Order-5 120-cell honeycomb

Order-5 120-cell honeycomb
(No image)
Type Hyperbolic regular honeycomb
Schläfli symbol {5,3,3,5}
Coxeter diagram
4-faces {5,3,3}
Cells {5,3}
Faces {5}
Face figure {5}
Edge figure {3,5}
Vertex figure {3,3,5}
Dual Self-dual
Coxeter group K4, [5,3,3,5]
Properties Regular

In the geometry of hyperbolic 4-space, the order-5 120-cell honeycomb is one of five compact regular space-filling tessellations (or honeycombs). With Schläfli symbol {5,3,3,5}, it has five 120-cells around each face. It is self-dual. It also has 600 120-cells around each vertex.

Related honeycombs

It is related to the (order-3) 120-cell honeycomb, and order-4 120-cell honeycomb. It is analogous to the order-5 dodecahedral honeycomb and order-5 pentagonal tiling.

Birectified order-5 120-cell honeycomb

The birectified order-5 120-cell honeycomb constructed by all rectified 600-cells, with octahedron and icosahedron cells, and triangle faces with a 5-5 duoprism vertex figure and has extended symmetry [[5,3,3,5]].

See also