Adenauer
1959 January–June France Charles de Gaulle*
Michel Debré (from 8 January)
July–December Italy Antonio Segni
1960 January–June Luxembourg Pierre Werner
July–December Netherlands Jan de Quay
1961 January–June Belgium Gaston Eyskens
Théo Lefèvre (from 25 April)
July–December West Germany Konrad Adenauer
1962 January–June France Michel Debré
Georges Pompidou (from 14 April)
July–December Italy Amintore Fanfani
1963 January–June Luxembourg Pierre Werner
July–December Netherlands Jan de Quay
Victor Marijnen (from 24 July)
1964 January–June Belgium Théo Lefèvre
July–December West Germany Ludwig Erhard
1965 January–June France Georges Pompidou
July–December Italy Aldo Moro
1966 January–June Luxembourg Pierre Werner
July–December Netherlands Jo Cals
Jelle Zijlstra (from 22 November)
1967 January–June Belgium Paul Vanden Boeynants
July–December West Germany Kurt Georg Kiesinger
1968 January–June France Georges Pompidou
July–December Italy Giovanni Leone
Mariano Rumor (from 12 December)
1969 January–June Luxembourg Pierre Werner
July–December Netherlands Piet de Jong
1970 January–June Belgium Gaston Eyskens
July–December West Germany Willy Brandt
1971 January–June France Jacques Chaban-Delmas
July–December Italy Emilio Colombo
1972 January–June Luxembourg Pierre Werner
July–December Netherlands Barend Biesheuvel
1973 January–June Belgium Gaston Eyskens
Edmond Leburton (from 26 January)
July–December Denmark Anker Jørgensen
Poul Hartling (from 19 December)
1974 January–June West Germany Willy Brandt
Walter Scheel (7–16 May)
Helmut Schmidt (from 16 May)
July–December France Jacques Chirac
1975 January–June Ireland Liam Cosgrave
July–December Italy Aldo Moro
1976 January–June Luxembourg Gaston Thorn
July–December Netherlands Joop den Uyl
1977 January–June United Kingdom James Callaghan
July–December Belgium Leo Tindemans
1978 January–June Denmark Anker Jørgensen
July–December West Germany Helmut Schmidt
1979 January–June France Raymond Barre
July–December Ireland Jack Lynch
Charles Haughey
(from 11 December)
1980 January–June Italy Francesco Cossiga
July–December Luxembourg Pierre Werner
1981 January–June Netherlands Dries van Agt
July–December United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher
1982 January–June Belgium Wilfried Martens
July–December Denmark Anker Jørgensen
Poul Schlüter (from 10 September)
1983 January–June West Germany Helmut Kohl
July–December Greece Andreas Papandreou
1984 January–June France Pierre Mauroy
July–December Ireland Garret FitzGerald
1985 January–June Italy Bettino Craxi
July–December Luxembourg Jacques Santer
1986 January–June Netherlands Ruud Lubbers
July–December United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher
1987 January–June Belgium Wilfried Martens
July–December Denmark Poul Schlüter
1988 January–June West Germany Helmut Kohl
July–December Greece Andreas Papandreou
1989 January–June Spain Felipe González
July–December France Michel Rocard
1990 January–June Ireland Charles Haughey
July–December Italy Giulio Andreotti
1991 January–June Luxembourg Jacques Santer
July–December Netherlands Ruud Lubbers
1992 January–June Portugal Aníbal Cavaco Silva
July–December United Kingdom John Major
1993 January–June Denmark Poul Schlüter
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen (from 25 January)
July–December Belgium Jean-Luc Dehaene
1994 January–June Greece Andreas Papandreou
July–December Germany Helmut Kohl
1995 January–June France Édouard Balladur (until 17 May)
Alain Juppé (from 17 May)
July–December Spain Felipe González
1996 January–June Italy Lamberto Dini
Romano Prodi (from 17 May)
July–December Ireland John Bruton
1997 January–June Netherlands Wim Kok
July–December Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker
1998 January–June United Kingdom Tony Blair (archived)
July–December Austria Viktor Klima (archived)
1999 January–June Germany Gerhard Schröder
July–December Finland Paavo Lipponen (archived)
2000 January–June Portugal António Guterres (archived)
July–December France Lionel Jospin
2001 January–June Sweden Göran Persson (archived)
July–December Belgium Guy Verhofstadt (archived)
2002 January–June Spain José María Aznar (archived)
July–December Denmark Anders Fogh Rasmussen (archived)
2003 January–June Greece Costas Simitis
July–December Italy Silvio Berlusconi (archived)
2004 January–June Ireland Bertie Ahern (archived)
July–December Netherlands Jan Peter Balkenende (archived)
2005 January–June Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker
July–December United Kingdom Tony Blair (archived)
2006 January–June Austria Wolfgang Schüssel
July–December Finland Matti Vanhanen (archived)
2007 January–June T1 Germany Angela Merkel
July–December Portugal José Sócrates (archived)
2008 January–June Slovenia Janez Janša
July–December T2 France François Fillon (archived)
2009 January–June Czech Republic Mirek Topolánek
Jan Fischer (from 8 May)
July–December Sweden Fredrik Reinfeldt (archived)
2010 January–June T3 Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (archived) (archived)
July–December Belgium Yves Leterme
2011 January–June Hungary Viktor Orbán (archived)
July–December T4 Poland Donald Tusk (archived)
2012 January–June Denmark Helle Thorning-Schmidt
July–December Cyprus Demetris Christofias*
2013 January–June T5 Ireland Enda Kenny
July–December Lithuania Algirdas Butkevičius
2014 January–June Greece Antonis Samaras (archived)
July–December T6 Italy Matteo Renzi
2015 January–June Latvia Laimdota Straujuma
July–December Luxembourg Xavier Bettel
2016 January–June T7 Netherlands Mark Rutte (archived)
July–December Slovakia Robert Fico
2017 January–June Malta Joseph Muscat
July–December T8 Estonia Jüri Ratas
2018 January–June Bulgaria Boyko Borisov
July–December Austria Sebastian Kurz
2019 January–June T9 Romania Viorica Dăncilă
July–December Finland Antti Rinne
Sanna Marin (from 10 December)
2020 January–June Croatia Andrej Plenković
July–December T10 Germany Angela Merkel
2021 January–June Portugal António Costa
July–December Slovenia Janez Janša
2022 January–June T11 France Jean Castex
Élisabeth Borne (from 16 May)
July–December Czech Republic Petr Fiala
2023 January–June Sweden Ulf Kristersson
July–December T12 Spain Pedro Sánchez
2024 January–June Belgium Alexander De Croo
July–December Hungary TBD TBD
2025 January–June T13 Poland TBD TBD
July–December Denmark TBD TBD
2026 January–June Cyprus TBD TBD
July–December T14 Ireland TBD TBD
2027 January–June Lithuania TBD TBD
July–December Greece TBD TBD
2028 January–June T15 Italy TBD TBD
July–December Latvia TBD TBD
2029 January–June Luxembourg TBD TBD
July–December T16 Netherlands TBD TBD
2030 January–June Slovakia TBD TBD
July–December Malta TBD TBD

See also