Medal of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay

Medal of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Awarded forReciprocity reasons
Sponsored byPresidency of Uruguay
EstablishedAugust 28, 1992
First awarded1993

The Medal of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay is a distinction of Uruguay created by Law No. 16300 and awarded by the Presidency of the Republic at the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to foreign personalities, by reason of the principle of protocol reciprocity.

The law by which it was created, on August 28, 1992, establishes that the executive power is authorized to mint the medal, with the objective that the Presidency, at the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, deliver it to foreign personalities with reasons reciprocity, previously reporting to the General Assembly, and entrusts the executive power with the regulation of the registration, design, ceremony and other matters of the medal. The regulation of the law was given by Decree No. 132/993 of March 16, 1993, which approves the Regulation of the Medal.


The distinction consists of the medal and the diploma. The medal is characterized by having on its forehead the national coat of arms, made of 24-karat gold-plated metal with dimensions of 65 millimeters high by 60 millimeters wide. Its Sun is carved, the laurel and olive leaves accompany the oval of the coat of arms in half a carved point, and its center have a "bulge", with white and blue enameled colors with a glass finish. The reverse of it contains the text "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" in relief and with a diameter of 41 millimeters, and in the center the text "Medal of the Republic" in relief, straight in three lines.

To reward the medal there is a public act directed by the president of the republic, who rewards the medal along with a diploma signed by himself. If award is not possible because the beneficiary is abroad, it can be done by a person designated by the executive power.


