Ngunnawal language

Northern Inland Yuin
Region New South Wales & ACT, Australia
Ethnicity Ngunnawal, Gandangara
  • Ngunawal/Ngunnawal
  • Gundungurra
Language codes
ISO 639-3 Either:
xul – Ngunawal
xrd – Gundungurra
Glottolog nort2760
AIATSIS D3 Ngunawal/Ngunnawal, S60 Gundungurra

Ngunnawal/Ngunawal is an Australian Aboriginal language, the traditional language of the Ngunnawal. Ngunnawal is very closely related to the Gandangara language and the two were most likely highly mutually intelligible. As such they can be considered dialects of a single unnamed language, but this is the technical linguistic usage of these terms and Ngunnawal people prefer to describe their variety as a language in its own right, as also do the Gandangara.


Gundungurra/Ngunawal is generally classified to fall within the tentative (and perhaps geographic) Yuin–Kuric group of the Pama–Nyungan family.


The traditional country of the Ngunnawal is generally thought to have extended from near Goulburn, west to Boorowa, south through Canberra, perhaps to Queanbeyan, and extending west to around the Goodradigbee River.


Ngunawal consonants
Labial Apico-
Stop b d ɟ g
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Trill r
Lateral l ʎ
Approximant w ɹ j
  • Retroflex sounds [ɖ, ɳ, ɭ] may have also been recorded in limited distribution.
  • Stops /b, d, ɟ, ɡ/ may also be heard as voiceless [p, t, c, k] when in word-final or syllable-final positions.
  • /ɹ/ may have also been heard as [ɻ].
Ngunawal vowels
Front Central Back
High i, iː u, uː
Low a, aː

Current status

The Ngunnawal community has for some years been engaged in work to revive the language with the aim being to bring it back into daily use within the community. They have been working with AIATSIS linguists to assist them with this work, and with identifying historical records that can be used for this work.

Ngunawal words

Ngunawal words and phrases and English translations
Ngunawal English Ref.
Balbo Kangaroo rat
Bamir Long
Bargang Yellow box
Berra Boomerang
Bimbi Bird
Bimbiang Shield
Bindugan Mussel
Birrigai To laugh
Budyan Birds
Bunburung Small lizard
Bunduluk Rosella
Bunima Blow (as wind)
Burrai Quick
Burrum-bah Where the kangaroo, the wallaby, bounces over the rocks
Bural Day
Burin Stringybark
Dhangarn Food
Daramoolen Dreaming
Darwa A transition for ceremony
Dulwa Casuarina trees
Dyindan Ring-tail possum
Galu Crane
Gamburra Flowers
Gang-gang Gang-gang cockatoo
Giliruk pee wee
Ginninderra Sparkling light
Ginin-ginin-derry Sparkling, throwing out little rays of light
(possibly a description of a waterfall)
Gubbity Pipeclay
Gubur Dhaura Red ochre ground
Gudali To hunt
Guginya Kookaburra
Gula Koala
Gulwan Younger sister
Gummiuk Bulrushes
Gunyan Slow
Jedbinbilla A place where boys become men
Gurubun Koala
Kubbadang Moon
Karrugang Magpie
Kudyera Fighting club
Kanbarra Meeting Place
Madi Very
Mulleun Eagle
Mulunggang Platypus
Mundang Canoe
Mundawari Bandicoot
Munjuwa Tracks, Foot
Mura Pathway
Mura gadi Pathways for searching
Murra Bidgee Mullangari Keeping the pathway to our ancestors alive
Murrung Lizard
Nangi To see or look
Narragunnawali Alive/well-being/coming together
Nengi Bamir See far (view)
Ngadyung Water
Ngunna yerrabi yanggu You're welcome to leave your footprints on our land
Nguru Camp
Pajong Ngunnawal clan group
Tuggeranong Cold place
Umbagong Axe
Walga Hawk
Wallabalooa Ngunnawal clan group
Warabin Curlew
Warrumbul Youth
Weereewa Lake George
(translates roughly to "bad water")
Wimbaliri Drink
Winnunga nimmityjah Strong health
Winyu Sun
Wirria Tree goanna
Woggabaliri Play
Yarrh Running water
Yeal-am-bid-gie Molonglo River
Yerra Swim, to fly like a bird
Yerrabi To walk
Yerradhang Eucalyptus Tree
Yukkumbruk Black Crow
Yumba Eel
wolway waterfall
Yuyu Mopoke

More words are compiled online in The Wiradyuri and Other Languages of New South Wales, an article by Robert H. Mathews first published in the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute in 1904.