Power Line

Power Line
Type of site
Conservative blog and news aggregator
Available in English
Founded May 27, 2002
Created by John H. Hinderaker, Scott W. Johnson, and Paul Mirengoff
URL www.powerlineblog.com
Launched 2002
Current status Active

Power Line is an American conservative or right-leaning political blog, founded in May 2002. Its posts were originally written by three lawyers who attended Dartmouth College together, namely John H. Hinderaker, Scott W. Johnson, and Paul Mirengoff. Contributors initially wrote under pen names; John Hinderaker, for example, wrote as "Hindrocket." The site is published by Joseph Malchow, also a Dartmouth graduate.

The site gained recognition for its role in covering the Killian documents story that aired during the 2004 Presidential campaign about forged documents relating to President George W. Bush's term of service in the Texas Air National Guard.

In 2004, Power Line was named Time magazine's first-ever "Blog of the Year". When AOL added blogs to their news website in 2007, Power Line was one of the five blogs included. A 2007 memo from the National Republican Senatorial Committee described Power Line as one of the five best-read national conservative blogs. CBS News described Powerline as "a prominent conservative blog."


The main contributors to Power Line are John H. Hinderaker, Scott W. Johnson, Steven F. Hayward, and Lloyd Billingsley. Susan Vass, writing under the name "Ammo Grrrll", contributes a humor column to the site every Friday.

In 2007, Forbes recognised Hinderaker as the #19th "biggest and brightest star on the web" on the strength of Powerline's work on Rathergate.


Power Line gained widespread recognition during the 2004 Killian documents controversy relating to a CBS report on George W. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard, starting with a post entitled "The Sixty-First Minute"; Powerline is credited with helping break the story. Conservatives (including Power Line, National Review Online and Little Green Footballs) referred to the controversy as "Rathergate". The blogs and their readers questioned the authenticity of the documents, presenting hints of supposed forgery. After noting that the alleged documents used a proportional font, Power Line helped advance the story, triggering coverage by mainstream media outlets. Dan Rather apologized and resigned from the CBS anchor chair.

See also