Recipients Rfs.
Mexico – President Carlos Salinas de Gortari
Costa Rica – President Rafael Ángel Calderón Fournier
Spain – President of the Regional Government of Galicia Manuel Fraga Iribarne
Argentina – President Carlos Saúl Menem
Poland – President Lech Wałęsa
Brazil – President Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Italy – President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro
Argentina – Ambassador Alicia Martínez Ríos
Bolivia – Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Aranibar Quiroga
Venezuela – President Rafael Caldera
Chile – Minister of Foreign Affairs José Miguel Insulza Salinas
Paraguay – Minister of Foreign Affairs Luis María Ramírez Boettner
Mexico – Secretary of Foreign Affairs José Ángel Gurría Treviño
Lithuania – President Algirdas Brazauskas
Brazil – Ambassador Renato Prado Guimaraes
United Nations – Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization Jacques Diouf
Romania – President Ion Iliescu
Paraguay – President Juan Carlos Wasmosy
Chile – President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle
Malaysia – Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad
Mexico – President Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León
France – President Jacques Chirac
Brazil – Vice President Marco Maciel
Malaysia – King Ja'afar of Negeri Sembilan
Spain – King Juan Carlos I
Spain – Queen Sofía
Czech Republic – President Václav Havel
Panama – Minister of Foreign Affairs Ricardo Alberto Arias Arias
Panama – President Ernesto Pérez Balladares
Spain – Minister of Foreign Affairs Abel Matutes Juan
South Africa – Ambassador Vaughan C. R. Dewing
Spain – Viscount of the Castle of Almasa Fernando de Almasa
Belgium – Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene
Paraguay – Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for Economic Affairs Antonio Félix López Acosta
Brazil – Minister of Foreign Affairs Luiz Felipe Lampreia
Brazil – Minister of Transport Alcides Saldanha
Brazil – Minister of Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade Francisco Neves Dornelles
Brazil – Minister of Mines and Energy Raimundo Mendes Brito
Brazil – Head of the Military House Alberto Mendes Cardoso
Brazil – Governor of Rio Grande do Sul Antônio Britto
Brazil – Governor of Sergipe Albano Franco
Brazil – Ambassador Gelson Fonseca Junior
Brazil – Ambassador Affonso Emilio de Alencastro Massot
Brazil – Ambassador Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves
Brazil – Ambassador Frederico Cezar de Araujo
Brazil – Director General of the Federal Police Vicente Chelotti
Brazil – General Director of the Department of Latin American Integration Renato Luiz Rodrigues Marques
Brazil – Valter Pecly Moreira
Brazil – Marcos Borges Duprat Ribeiro
Brazil – Paulo Cesar de Olivera Campos
Brazil – Marcio Nunes Cambraia
Brazil – Undersecretary of Communications Ana Elisa Tavares de Miranda
Brazil – Colonel Walter Justus
Brazil – Colonel José Elito Carvalho
Brazil – Diplomat Luiz Gilberto Seixas de Andrade
Brazil – Diplomat María Luiza Ribeiro Viotti
Brazil – Diplomat Sérgio Danese
Brazil – Diplomat Virgínia Bernardes de Souza Toniatti
Brazil – Diplomat Virgínia Bernardes de Souza Toniatti
Brazil – Edelcio José Ansarah
Brazil – Roberto Abdala
Brazil – Lieutenant Commander Carlos Alberto de Souza Filho
Brazil – Major Ricardo Borges
Brazil – Diplomat José Humberto de Brito Cruz
Brazil – Diplomat Carlos Alexandre Ferreira
Brazil – Diplomat Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares
Brazil – Diplomat Alan Coelho de Séllos
Brazil – Diplomat Marco Antonio Nakata
Portugal – Minister of Foreign Affairs Jaime Gama
Portugal – Prime Minister Antonio Guterres
France – Minister of Culture Philippe Douste-Blazy
France – Minister of State Michel Barnier
France – Delegate Minister of Finance and Foreign Trade Yves Galland
France – Ambassador Jean-Francois Nougarede
France – Senator Xavier de Villepin
France – Secretary General to the President Dominique de Villepin
France – MP Nicole Catala
France – President of the France-Uruguay Friendship Group Michel Inchauspe
France – President of the France-South America Friendship Group Roland du Luart
Ecuador – Minister of Foreign Affairs José Ayala Lasso
Ecuador – Coordinator of Diplomatic Affairs of the Presidency Gustavo Cordovez Pareja
Ecuador – Director of Protocol Miguel Vazco
Ecuador – President Fabián Alarcón Rivera
France – Co-organizer of the 1998 World Cup Michel Platini
France – Diplomatic Counselor of the Presidency Jean-David Levitte
France – Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Catherine Colonna
France – Chief of Cabinet of France Annie Lheritier
France – Ambassador Daniel Jouanneau
European Union – Vice-President of the European Commission Manuel Marín
Argentina – Ambassador Benito Llambí
Austria – Ambassador Peter Müller
International Olympic Committee – President Juan Antonio Samaranch
Brazil – Ambassador Luiz Augusto de Araujo Castro
Paraguay – President Luis Angel González Macchi
Chile – President Ricardo Lagos Escobar
Italy – President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
Italy – Minister of Foreign Affairs Lamberto Dini
Costa Rica – Minister of Foreign Affairs Roberto Rojas
Guatemala – Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabriel Orellana
Costa Rica – President Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Echeverría
Dominican Republic – President Hipólito Mejía Domínguez
El Salvador – Minister of Foreign Affairs María Eugenia Brizuela de Ávila
Argentina – Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Adalberto Rodríguez Giavarini
Argentina – Consul Julio Lascano y Vedia
United Nations – Director-General of the World Trade Organization Mike Moore
Organization of American States – Director of the Pan American Health Organization George Alleyne
Brazil – Ambassador Francisco Thompson Flores
Ecuador – Minister of Foreign Affairs Heinz Moeller
Spain – Minister of Defense Federico Trillo Figueroa
Brazil – Head of Ceremonial of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ruy de Lima Casaes e Silva
Brazil – Undersecretary for South American Affairs Luiz Filipe de Macedo Soares Guimaraes
Brazil – Director-General of the Department of the Americas Antonino Lisboa Mena Goncalves
Argentina – Ambassador Hernán Patiño Mayer
Argentina – President Eduardo Alberto Duhalde
Argentina – Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Ruckauf
Argentina – Former Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers Alfredo Atanasof
Italy – Minister of Defense Antonio Martino – (Grand Officer)
Italy – Secretary General of the Presidency Gaetano Gifuni – (Grand Officer)
Italy – Mayor of Rome Walter Veltroni – (Grand Officer)
Italy – Head of Ceremonial of the Presidency Filippo Romano – (Commander)
Italy – Ambassador Giorgio Malfatti di Montetretto – (Commander)
Italy – Sub-secretary of the Foreign Ministry Mario Baccini – (Grand Officer)
Italy – President of Lombardy Roberto Formigoni – (Grand Officer)
Italy – Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi – (Grand Cordon)
Italy – Honorary Consul of Tuscany Silvio Fancellu – (Officer)
Italy – President of the Chamber of Deputies Pier Ferdinando Casini – (Grand Cordon)
Italy – Minister of Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini – (Grand Officer)
Italy – President of the Senate Marcello Pera – (Grand Cordon)
Italy – Director of the South America Office Giorgio Di Pietrogiacomo – (Commander)
Italy – President of Tuscany Claudio Martini – (Grand Officer)
China – Head of the AQSIQ Li Changjiang – (Grand Officer)
Colombia – President Álvaro Uribe Vélez – (Grand Cordon)
India – Chairman of Tata Group Ratan Tata – (Commander)
Brazil – Minister of Defense José Viegas Filho
Brazil – Gobernor of Rio Grande do Sul Germano Rigotto
Italy – Honorary Consul of Uruguay in Padua-Venice Angelo Ferro
United States – Ambassador Martin J. Silverstein
United States – Chairman of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board William Joseph McDonough
United States – Executive Vice President of the International Affairs and Emerging Markets Group Terrence Checki
Argentina – Ambassador delegate in the negotiations of the Rio de la Plata Treaty Guillermo de la Plaza
United States – Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs John B. Taylor
China – Ambassador Wang Yongzhan
Brazil – Ambassador Eduardo Dos Santos
Chile – President Michelle Bachelet
Venezuela – President Hugo Chávez Frías
France – Ambassador Laurent Joseph Rapin
Chile – Ambassador Carlos Appelgren
Bolivia – Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca
Paraguay – Foreign Minister Rubén Ramírez Lezcano
Qatar – Ambassador to the UN Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser
European Union – Former Head of the Delegation of the European Communities to the GATT Van-Thinh Paul Trân
United Nations – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Argentina – Member of the National Academy of Fine Arts Nicolás García Uriburu
France – President François Hollande
China – Foreign Minister Wang Yi
China – Minister of Commerce Gao Hucheng
China – Minister of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Zhi Shuping
ChileHeraldo Muñoz Valenzuela – (Grand Officer)
Bolivia – President of the CAF – Development Bank of Latin America L. Enrique Garcia
Mexico – President Enrique Peña Nieto
Brazil – Ambassador Hadil Fontes da Rocha Vianna
Japan – Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
China – Foreign Minister Wang Yi
United Nations – Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization José Graziano da Silva