Portugaliae Mathematica

Portugaliae Mathematica
Discipline Mathematics
Language English
Edited by José Francisco Rodrigues
Publication details
History 1937-present
Frequency Quarterly
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4 Port. Math.
ISSN 0032-5155 (print)
1662-2758 (web)
LCCN a41002642
OCLC no. 612804655

Portugaliae Mathematica is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the European Mathematical Society on behalf of the Portuguese Mathematical Society. It covers all branches of mathematics. The journal was established in 1937, by António Aniceto Monteiro, its first editor-in-chief. The journal is abstracted and indexed in Zentralblatt MATH, Mathematical Reviews, the Science Citation Index Expanded, and Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences. The current editor-in-chief is José Francisco Rodrigues (Universidade de Lisboa).