Nabataean (Unicode block)

Range U+10880..U+108AF
(48 code points)
Plane SMP
Scripts Nabataean
Major alphabets Nabataean alphabet
Assigned 40 code points
Unused 8 reserved code points
Unicode version history
7.0 (2014) 40 (+40)
Unicode documentation
Code chartโ€ƒโˆฃโ€ƒWeb page

Nabataean is a Unicode block containing characters for writing the ancient Nabataean language.

Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+1088x ๐ข€โ€Ž ๐ขโ€Ž ๐ข‚โ€Ž ๐ขƒโ€Ž ๐ข„โ€Ž ๐ข…โ€Ž ๐ข†โ€Ž ๐ข‡โ€Ž ๐ขˆโ€Ž ๐ข‰โ€Ž ๐ขŠโ€Ž ๐ข‹โ€Ž ๐ขŒโ€Ž ๐ขโ€Ž ๐ขŽโ€Ž ๐ขโ€Ž
U+1089x ๐ขโ€Ž ๐ข‘โ€Ž ๐ข’โ€Ž ๐ข“โ€Ž ๐ข”โ€Ž ๐ข•โ€Ž ๐ข–โ€Ž ๐ข—โ€Ž ๐ข˜โ€Ž ๐ข™โ€Ž ๐ขšโ€Ž ๐ข›โ€Ž ๐ขœโ€Ž ๐ขโ€Ž ๐ขžโ€Ž
U+108Ax ๐ขงโ€Ž ๐ขจโ€Ž ๐ขฉโ€Ž ๐ขชโ€Ž ๐ขซโ€Ž ๐ขฌโ€Ž ๐ขญโ€Ž ๐ขฎโ€Ž ๐ขฏโ€Ž
1. ^ As of Unicode version 15.1
2. ^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Nabataean block:

Version Final code points Count L2 ID WG2 ID Document
7.0 U+10880..1089E, 108A7..108AF 40 L2/10-294 N3875 Everson, Michael (2010-07-25), Preliminary proposal for encoding the Nabataean script in the SMP of the UCS
L2/10-473 N3969 Everson, Michael (2010-12-09), Proposal for encoding the Nabataean script in the SMP of the UCS
L2/11-016 Moore, Lisa (2011-02-15), "C.8", UTC #126 / L2 #223 Minutes
N4103 "11.2.10 Nabataean script", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 58, 2012-01-03
  1. Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names