Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council

The permanent members of the United Nations Security Council

The permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (also known as the Permanent Five, Big Five, or P5) are the five sovereign states to whom the UN Charter of 1945 grants a permanent seat on the UN Security Council: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The permanent members were all Allies in World War II (and the victors of that war), and are the five states with the first and most nuclear weapons. All have the power of veto which enables any one of them to prevent the adoption of any "substantive" draft Council resolution, regardless of its level of international support. The remaining 10 members of the UN Security Council are elected by the General Assembly, giving a total of 15 UN member states on the Security Council.

Permanent members

The following is a table of the current permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

State Current state representation Former state representation Executive leaders Permanent representative
China People's Republic of China Republic of China (1945–1949, 1949–1971) General Secretary and President: Xi Jinping
Premier of the State Council: Li Qiang

Zhang Jun
France French Republic (Fifth Republic) Provisional Government of the French Republic (1945–1946)
French Fourth Republic (1946–1958)
President: Emmanuel Macron
Prime Minister: Gabriel Attal

Nicolas de Rivière
Russia Russian Federation Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1945–1991) President: Vladimir Putin
Prime Minister: Mikhail Mishustin

Vasily Nebenzya
United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Monarch: King Charles III
Prime Minister: Rishi Sunak

Barbara Woodward
United States United States of America President: Joe Biden
Vice-President: Kamala Harris

Linda Thomas-Greenfield


The original permanent members of the United Nations Security Council in 1945 (dark blue) with their respective colonies and other holdings shown (pale blue)
Leaders of the five permanent member states at a summit in 2000. Clockwise from front left: Chinese paramount leader Jiang Zemin, U.S. President Bill Clinton, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and French President Jacques Chirac.

Based on the consensus on the Security Council's structure agreed upon at the 1944 Dumbarton Oaks Conference and subsequently at UN's founding in 1945, the five permanent members of the Security Council were the French Republic, the Republic of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. There have been two seat changes since then, although these have not been reflected in Article 23 of the UN Charter, as it has not been accordingly amended:

Additionally, France reformed its provisional government into the French Fourth Republic in 1946 and later into the French Fifth Republic in 1958, both under the leadership of Charles de Gaulle. France maintained its seat as there was no change in its international status or recognition, although many of its overseas possessions eventually became independent.

The five permanent members of the Security Council were the victorious powers in World War II and have maintained the world's most powerful military forces ever since. They annually top the list of countries with the highest military expenditures along with India and Germany; in 2011, they spent over US$1 trillion combined on defence, accounting for over 60% of global military expenditures (the U.S. alone accounting for over 40%). They are also among the world's top 10 largest arms exporters and are the only nations officially recognised as "nuclear-weapon states" under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), though there are other states known or believed to be in possession of nuclear weapons.

Veto power

The "power of veto" refers to the veto power wielded solely by the permanent members, enabling them to prevent the adoption of any "substantive" draft Council resolution, regardless of the level of international support for the draft. The veto does not apply to procedural votes, which is significant in that the Security Council's permanent membership can vote against a "procedural" draft resolution, without necessarily blocking its adoption by the council.

The veto is exercised when any permanent member—the so-called "P5" casts a "negative" vote on a "substantive" draft resolution. Abstention or absence from the vote by a permanent member does not prevent a draft resolution from being adopted.


The G4 nations: Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan

There have been proposals suggesting the introduction of new permanent members. The candidates usually mentioned are Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan. They compose the group of four countries known as the G4 nations, which mutually support one another's bids for permanent seats.

This sort of reform has traditionally been opposed by the Uniting for Consensus group, which is composed primarily of nations that are regional rivals and economic competitors of the G4. The group is composed of Italy and Spain (opposing Germany), Colombia, Mexico and Argentina (opposing Brazil), Pakistan (opposing India), and South Korea (opposing Japan), in addition to Canada, Malta and Turkey. Since 1992, Italy and other council members have instead proposed semi-permanent seats or expanding the number of temporary seats.

Most of the leading candidates for permanent membership are regularly elected onto the Security Council by their respective groups. Japan was elected for eleven two-year terms, Brazil for ten terms, and Germany for three terms. India has been elected to the council eight times in total, with the most recent successful bid being in 2020.

In 2013, the P5 and G4 members of the UN Security Council accounted for eight of the world's ten largest defence budgets, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

Leaders of the permanent members

The following are the heads of state or heads of government that represent the permanent members of the UN Security Council as of 2022:

Historical leaders

Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Richard Nixon Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan George H. W. Bush Bill Clinton George W. Bush Barack Obama Donald Trump Joe Biden Clement Attlee Winston Churchill Anthony Eden Harold Macmillan Alec Douglas-Home Harold Wilson Edward Heath Harold Wilson James Callaghan Margaret Thatcher John Major Tony Blair Gordon Brown David Cameron Theresa May Boris Johnson Liz Truss Rishi Sunak Joseph Stalin Georgy Malenkov Nikita Khrushchev Leonid Brezhnev Yuri Andropov Konstantin Chernenko Mikhail Gorbachev Boris Yeltsin Vladimir Putin Dmitry Medvedev Vladimir Putin Charles de Gaulle Vincent Auriol René Coty Charles de Gaulle Georges Pompidou Valéry Giscard d'Estaing François Mitterrand Jacques Chirac Nicolas Sarkozy François Hollande Emmanuel Macron Chiang Kai-shek Li Zongren Chiang Kai-shek Mao Zedong Hua Guofeng Deng Xiaoping Jiang Zemin Hu Jintao Xi Jinping

See also