
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Doctor Who
Release no. 185
Featuring Fifth Doctor
Written by Mark Morris
Directed by Ken Bentley
Production code 6CS
Length 120 min approx
Release date April 2014

Moonflesh is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.


The Doctor and Nyssa arrive in Suffolk in 1911 and are surprised to find elephants, lions and other non-native wildlife near to the TARDIS. The owner of the estate where they have landed, Nathaniel Whitlock, saves then from a hungry lion and explains that he has had the animals shipped over from other countries to be hunted.

Mr. Whitlock and his daughter extend their hospitality to the Doctor and Nyssa, allowing them to stay the night. A strange crystalline object known as Moonflesh and how it was obtained by a man known only as Silver Crow is a source of the evening's discussion among all of Whitlock's guests. But what is the mysterious Moonflesh, why are some of the animals behaving strangely and can an alien being called Vatuus really be trusted?
