Notorious market

A notorious market is a website or physical market where, according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), large-scale intellectual property infringement takes place. Officially termed Notorious Markets for Counterfeiting and Piracy, the USTR has generated a yearly list of such notorious markets since 2006 with input from various industry groups.


Since 2006, the members of the International Intellectual Property Alliance in conjunction with the Office of the United States Trade Representative has annually filed a list of Notorious Markets as a part of their Special 301 Report to the U.S. federal government. It lists virtual markets (websites) and physical markets outside of the US where large scale copyright infringement takes place and recommends trade sanctions for countries with weak copyright protection enforcement. Since 2010 the list is separately issued as a part of an out-of-cycle review between the main report submissions.

Whilst the list of markets does not directly form national trade policy, the report says "[t]he United States encourages the responsible authorities to step up efforts to combat piracy and counterfeiting in these and similar markets."

List creation process

The notorious market list is created following input from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and Motion Picture Association (MPAA), as well as other industry groups. The goal of the list is to encourage governments to take action against intellectual property violations, as well as encouraging markets to reform. Sites include torrenting websites such as The Pirate Bay, stream ripping sites, and sites for cheating in online games.



MPAA submission RIAA submission Report Date published
2006 Special 301 Report 2006
2007 Special 301 Report 2007
2008 Special 301 Report 2008
2009 Special 301 Report April 2009
2010 Special 301 Report April 2010
November 2010 November 2010 2010 Out-of-Cycle Review February 2011
October 2011 2011 Out-of-Cycle Review December 2011
September 2012 August 2012 2012 Out-of-Cycle Review December 2012
October 2013 September 2013 2013 Out-of-Cycle Review February 2014
October 2014 October 2014 2014 Out-of-Cycle Review March 2015
2015 Out-of-Cycle Review December 2015
2016 Out-of-Cycle Review December 2016
2017 Out-of-Cycle Review January 2018
2018 Out-of-Cycle Review April 2019
2019 Review of Notorious Markets April 2020
2020 Review of Notorious Markets January 2021
2021 Review of Notorious Markets February 2022

See also