Order of Saint Elizabeth

Order of Saint Elizabeth
St. Elisabethenorden
Badge and sash of the order
Awarded by
Electorate of Bavaria, Kingdom of Bavaria
Type Feminine Order
Royal house House of Wittelsbach
Status House Order
Founder Electress Elisabeth Auguste
Sovereign Franz, Duke of Bavaria
Grand Mistress Princess Elisabeth
Chancellor Princess Sophie
Grades Grand Mistress Dame
Dame, Special Class
Dame, 1st Class
Dame, 2nd Class
Next (higher) Royal Order of Saint Hubert
Next (lower) Royal Order of Max Joseph
Equivalent Royal Order of Saint George for the Defense of the Immaculate Conception

Ribbon bar of the order

The Order of Saint Elizabeth was an all-female chivalric and charitable order in the Kingdom of Bavaria. The following excerpt is from The Orders of Knighthood, British and Foreign (1884):


The first Consort of the Elector Charles Theodore of the Palatinate, Elizabeth Augusta, daughter of the Palatine Joseph Charles Emanuel of Schultzbach, founded this Order for ladies in honor of her sainted patroness and namesake on 18 October 1766, as a purely charitable institution for the poor. It was confirmed on 31 January 1767, by Pope Clement XII, and endowed with various indulgencies. The Catholic religion and the Seize Quartiers – the proof of noble descent running through sixteen generations of their own or their husband’s ancestors – are indispensable conditions for candidates. The Grand Mistress is, however, empowered to nominate and unlimited number of ladies, from Princely Houses and her own Court, as also six other married or widowed ladies of noble, but not ancient descent. The nomination takes place either on Easter or on Saint Elizabeth’s Day (19 November). The entrance fee is four ducats. The badge is a white enameled cross, representing on one side Saint Elizabeth dispensing charity to the poor, and on the other, the initials of the founder. It is worn on the left breast by a blue ribbon with a red border. No Member can appear in public without it, except by fine of one ducat. The King appoints the Grand Mistress.



  • Tagore, Rajah Sir Sourindro Mohun. The Orders of Knighthood, British and Foreign. Calcutta, India: The Catholic Orphan Press, 1884